This is official promotional artwork for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.
This is official promotional artwork for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Why has Spiderman got lupus now and is fighting giant Freddie Mercury?
Me on the left
Hagrid bout to lay some less pipe up arachnoman's tight black ass
Buy tekken 7 goy
why is spiderman fighting saxton hale
Buy UNI[st] friend.
Haggers face just doesn't look good.
I would if it CAME OUT ALREADY!
>not posting the worst one
You just know this shit is going to be propped up as one of the 'main games' of the FGC, because it's just a big corporate turd now. Gotta worship Capcom for it's complete lack of effort or respect for it's audience while good games die from lack of promotion.
It is out and it's amazing.
>right hand on right leg
>right foot on right arm
Amazing design here
At least it looks like Haggar. The MVC3 comic was much worse.
Hagger isn't even looking at Spiderman. How did this pass?
ot just that that, both his eyes looking in different direction
It's not Marvel vs Capcom without the Xmen. Thank you Fox, I hope Family guy crashes and burns.
>Marvel vs TF2*
SPUDERMAN VS HOGGAR! My favorite matchup!
Jesus, that looks just like that terrible frame of Batman crying on the Injustice comic.
I don't see what's wrong with it...
No amount of X-men could fix that turd of a game.
Are you going blind user?
>Want to buy it
>Only have PS3
I know its coming to PS3 as well as PS4 and Vita, but i question how big of a community it will have on PS3. Will it be on Steam?
You think that's bad? This is the official poster for the SF 30th Anniversary.
People with ps3 can play with people on ps4. Vita has no online and Steam is like a year+ away.
That is better though. Considerably.
Looks like an average comic book panel, so?
Why does Vega wear a ninja mask or is that another character with claw?
thats not that bad at all, but who the fuck is the claw ninja? dont tell me thats vega
That's not too bad. Other then why the fuck is Ryu from Ninja Gaiden there?
It's Geki from the first SF retards, aside Ryu and Chun Li there's a character for each of the games (Akuma being for SFV for some reason).
You are just looking to hate on nothing lol
That's Geki from SF1
why are fighting game fans whiny faggots?
Poor Ryu
>implying this isn't one of the best ones
Thats Shenlong
Haggar is massive
Damnit, are you psychic?
Also, no Bison
no buy, son
Seriously? Who the fuck wants to play as the Shitvengers and Guardians of the Fagxlay? The Xmen were badass and more adult. Those two groups of Superheros are no more then dead horses that Disney releases Merchandise of so that retarded little shits can buy them. I hope Disney makes Fox go bankrupt, they removed the best characters in the Marvel Vs Capcom Universe and replaced them with Mario-tier Cashcows.
>are you psychic?
that's a weird question that has no relation what so ever.
it's a weird image...
>The Xmen were badass and more adult.
Jesus, just say that you want to play as based snikt bub or magneto.
this mentality has been pissing me off so much. being critical and voting with our wallets is what's going to make Capcom change their tune, if anything.
Oh, and he was going on and on about how there's too much negativity BUT LOOK WHAT IT ACCOMPLISHED: Chun Li got a face lift because of all the hate. Imagine if that much concentrated negativity went into everything bad... we'd have amazing games.
>japanese devs
you're stupid, user.
This is even worse then that cgi spiderman
Marvel Vs Capcom died the moment when Fox put their crummy hands on Marvel IPs, I hope they go to hell.
No, because Fox had to touch the best franchises marvel had created, Now Disney owns the biggest cashcows that nobody likes. It's not going to be the same once the game is released, It's another fucking game that little shits will grab their shit covered hands onto. I don't even buy my kids that cashcow garbage and they love the Xmen.
This guy gets it. There is like only one good x-man, two if you count deadpool as one.
Story time?
Deadpool is another one that Fox had to take away, I hope Disney destroys those Family Guy making fucks. I hope the Simpsons gets cancelled, I hope Bordertown is utterly destroyed and I hope every single fox television show fails. I want to take a big shit on Rupert Murdoch especially. Fox is owned by kikes who want to destroy every thing they touch. FUCK FOX
Would but i only found the UMVC3 one, all the MVC3s are unreadable.
Like said there are only a handful of good x-men
>Deadpool in a game where the heroes attempt to work alongside Thanos
Yeah...don't see that working out too well, since Pool is cucking his waifu.
Fucking CAPCOM USA and the pig disgusting UDON crowd. We got this BEAUTIFUL Kinu art on the last game. What is going on?
Alrighty then, I'm cool with the mvc one, pls
>Disney decides to be spiteful towards a franchise because someone else has the movie rights
>Fuck Fox
It wasn't Disney, it was Ike Pearlmutter
Name one thing that isn't shit about the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy? protip you can't because only retarded kids and move virgins like them.
Fox and Rupert Fagdoch made it impossible for the Xmen and Deadpool to appear in the newest game. I hope someone goes fool Virginia tech on them.
Fox should've given the franchisees to Disney without having a fuss. Instead Rupert Murdoch the Australian fuck he is decided to increase tensions among Fox and Disney.
We even got fucking Bengus making such beautiful art that impacted all western comic artists of that era.
Holy shit is Spidey ATATATATATATATA-ing?
>Fox and Rupert Fagdoch made it impossible
They didn't. Disney/Marvel just doesn't want to indirectly promote the X-Men movies anymore.
>Name one thing that isn't shit about the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy? protip you can't because only retarded kids and move virgins like them.
There are alot of shitty things about the mcu avengers and GoG, for example the lack of quasar is disturbing. But we are talking about x-men here bud
>Fox should've given the franchisees to Disney without having a fuss.
Too bad their X-Men and X-Men related movies in recent years have actually been good
Fantastic Four on the other hand.......
We could've had a poster like that hadn't pic related ruined everything.
Yeah and guess who's fault was that, This would've never happened hadn't Fox just admit defeat.
Capcom used to be the metric that measured videogame artists and illustrators... This just breaks my heart.
Does Freddie Mercury fap with his left hand?
Someone post the Ryu vs. Black Panther cover.
They would've been more successful if Disney owned them. We could've had Wolverine and Deadpool not Rocket Fagcoon and Le Nazi Punching Man Captain Kikemerica.
Still better than the swimsuit issue they sold.
Dis gon be good, ty user
>Chris's face at the bottom panel
He's seen some b.o.w. shit
But Raccoon is one of the most important Guardians members and Cap is one of the most famous superheroes of all time (Fuck Marvel's "Captain America was always a Hydra Agent lol. Buy our comics" shit.)
That's pretty sick. Guess i'll just stick with Late[st] PS3 version until i can get it on Steam.
Black Panther is Gaston confirmed
It looks like spiderman is giving that guy a lap dance.
Chun can't catch a brake
Even Shinkiro for fucks sake.
It's weird to think that the PS3 is still getting games
I asked for this because I thought it would make me laugh. I now see how wrong I was.
holy shit... ryu has a twin sister?
That's not fucking real.
So in the end, were the rumors that this isn't a Capcom Japan game, but sourced to Double Helix true? Because is really FUCKING UGLY. Jesus Christ.
>Fuck Marvel's "Captain America was always a Hydra Agent lol.
They retcon it by saying he was hypnotized to make him think he was a Hydra agent the entire time, or something like that.
The absolute state of Marvel, someone actually got paid for this.
OMG is this a BoBoBo reference?
A lot of people in japan still play on ps3.
What's so bad about this
Literally what do you find bad about this?
>Mummy and Dada can you buy me a rocket racoon doll so I can shove it up my ass
>Retarded people and manchildren like retarded things
Rly makes you think
He really improved in his old days. His faces look less like George Clooney.