In your opinion who is the best zelda girl

In your opinion who is the best zelda girl

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Is that motherfucking Oda Non?

>best Zelda girl
>literally drag-queen Osama Bin Laden

this page is well-drawn tho

God if this isn't femdom I will be so fucking disappointed

I come from another world


or its his butt budy who's basically adapted his style

>she still loves you even if you throw her at the wall

She was built for sex.

So did Ruto tho

8/10 nose too small


This hylian vai

Prepare to be disappointed

Yes it is.

>Zelda, look how hard I can pee

Getting a 404 not found, user

Full thing where?

Strange but here you go :

Is that a dildo?

Eh, a strong woman losing to dick is fine too. At least it's not a faceless fat fuck

>No abs

no, its a big glass and she's peeing on it with her two cocks

Fish is best

Cia, with Urbosa being second.


they always do this shit, dommy woman they make submissive the second they start fucking, godDAMN i hate Japan

Here's the two best
1. Urbosa
2. Nabooru
3. Isha
4. Ashai

Well at least it's Link and not some faceless dude.




Tell me theres good doujins of her

So in Lorule do girls go up on guys?

That would just be kissing but yes

the loli's anything else is a the wrong response

Medli takes the cake.

All of you wanting to sex up a 7-foot brown man need to get out of here with that shit.

Is it so wrong that I can't get my mental gymnastics to contrive a narrative tying together Mila and Link?

I just wanted Link to offer her the house he got from the school teacher for giving 10 necklaces he certainly stole.

I want her to spoon me in bed

He literally has the option to tell her she's cute.

I don't even particularly care for Ilia I just really like this picture

I want to touch her feet.

I drew this a little while ago.


Cremia; Second day second base.
Third day...

As well as this.

I'd forgotten about the resolution limit.
You'd have thought size limit would've been enough.

I want to be her toy

Yeah they do that and throw every female ever into a schoolgirl outfit for titilation.

They have a template they stick to it.

>fish skeleton and grilled chicken


I chuckled. Very nice, user.

I still feel like the River/Sea Zora both having a place in the same game could be interesting.

I'm not really sure what the fuck's up with LOZ2's Blue-Dog Zoras though.

> no abbs
Oda is a fucking faggot

>wanting masculine features on a woman

I don't like sucking up to drawfags but this shit is really good.

>Only 2 pages
I hope that's a preview.

how is liking art sucking up to drawfags

> not wanting rock-hard abs so your cum bounces of them and some of it gathers on the ridges


It's just an allergy to sincerity I think.

The same way that liking a game is shilling. This is Sup Forums, user.


>You will never suck malon's tits

>drag-queen Osama Bin Laden

Is that her futa cock semen in that jar?

Milk only comes after giving birth. Until then the boobs do absolutely nothing but make for a fun time.

I'm disappointed none of you have posted true pure perfection yet. For shame!

This is my favorite Zelda girl.



Best Zelda girl.

Japan really needs to stop trying to turn me gay. I'm afraid one of these days they'll succeed.

I like Medli, Malon and Saria a lot.

traps arent gay though

Women are doing more to turn you gay than japan ever could.

Abandoning being meek, chaste and feminine so that cute-ish men have plenty of real estate to move in on.

A pretty dude is still a dude.

Not liking women doesn't make you gay though.

>Not liking women doesn't make you gay though.
I agree.

To pontificate, I don't think it has anything to do with the actual genitalia. Just the masculinity or femininity.

It's like what if you had a girl you only fucked in the butt? Functionally how would that be any different if you had a guy who looked and acted just like her, who you only fucked in the butt? For whatever reason you were fucking the girl exclusively in the butt, you are doing absolutely nothing different. It's like having your appendix removed. It didn't do anything anyway.

But for the record I'm bisexual so I just happen to have these opinions with no dog in the race.

'Bi' is the dumbest word in nomenclature by the way. I wish I had a sentence other than "I'm bi." It just sounds flat and goofy.

While you make a good point, what hes saying is actually "not being attracted to women is not the same thing as being attracted to men"

I wish I was bisexual.

I would fuck a hot dude no problem if the very idea didn't trigger some kind of built-in aversion in me.

Well yeah that's asexuality.



women can produce milk even if they've never given birth, look it up.

I bet you're talking about mutant cases. There's a mutation for everything y'know.

Unironically, kill yourself.

No sweety, you need to listen closely. Those two statements are not logically equivalent because you're committing a logical fallacy, that's all he's saying.

It's like if I go to the grocery store and buy a pack of gum, and the bagger asks me if I woukd like a plastic bag, and I say no, so he places my pack of gum in a paper bag. I never said I prefer the other thing, I just said I don't want the thing you offered me. It's not an exclusive disjunction. Similarly, saying that you don't like women does not imply that you like men, those statements are not logically equivaent.

>thick thighs and wide hips
Yes please

>doujins of Ilia being cucked by Zelda and Midna never ever

>No abs
Almost perfect image.


ywn never find a waifu more pure

Cia, hands down.

She can rule me any day.


I like how thew eyes on the sides on Ruto's head are also very responsive to situations.

>No abbs
One job

Malon, but I haven't played breath of the wild yet so that might change soon.

Don't suppose you have a source, google aint pulling up shit.

Is that even a thing beyond a single page? I remember him doing some One Piece page that didn't go anywhere.


So this is what it'd be like if Zelda was a girl...

Best TP girl coming through