Fire Emblem Fates Localisation
they know their audience in the west
people that still play FE sound like that
You're years late dude
English is the language for fags lol
>I want more bazinga in my games
I'd be pissed if the story wasn't so shit anyway
I still can't get over IntSys changing the lore to add male Pegasus knights
When you pay your translator by the word, they'll make sure to fill every line chunk full of random shit.
That disclaimer completely invalidates the point of this thread. What the actual fuck, OP
>it's not counts until you post whole script!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE
I'm a nihongo expert and I can verify that super-dupity-duper is the correct translation.
"Localisation" is about more than directly translating text.
That disclaimer is a bit misleading. It's supposed to indicate this text is very simple.
can someone please translate for the weaker weebs
What happened to the fan translation? It could have saved the day.
>muh censorship
Bazinga! That's some super-dupity awesome localization work.
Is it worse than FFXV's localization though?
>May I sit here?
>Now then, what's your name?
Point probably being that the english version had a lot of fluff text compared to that.
I'm currently missing the other image.
It's supposed to be a response to that GC vs 3DS comparison claiming that Nintendo dumbed down Animal Crossing.
The point is the introduction in both games was identical but GC script was bloated during the localization.
>Heeey, heeey, it's all right if I sit here?
>Thank you.
>By the waaay... what's your name?
And I don't even know Japanese, only a little bit of kana. Literally common words for kids. I think even google translate would be able to translate this right.
thanks for taking the time
How? It reads like the whole image is done by someone with little knowledge of Japanese who loosely translated something and compared it to the actual localisation, all for a game they know basically nothing about.
Was the disclaimer translated too?
How was the Echoes localization?
How would he know the text is simple if he barely knows Japanese? Languages have a lot of subtlety to them that a new speaker wouldn't pick up on.
>lets post a thread about irrelevant shit that happened years ago
>I'm sure it will generate some new and interesting discussion and not another fucking circlejerk
get over it
the implication is that the text is very easy to translate and does not require any particular knowledge to do so
Those are basic sentences that are translated correctly.
None of them require any knowledge of the FE universe to be understood so I don't know why's that in the disclaimer either.
How the fuck does he know that?
fire emblem is for retards and (now) waifushitters
That's why you keep some of the words in Japanese, to preserve the flavour of the original text.
Wow you're right
Alright, I guess. I'll have to take your word for it.
My beef was with the disclaimer anyway.
Which goes to show that people can be fine with changes from the original, even upset if such liberties aren't taken.
Right, and it's pure shit
There's literally no reason to change shit to "cater" to some imaginary demographic who supposedly can't deal with just proper translations and need some "cultural flavor"
There's nothing wrong with the dialogue in your pic
Americans suck at localizing because of this philosophy that there are only two ways of doing it.
You are either supposed to translate word for word or write everything from scratch. Anything in between would not be freedom-retarded enough.
Its garbage writing though. Localization isn't even necessarily about appealing to the target culture, its about making the translation sound natural and well written, which that picture absolutely isn't.
I think cultural flair is fine when it just adds to a characters personality to show the type of character they are rather than changing a character completely like Fire Emblem Fates did.
there was like 100 images imgur album of all the shit they did in fire emblem
It's shit yes, but the voice work is also terrible why don't people complain about cheesy american voices in medieval era? It's fucking awful glad I can get JP voices and pirate at least
Americans need to stop localizing games set in pseudo medieval
tfw they ruined Shara and the gay confession which was sweet just so they could turn her into diet tharja
Completely fucking magical. C.V. as Tittyana was great, but I still kinda like the moeblob the Japs paid to yell JIKU every 5 minutes better.
There is snow mentioned three times. Are you for real?
Elaborate further
Modern Japanese doesn't fit anything either, including Hoshido.
It all boils down to casting choices and voice direction which English version fucked up big time.
There was this Japanese character named Shara. She was the only les love interest. Originally, she had a fair bit of angst about being les, finding herself disgusting and wishing to die and reincarnate already, but she's comforted by Kamui and they eventually get together.
They completely removed that entire support and replaced it with a copy=paste of the Male Kamui scene. They also played up Shara's possessiveness and yan to make her LITERALLY THARJA instead of the mischievous hexer she was before. It's some of the worst character assassination because they missed the point of her character so hard that everyone hates her.
How was that voice acting so fucking good
Clair had everything to be one dumb annoying bitch but her voice was blissful
It might not be natural, but it isn't just offensive either unlike the shit in op
But you're right, I guess it's more of a problem with shit writing
Localization still always brings to mind the completely inane and stupid changes like with Ace Attorney and the burgers etc, though to be honest I don't really even mind it that much in AA, it just comes off as goofy when they try to play blatantly Japanese setting like it's America
At least Fates and its characters are shit anyway so them being worsened by the translation is barely anything
Godlike. I think the only complaint was changing an explative "Mother Mila!" to "Mama Mila!"
It had absolutely amazing voice acting on most of the characters, and a few standouts were absolutely amazing (Lukas, Clive, Fernand, BERKUT)
>all those JRPG NoA ignored and NoE did it by themselves
>all that great voice work will never happen again
Don't say xeno2 it isn't same voice company as first one and they're using mix of american voice actors and shitty brits they find in LA probably the trailer was awful
Why is the west so afraid of having their feelings hurt?
What's the problem with Lissa's dialogue here? Right's a little more snobbish while left is more like a bratty princess, I guess?
why do people do this
amount of people that play those games and would actually be triggered by something like this is miniscule.
>he thinks it was only two lines
>the two non-weebshit games were temporarily banned with nothing removed
>the rest is weebshit
Nothing of value was lost
thanks god
i really can't stand the whiny girl /white knight characters anymore
Why are you afraid of muh censorship
I mean, it's not wrong.
The better question is why almost nobody recognized special snowflakes "boycotts" as free advertisement?
That was always dumb. Fucking Hercules was riding pegasus is a disney movie 20 years ago
>Welcome to the snowy town of Shiroyuki.
>Enjoy your stay!
It's possible to localize while maintaining the original tone and meaning.
Well at least this confirms that Treehouse really was the problem why Fates battle quotes are so shit, when Awakening was the shit that everyone can quote till this day
boycot for ants
Afraid isn't the same as wanting to actually play the game as it was intended
Would you also not mind if somebody took a book or a film and just entirely removed and changed parts of it because it disagrees with their sensibilities and that was the version you'd have available
>wanting to actually play the game as it was intended
So in Japanese?
I fucking love how hammy Berkut is. So much better than the typical deadpan western VAs. Japanese VAs are hammy as fuck too but mongos don't realize it because they don't speak nihongo.
The localization was bad but Fate's problems with the script began in Japan. No amount of localization could save the terrible writing.
I for sure hate when they do this but, it's very obvious even in the change that she doesn't want to do these things because she's scared. The problem in Japan is they forget that you can convey a fear or reluctance without acting like a child.
Whats really funny about this is in films they love conveying emotion or ideas through music with no lyrics or through pictures with no people. Yet in games if a character is scared they need to shriek like a 2 year old and speak like one too. It makes no sense. He's right that isn't how things are done outside of the far east. It's just not. That doesn't make it OK to change but I can understand why they do.
Nothing wrong if you're on the spectrum, perhaps.
>Dammit, fuck this shit! I can't enjoy Lissa unless she's a whiny helpless bitch like all women are!
The English version is better.
>Matoi => Caeldori
>Shara => Rhajat
what in the fuck is this shit
Fatal Frame was borderline offensive.
18+ game had to have its plot changed to remove any notion of main characters working as gravure models.
The costumes were supposed to be used in cutscenes and then repurposed as unlockables because why the hell not?
All things told, I could probably write a better Fire Emblem game than has ever come out, even the Japanese versions.
People defending bad translation have a serious case of Stockholm syndrome.
Is the fan translation good now?
Yep, right's way fucking better and Lissa was one of the only good parts of Awakening.
>This example is not exhuastive! I will now shit myself in impotent rage!
Cordelia -> Caeldori
Tiamo was Cordelia's Japanese name, rearranged to Matoi
"Shara" isn't quite right, it's "Syalla", because Tharja's japanese name was Sallya
Same with Gaius -> Asugi and whatever his fucking jap name was
the problem is that they made her a completely different character for political reasons
Idk it's pretty similar my guy
Japanese texts are too manly for American
The names are anagrams, as such the localized version used anagrams of the character's names in awakening.
reminder JP version of fates had 3188 voice files
murican version had 1208 because they removed so much content
The word boycott is so sexist!
Why can't it be girlcott?
Don't get me started on other genders
The one for GTA is redundant the fucking game has been one of the top 5 best selling games every year since it's release. It's an unstoppable juggernaut. Hell this year it's already sold better than it did last year.
Funny thing is, the head SJW of Treehouse actually got shitcanned after being exposed as a prostitute. So while they were fighting sexism in their game, they were playing into gender roles IRL.