Reminder PC will NEVER EVER have a mascot no matter how hard they try

Reminder PC will NEVER EVER have a mascot no matter how hard they try.

so does sony

>Space Channel 5
really dude?


The games library for PC is bigger than all modern consoles and their predecessors combined. You don't need a mascot

what's his name Sup Forums

what about gorden foreman?


If the game being thrown onto every single thing capable of playing it after it was made on PC first doesn't disqualify him, Steve.

Mascot exist only to capture braindead kid attention you retarded Fuck. There's nothing to be proud about.

I mean, no gaming platform but Nintendo and Segaded have a mascot. They instead have things called "games".

Early-Access man

Name 1 objectively good PC exclusive that isn't in early access

le streamer bait man

Master Chief xbox mascot, xbox is Microsoft so Master Chief is PC's mascot.

Mysterious Contender's Combat Floors

Doomguy is our mascot.

literally only children would care about this

Do I need to call my FNaF friends?
Or the memegame of the month let's player/streamer bait protagonist?
Or the whole MOBA army?
Or the CG soldiers voiced by squeaky russian kids?

Who's laughing now uh?

Gamer unindetified's fighting fields

You're right. They have several.


O rly?

Gordon Freeman? Doom guy? The heavy? What are you like 12?


quick time events and cinematic experiences at 20 fps are not video game protagonists

You've got Crash from the start that has since transitioned to Nathan Drake.

not sony

>nathan drake

>PlayStation's mascot is....?
>Xbox's mascot is.....?

Does anyone even have a mascot anymore besides Nintendo?

just sega

Objectively good doesnt exist on Sup Forums unless it's some "hidden gem" like good hand that no one's ever played because there's Sup Forums oversaturated by beta hipsters

>Master Chief

>Doom guy
>Gordon Freeman
>the guy eating soup in Age of Empires II intro

So you don't have an answer.

Literally what? Are you a child who thinks that s retro or something because that's dead and irrelevant franchise


image very related

I thought Sony's mascot is the goldface?

>literally a meme, no games
seems right


Alphabetically in order the first game in my steam library is amnesia which is pretty good. Minecraft mobas competitive and arena fps games also come to mind some of which have inferior ports to console which if you wan to grasp for straws, go ahead and tell me you enjoy tf2 csgo Diablo or Minecraft on console

Morgan Freeman

Lmao wasn't that thing in the PlayStation smash Bros ripoff? Literally thought that was an animal crossing character first

Shit forgot about the entire rts genre and the sims

Amnesia got a console port,
Minecraft is perfectly playable on consoles since Microsoft owns it now,
Mobas like Smite have also been ported
And I find it easier to use a controller then a mouse for an FPS

Oh, and Diablo is better on console.

Sims hasn't been good since it left consoles and most good RTS games are on console.

I would say that any character from Blizzard (outside of Overwatch) or MOBAs could be seen as PC's mascot



>And I find it easier to use a controller then a mouse for an FPS
its called aim lock, peasants like you love that shit

>Oh, and Diablo is better on console.
never go full retard

Fecal matter.

I'm an idort, and you still haven't listed a good exclusive.

Technically they have that cat thing.

I can't even remember it's name.

>mustard rice this mad
Go play BoTW at 2 fps

Overrated game

Xbox has Halo though. He''s pretty iconic.

>I'm an idort
no you aren't

>and you still haven't listed a good exclusive
im not taking your shitty bait

im a sega fanboi, enjoy your salt

He was.

He's sonys attempt at a mascot. Apparently he's a bit more prominent in their advertising in japan but even there I don't think he's very well known or that anyone outside of sony cares about him.

Honestly at this point sony's mascot is probably Knack because of memes.

At this point Diablo 3 is either equal to or better than the PC version on console. It's still the worst Diablo though and console will never get 2.

Diablo 3 was legitimately better on console because blizzard didn't jew the drop rates to force you to buy shit on the auction house.

Yeah, I own every console releases since the SNES. And a PC.

You haven't listed one good exclusive.

>Nu-male starbucks looking hipster


>At this point Diablo 3 is either equal to or better than the PC version on console.
that's because it was made with consoles in mind FIRST, basically the pc version is a port

>It's still the worst Diablo though and console will never get 2.
that's the point

Sega doesn't make consoles anymore cumguzzler

I like 3 more than 2. Put me on the torture rack I don't care.

The hell are you talking about? The game didn't come out on consoles originally. And it only just now got access to the Seasonal stuff that PC has had. It was clearly designed for PC first.


I'll take misguided jealousy in the form of delusions for $500

We´re getting your games. You can play with your mascots and their amiibos.

You can't take something you already have, PC

I mean we got Doomguy

>unironically saying peasants

>image implying Chun-Li is Street Fighter's mascot

That game ruined FPS

Half-Life 2 is overrated but its still pretty good. Its not terribly fun to replay the beginning because of all the scripted pseudo cutscenes, but once you start the proper levels its a competent shooter. There's lots of good user levels you can find on Mod DB and shit.

Its an interesting title because some guns are pathetic (the pistol, the SMG) while some guns are extremely satisfying to shoot (the python, the crossbow)

Supreme Gentleman

Sure it does

PCE had Bonk or Zonk