Why do girls compete in separate e-sport leagues?
Cuz they are inferior? Duhh
Pretty much, same with all other forms of competition. Men are better at specializing at tasks.
for the same reason they compete in different real sports leagues
They are allowed in regular tournaments, they either don't participate because they know they have no chance, or they try and Simply put, females have no chance of winning big tournaments
that is one cute kid
girls are typically worse because you're drawing from a much smaller pool of players. if they were forced to play against the best in the world, they'd be much less likely to participate, causing a catch 22
also, guys in e-sports tend to be spastic autists who don't know how to interact with women, so keeping them separate is in everybody's best interests
Because women are inferior to men, otherwise they would always be behind so they need their own league.
>be girl
>stream fulltime, clothed regularly, and be a pro (insert game player)
>make shitall for $ like most do
>be girl
>stream whatever you want
>show tits
>make tons of $ from thirsty betas
Women's sports is a joke. High school and college men's teams are better than professional women's teams.
>watches price of cs:go weapons like its fucking stocks
Women's brains do not have the competitive hunter instinct that men have. They are biologically wired different to men.
Girls are red mages.
Same reason professional chess is sex-separated. The men smoke the women.
Because going through normal open qualifiers is too hard?
Why are girls so bad at games?
>fraudkana drowns in pools
>meanwhile LOW TIER GAWD ranked higher than her
>Tfw girls are even inferior to boys when it comes to be a girl
Female teams are often in the open qualifiers they just get btfo by pug teams early on.
betas are usually functional members of society that clash with alphas every now and then, the people you're thinking of are literal zeta males
Not related questiond. Didn't want to start a new thread. Why there is no driving e-sports scene?
to try and win? do you know how a competition works bud?
Boring to watch.
Rocket league has a strong scene.
Not an answer. All eSports are boring
>women compete in different leagues
>when they don't, they're utter shit
>the actual good ones are actually trannies
Hmmm... really makes me think...
Bc in most competitive sports/games the top 100 females have around the same skill level as the slightly above average males.
You can see that in tennis, football and chess.
It is probably the same in games.
There was a statistic somewhere that showed that most woman played mercy in overwatch which is the champion that requires the lowest amount of skill.
all sports are boring to watch*
It's even more boring
what waifu mod is that?
>using glock in deathmatch
>using burst fire glock
this loli is terrible, wouldn't party up with
Because of this.
>It's mens fault
Smelly dumb feminist scum.
gee i wonder why
>not practising throwing glocks
How else will you be able to pick up a USP
then why is regular sports also separate for men and women?
>throwing weapons in deathmatch
creepy :/
If I were her father I wouldn't allow such a disgraceful play
>much smaller pool of players
But user, feminists always tell us that half of all 'gamers' are femal :^)
Biology. Women have worse reaction times, and are slower to make decisions. Women are risk averse, both physically and psychologically. You'll find more men at the top and bottom ends of any bell curve, and you'll find more men willing to put in the insane risk to become a pro gamer.
We have known women can't compete for decades. There are plenty of "sports" that don't require strenuous physical exertion or strength and women still get blown out (golf, bowling, fencing, snooker, darts, chess, archery, etc.).
Women just don't have the necessary drive to be great. It's apparent in both academia and the business world as well. Far more men occupy the far ends of the bell curve.
You dont even need to get into evolutionary psychology.
The women cannot compete with the guys most of the time. The 'women's' league is literally there to showcase female talent, and isn't there to punish them or segregate them.
>"sports" that don't require strenuous physical exertion or strength
>Those darting unsure eyes
What does it mean?
living the dream!
>It's a stealth women hate thread
Anyone with half a brain already knows that guys are more competitive and better at (e)sports.
Most athletic women can meet the physical requirements of archery. Being stronger wouldn't make them any better.
>Anyone with half a brain already knows that guys are more competitive and better at (e)sports.
and why is that??
Is this physiology of the female brain really that much different than a man's though?
I've always assumed physical sports were separated because men/women have a different distribution of muscles,
Males are more competitive period. It's basic biology. Of course, that can change based on personal experience, like me who's never entered contests ever again after a really disappointing loss back in College.
professional women, even OLYMPIAN women, lose to high school boys ROUTINELY. just google it and youll see dozens of these types of stories.
The only successful venue I've seen over the years for females are random CS 1.6 events held in euro and CGS female division of DOA4. It was entertaining as fuck, CGS was truly ahead of its time. Most of the time it ends up being a comedy event like the the Dota 2 attempts at a women's division or a dumpster fire like the Sirens in League of Legends way back.
Because there's no reason to, if you like cars and videogames you'd still rather watch a real race, meanwhile other esports like counter strike or lol can't be replicated in real life, (in theory you could replicate counter strike with fake guns but in that case the game itself is more interesting than the real thing)
imagine being female
If women were equal to us men, they'd be able to fend off rapists.
But clearly not.
a pretty one or male (female)
>"sports" that don't require strenuous physical exertion or strength
You've never practiced it, eh?
>getting sex whenever and wherever you want without effort
>having an army of thisty men constantly trying to woo me
>be able to lead men on and make them pay for my everything
>scam virgins online out of neetbux by streaming on twitch while wearing a tight top
>not ever held responsible for mistakes
>buttload of organizations that cater only to me
Doesn't sound too bad desu.
Yes indeed, my MRA redditfriend I agree wholeheartedly! Verily! Womyn are indeed the le inferiro species and I doth hate them! Tippitytip
More importantly: loli.
Did you have a stroke?
Well I see the truck of peace is still employing young rapefugees. How progressive, makes my nipples hard whenever there is an attack in Europe because I know euros will just bend over and asked to be fucked harder. No use saving Europe, it's been sacrificed moloch.
Naw but if you're offering I'll unzip my dick.
>the women professional team in the us play boys high school teams from nobody schools and still get destroyed.
i doubt youve ever seen your dick, my fedora tipping white knight friend
you seem bitter
i don't know why, being a dude is pretty sick. you're stronger, your bones are tougher, you can run faster, you're taller, typically smarter and you have a much higher chance of becoming a CEO or a high earner in general
i can only imagine anyone whining about being born a dude if they're a lazy, weak-minded underachiever who just want to have shit handed to them for free
they are less intelligent and have worse reaction times, thats enough to make them worse at videogames, i present you two examples but you can just google for more
I mean..
I dont understand why women dont just become willing cock sleeves.
If only there wasnt a law to beat them up and rape them
Maybe you can describe to me what mine looks like then so you can get an idea of your's.
It's about demographics, not physical differences. The audience for competitive shooters is 93 to 96 percent male. Men also tend to be more competitive, so let's say 98% of the e-sports fanatics are male.
If you want more than 2% diversity, you have two options. You either create a separate e-sports scene for women, or you disqualify half of the men to make room for low-tier women (who will then get crushed by the remaining top-tier men). Which option sounds better?
could be his little sister for all we know
>i've never heard of auto clubs
>i've never heard of paintball/airsoft
nothing you simulate in a video game can't be simulated in real life. the only real difference is that video games are a shittier, cheaper simulation
and what are mobas supposed to be a simulation of anyway? it's literally just 3 lanes of autism that has no actual logic behind it
because women suck at video games
They don't have the brain capacities or the attention spans to build skills like men do. Ever been with your girlfriend while you work on the car or play a video game and she keeps nagging you to get off your ass and go to the mall with her/smoke weed/drink? It's because women only like instantly gratifying shit.
Is this the virgins' rage thread?
Music begs to differ actually as a mechanical skill. The best pianist in the world right now is widely considered to be Uehara, and female string players are on par with males.
t. cellist.
Fuck off roastie
Kill yourself pedophile.
no, its the roastie rages at reality and pretends her vagina is the most valuable measure of a man thread
>best pianist
Boring. All of the music has been made. There's only so many combinations of notes you can make. Meanwhile men lead the way in the advancement of technology, specifically software engineering and robotics.
Face it, roaste. When all you have is gook pianists, how can you even compete?
I feel like from a business perspective it would just be cheaper to let those 2% of "good enough to be pro" females play in co-ed leagues than it would to create an entirely separate league with all the costs that go along with something like that.
Then again, I guess the accountants for the different companies would have suggested that if it really was the cheapest strategy.
>>Boring. All of the music has been made.
I want Facebook cumdumpsters with loose pussies to leave
fencing blows
play saber
There have been more transgender people in starcraft and league of legends competing against males in the sport than their have been females, which is an even smaller demographic. Women are just inferior.
so hot
>wanting to work
>im a faggit nerd.
kek even cover bands are more entertaining than science shit and yhr newest spreadsheet, nerdboi, christ lol
>Being a nihilistic pile of waste that does nothing but consume
You don't realize what an unproductive, unfulfilling existence does to your brain, obviously.