I got a 3ds recently that's modded what are some must play games?

I got a 3ds recently that's modded what are some must play games?

Kid Icarus Uprising
Link Between Worlds
Monster Hunter 4U
Pokemon Sun/Moon

Why don't you retards look up the console's library before you buy the console

Persona Q, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and any or all of the Monster Hunter games. I highly recommend them, less so Pokemon one though. Deep Strange Journey and Persona Q2 are coming soon too.
I wanna rest, but I can't seem to get some sleep.

I thought about icarus but i heard mixed opinions on it

Persona q or bravely default?

Sup Forums usually has better recomendations than some top 10 3ds games made by a bumfuck gaming website or youtube channel

I hear Bravely Defaults good, but I haven't played it myself. I mean I didn't hear it was a masterpiece, just that it's worth playing.

Persona Q is one of my favourite games, but if you're not a fan of dungeon crawlers or Persona I can't really recommend it to you. It's basically EO-Lite with a Persona paint, I don't know if that appeals to you. It's a very solid game all round, but inherently unbalanced due to the sheer amount of options you have at your disposal.
Story's generic touchy feely stuff, but enjoyable enough.

I can't really recommend a game that I haven't played before, so I've got no choice but PQ.

I guess i could download both.

Kid Icarus is an amazing game, it's just people that can't adapt to the controls that don't like it.

Oh right modded, yeah. Just try them both out then.
Bear in mind PQ is fairly easy, even on the highest difficulty. Though the very first dungeon might actually prove a challenge.

Pokemon X/Y
Gotta protectors
Fantasy life
Mario kart 7
Dragon ball fusions

Current games

Rhythm Heaven Megamix

the Kingdom Hearts one if you are into that...or if you want to give them a shot I guess. It was my recent ly my first KH and I kind of want to play through them (I know Chain of Memories is a weird card game.Any other ones do a different formula?)

3DS has no real must play games. The library kinda sucks.

SMT4 and monster hunter 4U are standout I think. Everything else is mostly not worth it beyond a few simple Nintendo games like 3D Land?

PQ only if you like EO.

Bravely Default is overhyped garbage because the 3DS had no RPGs. Seriously. Mediocre OST, visuals, plot, shit content, literally repeat a section of the game several times to get the right ending, and basic dungeons with rng generated pathing. NOTHING is standout except jobs present in other FF games.

man, this show was gratuitous on the leg department

>Mediocre OST
eat shit nigger

Kingdom hearts was ported, not worth.

>not worth
It's free on the 3ds nigga.

Bravely Default is one of my favorites.

Well im downloading blazblue continuum shift 2 and tekken and street fighter to get a few fighting games

It fucking plays 2 tracks 90% of the game what the fuck? Orchestrated music doesnt mean good either. I enjoyed them initially, but not after it looped every time you enter a dungeon or battle.

Soul Sacrifice did a much better job of a varied orchestra ost.

I've been wanting to get a 3ds to mod for a while. Is there still some kind of restrictions on the firmware version? Like it can't have been updated past a certain point for all that shit to work?

Project mirai and taiko are good if you like rhythm games. Smash bros is also a must have.

eat shit nigger

Ya, there is a firmware restriction.



>Soul Sacrifice did a much better job of a varied orchestra ost.
I mean it had top tier music, but the battle osts weren't really varied at all beyond specific story battles. The text based parts also reused music quite a lot.
At least that's how I remember it. I really do love me some SS though.

Cool, thanks. Is there anything to look out for when I'm looking for the handheld itself, so I know it's below 11.3?

BB is ass on 3ds, get the other two you named and DOA.

Dunno, don't get a new 2DS I guess, because they come with the latest firmware.

Sadly they dont have dead or alive on 3ds titles some reason or tekken

Works alright

Oh, I forgot. Get Mighty Switch Force games if you like platformers, that's a lot of fun.

blue mario kart 2ds has 11.3

Pretty cheap and easy to mod


never once showed pantsu as far as I know so they had to cater to other fetishes of course

I'm saying the game itself isnt so great to play on 3ds. Much rather would have it on Vita or a home console.

There's nothing on the freeshop it asks me to download the game files first.

If I remember correctly, you HAVE to use the shitty D pad right?

I played a few rounds with it just now! I didn't mind it and dont use the analog anyways when i play fighting games

I mean, I did play it. Playing BB on my psp3000 felt much better tho.

Bravely Default is wonderful.