Hahaha wow college humour huh really had me falling from my chair with that one
>being unable to enjoy something despite the creator's political or social views
I wonder what it's like not being able to enjoy anything created before 1980
wow is srirachagamer87 really a racist?
>not watching milkshake24
Forget the politics shit, it's really fucking weird how people use these daily video game video makers as a replacement for friends.
Have you ever actually looked at how the people who watch the game grumps view the fucking game grumps? They act like that 20 minutes of content a day is their only social interaction.
And that shit is EVERYWHERE. It's fucking pathetic.
>videogames ruined by politics
>college humour
Ahahaha! They did it again!
Seriously tho, will they ever find out what humour is?
Games are political
What's going on here?
she had carrots in her vagina
is this loss
Ok slight kek
No, is GTN, a even epikkkkkkkkkkker memeeee! XD XD XD!
>Collegehumor is still a thing
the punchline was that she had wet carrots in her crouch?
it's not even a cool wooow funny edit
it just simply works better this way
I love how people will worship Lovecraft despite his open racism, but if someone tweets "I don't know, don't all lives matter?" then they are no longer a valid artist.
>Sup Forums is the moon
>/jp/ is the earth
>Sup Forums is hell
based lolis thread saved
>girls coming out
>guys coming out
>fuccbois coming out
cute again
Gamer girls amright
/jp is the moon.
Yeah. I guess it's something like a running gag.
To be honest, I only understand like 1/2 of the comics.
What's the joke
Blue Hecka is the Hecka of the Earth.
>Fuckin' (((nerd)))
What did he mean by this?
Gib Milky
kept waiting for something bad to happen or for all that pink shit to spill or something
>Instantly falling for someone in 3 days
Jesus Christ college humour is normie central.
The 2hu moon is literally worse than hell though, it's funny how in the Aya interview in the new written work Hecatia gets PISSED when talking about them
What is that brown liquid?
>That shit taste
I'd rather date a normie at this point, it's less anger inducing
An oversugared shot, it seems.
Oh really? It would make more sense for /jp/ to be the moon, though.
>playing standing up
Drop that bitch.
its hilarious that people here are ridiculing people who care about offensive stances some youtube creators take, while noone here would ever follow a streamer who tweeted in favour of social justice lmao