
9 days until you can round-house kick people in the face so hard they become your students




Stagger looks like the best style but it's apparently not available at the start of the game, so I was thinking of going for Windfall or Forsaken first.

>input lag
>300 ping
>most unbalanced classes
>shitty graphics
literally worst game of 2017

I hope the single player is good I've been waiting on a new martial arts action rpg.

is this supposed to be good

What now?



>thought it would be like god hand
>it's actually just a for honor clone but by a studio without ubisoft's track record
Could be good I guess

Do you have brain damage?

How does the online work in this again?

I'm not too familiar with for honor but as far as i can tell the only similarity is they both focus on online melee combat

why does this comparison constantly come up?

Previous For Honor devs made Absolver...Or at least confirmed previous Ubisoft devs. Both are focused fighting games that require some skill and timing to be gud.

Also desu I think it's the little guard controls that also determine the type of attack you use. This time though Absolver has four directions of guard/attack positions.

It looks and sounds like a 10 bucks game going for 30. There doesn't seem to be anything to it other than fighting the same people/npc's over and over again. No overarching goal other than laddering. For 30 bucks I would like at least a story or some explorative feature.

I do feel that will be part of their detriment that my IRL friend was making a point of. We've really just seen the combat 1v1 and that's it. No plot, some weak story information. Looks like there is a world to explore and walk around, but what to find or do it's unknown. At least it -is- only $30 and not $60 like no man's shit was.

>Both are focused fighting games that require some skill and timing to be gud.

This applies to a fucking ton of games. I've played the absolver beta and it just seems like such a weird comparison when i look at for honor. I imagine this is how some feel when their game gets described 'like dark souls but-'.

There is a zone based world to progress through (and randomly co-op/pvp through), the beta zones were super small though so I wouldn't expect much of an adventure from the pve side.

Nah there's a plot, with bosses

I guess the fact it's a 3d fighter, you pick an angle to attack in both games, you gaurd in that direction to (I haven't played the beta how does all that even work?) and it mainly seems to be 1v1 focused.

Yea, it's a loose relation, but I wouldn't say it's a negative thing.

you don't guard in any direction, blocking blocks all attacks except guard breaker attacks which glow red.

That's an interesting take on it. So it's a timing thing for blocking. How did you think the flow felt? Can you stay on the attack and reasonably block attacks, keep it going back in forth.

>it's a timing thing
you hold down block to block my man

O-oh. Fug. Well at least it comes out soon, even on my birthday. I need to get my hands on it. Fukin mad I missed out the beta.

alpha was shit

I tried this game at PAX East

Coming from somebody who loves high speed action games like DMC 3, 4 and Bayonetta, I thought the parrying system was going to be a perfect fit.

NOPE. Shit sucked, there was delay and input lag

the devs tried to argue with me otherwise and I laughed at them.

Parrying SUX so game SUX

Care to eleborate?

Game looks good. Really want a game I can just punch motherfuckers in it so I'm pretty excited for this one.

I'm not expecting a ton of content for only $30 but I'm hoping the PVP fighting will be enough to carry it.

>high speed action games like DMC 3, 4 and Bayonetta


That's my thoughts on it, for $30 I've spent more on regrettable purchases. I figure this game will be the game if I don't feel it right away I'll just refund it.

Well we know there's co-op, a PVP arena mode, and some sort of campaign with boss fights. I'd imagine the "boss fights" are all fighting game style in that they're just other player-enemies and not big monsters or anything, but still.

>input lag
are you talking about lag from online gameplay or do you get this upset from actions having a windup.

Sound like pasta.

input lag??? you mean proper, legit input lag in the game's engine or "attacks are slow"

frankly i'm pretty interested in the game and i can always refund it if it's somehow a broken mess on release, so i'm probably going to pick it up

i also might have to shill the game to everyone because apparently Devolver can't into marketing, and i don't want another dead game sitting in my steam library LOL

problem is always servers and playerbase for me in Asia

Definitely gonna give it a shot, but I am worried about connectivity and responsiveness issues because I'm on the far end of the world.

What build you going for bros?

Pure fisticuffs isn't viable in enough aRPGs so I was definitely going to go for that here, and Windfall looked like the most fun style.

What other weapons are there? We've seen short swords and staves, I think.

He's retarded, but there is nothing wrong with that particular statement.

>No grappling for some fucking reason
Either gonna go full bulldozer with heavy punches or kick and stave only light shit

That absorb hits style sounds op in principle so I'm gonna run that until proven otherwise.

Are people actually going to buy this garbage for goner clone? Fuck, I almost want to feel bad for their level of stupidity.

probably going to do some kind of weird, oppressive build that leads with quick, long ranged jabs into various mix-ups. even though my reflexes and mechanics are usually just ok, i have the uncanny ability to read people very easily in brawlers, so i end up beating people by just guessing what they're about to do and using the counter for that. and just to show i'm not lying, pic related was from when i played Blade & Soul, i wasn't even max level at that point and the highest i reached was top 86th until i got bored

probably going to go forsaken because my reflex-game isn't the best and parrying seems like the best for resetting tempo

F-fugg...I preordered because it looked cool. Should I refund?

Why don't you play it for two hours first and make up your own mind.

absolver will be bad because it's a brawler like For Honor and For Honor was bad.

also p2p, which is bad because no fighting game has ever used it