2 hours

2 hours

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True 4K gaming?

until what? i'm out of the loop

miney crafta

Sonybros shitposting


>all mulitiplats and no exclusives

Boy oh boy, sure can't wait


Why do Xbros exist?

0 games.

Because we are needed.

>preordering a 500 eurodollar no games machine

Yeah i´m sure it´s going to be very hard to get at launch and certainly won´t have any panic pricecuts just a few days after release.

Xbox has always been the most capable console and had a decent library along side interesting experiences and pioneered simple, effective online gaming.


To keep the Sonyfags in line

They dont. They are just shitposting falseflaggers. I mean no one can actually like the Xbone? Who in their right mind would enjoy being fucked in the ass with sand-covered pinecones?

Because Xbox is the successor to the Dreamcast while PlayStation is the successor the the CDi

fucking jesus

This. Microsoft and Sega are the only good console companies.

Why do Sonybros exist?

Is this a LOL thread? Everybody knows any other platform is a better choice.

>Who in their right mind would enjoy being fucked in the ass with sand-covered pinecones?
sony fans


lmao this looks terrible

The OG PS4 looked decent. The slim and the pro are hideous. Xbox One S and X are the best looking consoles ever. MS had the guys who made the surface design the xbox consoles and it really shows.

>being this angy
Sorry you bought into Microsoft's lies and have been fucked over for the past few years.

Nigger the Xbone looks like a VCR.

This brand has been dying since FPS's stopped being the dominant genre, good riddance

You are correct but hes talking about the S and X, not the original Xbone.

Nintendo psyop designed to attack the only real competition Nintendo has

The original one does. Not the One X or S.

They all look like VCRs, just different colors.

1 hour

The black one looks like a Chinese knock-off PS2.

>Underage thinking they know what a VCR is

how do you like paying for online? you know, that thing you used to make fun of xbots so much for?
but hey, at least the online service is bette- oh wait its still garbage that gets hacked and shut down constantly, lol

Yeah.. totally.. Sony consoles were never really bad were they?

>A literal design from 1999
>Comparing it to a design from the latter half of this decade


2 hours

because muh chinese cartoon dating simulators

Without shitposting, here is the ACTUAL turth for the majority of people, 2 reasons:

1) They didn't notice the MASSIVE decline in quality of 360's games in the latter half of the generation. Everyone was busy playing multiplats like CoD and its temporary exclusive DLC's to notice the lack of actual exclusive games, especially japanese support which full-on stopped after '09. Pic related.

2) Everyone just assumed 360 was a good console throughout and the level of quality wasn't rapidly decreasing (while PS3 was getting a lot of momentum with better and better games as the generation went along - the polar opposite of what happened to the 360). Perhaps some of these people were living under a rock during 2013 and missed every single info about the Xbone, completely unaware of the PR disaster. They didn't watch any of it and just assumed it would be a smooth continuation from the good ol' 360 days. So they simply blindly bought a Xbone.

That's it. Everyone who paid attention jumped ship to the PS4. Which is why the remaining Xbox fanboys, while rare, are more fanatic and delusional than ever before. Some of them missed the 2013/14 drama and PR nightmare and then are hit by the sudden realization that Xbone is a piece of shit. Now they must defend it because they spent money on it. The other half of Xbone fanboys (by far the worst half) are the ones who've seen it all, they saw first hand the downfall of the Xbox brand and yet stuck to it. These are HARDCORE fanboys, the elite that stay in the sinking ship, much like a Dictator's guard force.

So from what i can tell here is what we are getting today:

>1. Project Hollywood?
No one knows shit about this at all

>2. Halo 4.5
This one is odd, 343i is going to address a bunch of issues in Halo 5 with a semi-prequel and also potential sequel? its going to explain Blue Team and Osiris as well as bring in the Spirit of Fire crew, offering up a multiple person adventure.

>3. Banjo Kazooie Teaser
Rare has alot of room in their studio and they have been 100% on Sea of Thieves for a while, but work is dying down on that project for now and that leaves some extra workers to jump to the other 2 games Rare is working on, one of which is Banjo related

>4. Killer Instinct Steam Release:
KI is coming to steam so they are going to potentially another Season or atleast explain the fate of KI. Should be interesting.

>5. Project Scorpio Circle Jerk
just a decent amount of time focused on Xbox One X including a trade in deal for original Xbox One to Xbox One X, i think its like 150$ off or something

None of this will help save the Xboxs lack of first party titles

t. Sonyfag

Oh right and a New AoE game is coming out, not the remastered one but an actual Sequel