Overwatch Matchmaking Failure

>clips.twitch tv/TransparentAnnoyingChickpeaUWot
How do you fuck up the matchmaking algorithms so badly that you can climb with only a 35% winrate? How is Blizzard this fucking shit at their game design?

Other urls found in this thread:


>game is terrible to spectate
>maps are terribly designed
>meta is insanely stale, can't even keep half the heroes relevant
>matchmaking is literally broken
has any other company failed this hard at making an esport before? Starcraft 2, HotS, and now Overwatch. How is Blizzard so bad?

it's so casuals/normalfags can pretend to be good at a ""competitive"" game.

It's what happens when you design and balance a competitive game around non-competitive low-skilled players.

Maybe he got a lot of draws. Or he somehow cancels matches which counts as a loss but doesn't decrease SR.

Meanwhile I'm stuck in plat with a 60% winrate on most of my ''mains''.

I'm glad I dropped this turd of a game desu.

What's hilarious is that they could have just had a normal mmr system like any other game. From Dota to CS:GO to fucking chess. But no, they needed to modify it and do something "innovative" and fucked it up.

Like, most people don't realize the reverse of this is true. You can have an above 50% winrate and still fall in ratings. I've seen people in 2k with a 65% winrate. The system is so fucking broken is laughable, it's a complete failure
Oh but at least the cosmetics are nice right guys?! We can play dress up in our competitive game, that makes up for it right?
>>game is terrible to spectate
no idea what you are talking about, pic not related at all

>Be hell bent on making the game competitive
>Have headshot hitboxes that extend from the chest to 2 feet above the head

Same. I'm struggling to climb with 65% winrate. And yet there are Mercy mains who gain a lot but lose almost nothing and climb with ~40% winrate by pressing Q.
The only successful esport game by Blizzard is a game based in luck.

>climbing with a 35% winrate
blizzdrones defend this shit