I'm about to play this for the first time, what am I in for? Should I be good or evil?

I'm about to play this for the first time, what am I in for? Should I be good or evil?

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It's pretty fun if you don't look for reasons to hate it, just like any other game. It has really good side quests, a decent map and interesting locations, and a pretty solid atmosphere and sound track.

Don't listen to It's shit and the story makes no sense. It's so fucking bad you have to be a retard to enjoy it
The first city is built around a giant nuke for no fucking reason, every problem the citizens have is caused by the fact there's a nuke in the middle of it yet they refuse to move to the prefectly good abandoned town literally 50 meters away
That's just ONE example of the game being retarded and it's ALL like this. This is a game made by the same retards that made fallout 4. Avoid it at all costs, refund it if you bought it and play 1,2 and New Vegas instead.

If you dont look at it for story or logic its fun.

Don't give the hobos water if you don't want to be the savior of mankind by the end of the game.

Sup Forums will tell you that 1 and 2 are better, they're not. 3 is fun as shit and every time I play through it I find something new.

New Vegas is better though.

3.be evil (be good anyway, but with a sarcastic note)

>It's pretty fun if you don't look for reasons to hate it, just like any other game.
yeah, a lot of shit games can be fun if you can stomach all the shit...

It is a subpar game in any of its features.
Want a roleplaying game or shooter, play literally any other game in those genres. If you want good story or writing, run away screaming. If you want a nice shallow exploration game, play any other bethesda game, or ideally gothic or the like, where exploration is more than just shallow.

If you have problems with the game being bad to mediocre at everything it does, you will not have fun with it. If you do not, and want a game like other bethesda games, but newer than the rest, that is the one very specific constellation of cravings that will be satisfied by it, any other will leave you wanting.

Don't do it.

It's fucking shite, so is everything that came after it. Only play 1 and 2.