Little brother gets his class schedule in the mail today

>little brother gets his class schedule in the mail today
>see it
>he had one period marked "VIDEO GAMES"
>ask him what that is
>he says it's a class where they discuss video games
What the fuck is wrong with the American Education System? Discussion of video games is awful enough as a club or an internet forum, but a credit-based class? What the fuck?

It's because that's what most losers in schools are interested in. They can't do shit like shop, sports, etc. because they're too autistic.

If they like to do, they will do

>mad he didn't major in video games and wasted his youth on a poopy butts degree
Aw, don't be so mad : )
Here, come clean my butt. That should cheer you up

You have to be 18 to post here.

>american education

bait thread do not respond

>pay thousands of dollars to talk about videogames

Its more a symptom of the disease of western post secondary

It's called a bird course you fucking fag what the fuck you so angrey about?

Video games are known to circulate estrogen through your brain because of the adrenal gland being worked harder through visual reception. When you play video games as a male, you are being converted into a manboobed low testerterone individual, who is more emotional and weak so that you may not rise up against the government.