Finally got around to play the demo of pic related

Finally got around to play the demo of pic related.

What the fuck is wrong with you autist. It plays like a system shock reboot. Actually pretty good.

Does it get bad later on? I don't understand why people dislike Prey.

Other urls found in this thread:

>People whose first immersive sim was BioShock
>The incredibly small minority of people who actually thought Prey (2006) was anything higher than a 6/10
>Nu-Sup Forums
Those are the only groups of people who dislike Prey (2017) and some of them will overlap, it's GOTY as far as I'm concerned.

It doesn't get bad later on. You should simply never listen to Sup Forums.

>Does it get bad later on?
I dislike some enemies being bullet sponges with no weaknesses, like the gloo gun and the shotgun hits like a wet noodle, despite that, really like it.
Especially the helmet feature, its the right mix between helping you spot shit and "oh god I hate having that thing on"

>bashing Prey 2006
Whats wrong with you?

Seriously, I put off playing it until today. The demo actually had me engrossed and reading shit. Considering we won't get SS3 or the original System Shock rework for a while, I think I might actually buy prey.

what are you, an jounarlist forming your opinion based on a fraction of the game? buy it and play it

But think of prey 2 user. Don't you care about that?

Sup Forums doesn't like anything anymore. You basically can't talk about video games positivly here, since at least a year or two ago.

It got boring fast, I couldn't finish the demo and I couldn't finish the game when I rented it.
Nothing compelled me to move further, the enemy designs were shit, their existence was boring, the story moving me further was just band.

Bioshock 1 had an amazing villain, had a unique setting, had disturbing enemies like the big daddy and little sisters you were actually engrossed in this destroyed utopia.

prey is just boring, it plays boring and everything is bland

upgrade the shotgun, it doesn't hit like a wet noodle. It's prolly the strongest weapon.