>PS4 has no games
>Switch has no games
>Xbox has no games
>PC has no games
Is there anything that has games?
PS4 has no games
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those bootlegs gameconsoles those have like 1000+ from the get go
Vita got games
Emulators. All the best games in history are waiting for you for the low, low cost of zero dollars.
Playstation 2
what is gmaes?
You need to buy the games first you dumb nigga
dey say da ps4 has games. where dey at doe?
get a smartphone and start tapping nigga
i'll pick one up today, thanks user
but the PS4 has no games
The arcade
damn straight
Games are for plebians.
Sick meme bro.
Get an atari jaguar
Massive libary of games
Best graphics on the market
no games on a gaming system is no memeing matter
gameboy color
Switch has only been out for like five months, and it has a ton of games.
Ah yes, Splatoon and...
Atari 2600
Get that ET game nigga
My nigga
Switch has no games, period.
all of those have games except the xbox
>Is there anything that has games?
Sonic Mania, Breath of the Wild, MK8D, Snipperclips, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Overcooked.
No they don't
>Is there anything that has games?
a chad
Fuck off Javius
No. Games don't really exist, and the ones that claim to be real games are all casual trash and therefore do not count as real games, thus games are an illusion and we are caught up in it's lies, this is why we all talk shit about games constantly for no reason.
games doesn't even exist, people buy consoles and build PCs for nothing
you don't exist
This is a game.