What makes a character's design good or bad?

What makes a character's design good or bad?

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Design could be fixed by filling in the hole in his pants.

readability, or how effectively/quickly it is able to convey a specific idea about that character

not really, then he'd just have big pants.

I think it conveys the idea pretty okay

It just looks like crap


I can't even tell if OP's pic is the real one or not anymore

I'm not familiar with this character or the game he's from, and I cannot tell you what he does besides exist in a jrpg. I didn't recognize the thing slung over his shoulder as a diver's helmet, the only thing I can really recognize is his crossbow arm thing (which I guess is supposed to be an anchor or a grappling hook if he's a diver or something? it reads like a crossbow) and even then, I have no idea if he even knows how to use that


Functional attire for one. Its not that hard.

To this?

How the character moves in it

>Swinging a weapon with an open jacket

That's the exact opposite of functional.

The more questions the design raises, the worse it is.

asanagi is a god

It's simple, that one is bad because it looks retarded

I mean it's quite obviously a diver's helmet. He is a sky diver so yeah that's his theme, with the hook helping him zip around

A characters design is considered good if they are wearing at least 3 belts.

combination of practicality, personality, setting and fashion. Even the most ostentatious design should serve some purpose.

>no midriff

Into the trash it goes

color theory

>What makes a character's design good or bad?
>color clashing
>silhouette is too samey with other cast
>not keeping it simple
>excessive asymmetry

That thing is not obviously a diver helmet .

Simplicity is a key part of good designs. That one is bit busy overall.

Clarity is another thing. The design and pose should say something about the character. Be it personality or what role they serve.

Somewhat unrelated, but what the hell is going on with his pant/boots?

Diving boots

I meant more why half of the pants are open.

God that looks awful who came up with such a stupid design?

Post /fa/ vidya characters

>removing shota butt and giving us hammer pants
That's the opposite of fixed.

Does it look like something a reasonable person would decide to wear?
Does is appear to serve a functional purpose.

Belt-vase-tube-boots fails at both of these. I could give the rest of the outfit a pass, but those leg things look like they'd be a detriment to just walk around in.

If I go "woah cool" It's good if I go "wow lame" it's not good. For this one I definitely go "wow lame".

Idk really


The amount of belts, nickles and dimes and whether or not you have a pizza cutter sword.

you knew it was coming

Fanservice for the ladies, obviously. Gotta cover the bases.

Whether or not I have a new waifu.

Can you imagine how heavy that helmet and boots must be? Look at all the cast iron those things are rocking? Not something an adventurer should be going on long adventures in.

Removing all the metal save for the grappling hook gauntlet and belt buckles would drastically improve the design.

I wish he hadn't used those pictures when there are other examples where the early diving gear inspiration is much more obvious.

>Skin tight suit
>No bulge of a giant cock
>Not even the bulge of a tiny dick
Where is his penis?

> boob plate

>diver's helmet
>sky diver
This just makes it even more retarded. You don't wear water diving equipment when you jump out of a plane.

Hidden by one of the belts, obviously. It's up to you to decide which one.
You appear to be the retarded one here.

Look at the design and count how many bits and pieces are on the costume that seem to have no verifiable use or function.
This guy's got at least more than 5 pieces of useless shit on him, so his design is by definition terrible.

Diving pants

I don't see it.

So, other than decorations on his clothes, what things are those?

>sky diver
>design is not only completely non-aerodynamic but weighed down by a shitton of useless metal parts

Good thing he's not that kind of sky diver then.

I'm guessing either he has anime strength where the twiggier your arms, the stronger you are, or it's some fantasy metal that weighs lighter than air and never ever breaks.

Well you're doing a great job of not explaining why those words are apparently meaningless.

>quickly identifiable even with minor alterations
>not needlessly complex and full of redundant accessories

Point 2 and 3 is very hard to accomplish when everyone is copying each other creative wise. And is why I consider early Capcom kino of the art direction world.

They did go into a fair amount of detail about this when they streamed the game. The sky below the inhabited areas in this setting works more like water, complete with tides that expose parts of the terrain, so his outfit resembles that kind of diving gear. There are also spots where he can dive for stuff in the game.

Sky diver as in not the parachute kind, he wants to go down asap to another floating fantasy island.

>Belts that don't secure anything useful
>metal armored bits that don't protect anything or are right next to exposed skin
>mounted wrist harpoon that will pierce the back of his hand
>jacket is half metal, zipper can't actually zip, metal collar will cut into his chin when closed unless he stares up the entire time
>puffy knee area, perfect for kneeling down for blowjobs but not much else
>pouch on back of belt that can't be reached because of that fucking harpoon
I'm not even going to mention the boots as they are just regular boots with metal stapled on to them but you could argue it's armor or something I dunno.

So you're just here to shitpost. Thanks for the confirmation.

Nice argument, glad you agree and have no response.

Shota exposed thighs are always good designs

Your garbage doesn't warrant an argument though, sweetie.

good character design should
-be easily identifiable, at the very least you should be able to tell the character based on the silhouette alone
-and the design should try to convey everything you need to know about the character or at least give you a strong impression of the personality of the character

What game?

>Actually, about the "Lost Souls" part, it most likely implies that he helps people he runs across, perhaps drifters or plainly just people in a pinch (evidenced by him agreeing to get Pyra, someone he just met, to Elysium). He's capable of piloting a ship and skydives (heh) for a living so he probably roams around quite a bit.

He's a sky salvager. He dives below the Cloud Sea for scraps and materials and sells what he finds to neighbouring towns.

What game is this?
I'm just getting into Jap games

xenoblade 2

On top of all that, and this IS admittedly speculation, but he seems to be the standard hot blooded hero type so I doubt he's especially fashion conscious. No doubt he falls asleep in whatever he has on and doesn't bother to change.

So such a complex outfit is simply out of character for him

monolith soft just posted these images alongside a bunch of job openings (presumably for it). But recall they had concept art for a 3DS game too and nothing came out of it (maybe it turned to this)

Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer.

The first impression not being "looks like a retarded JRPG character" would help.

This what good character design look like

The new images are specifically concept art for their new game apparently and not just art unrelated to any project.

Gay steampunk mega man is a shit design.

>anime character design
>make the head just generic anime
>change all the other human parts only slightly to make the monster still perfectly fuckable
>everything that was changed should add to a fetish
Chances are high that this is from a generic hypersexualized weeb game that has the thirsty otaku autists in mind so this is indeed a good design.

Cry harder you stupid little bitch.

>Generic anime
user, you gotta use an example of what's generic about it when you use that criticism.

This game better have mechs in it.

an isosceles triangle with anime eyes is not a good design

Fuck off.

What about an acute triangle?

>implying xenoblade wasn't a harem

all triangles are acute triangles retard

There it is


what the fuck are you talking about

Angles can be acute not triangles go back to middle school fucko


Also the desire to expose skin while using that sort of diving equipment theme. It's just garbage.
The way JRPGfags like it.