Nearly 700k players always online its literally eating Overwatchs playerbase right now...

Nearly 700k players always online its literally eating Overwatchs playerbase right now. WHY ARE YOU NOT PLAYING THE GOTY?

Because I find it really unappealing.

>multiplayer only
Pick one and only one

This. Arma's battle royale is times better.

not an argument

This thread again.


I find all the battle royale games uneappealing.

"I dont find this game appealing" is actually a very good argument when asking "Why you are not playing this game?"

Can you please use the same pic or maybe mention pubg in your shill thread? makes it a lot easier to filter


>Sup Forums is not reddi...

Reminder that this shills keeps making these images only to post in these shill threads.

It's just his regular shill formula, "not an argument" and "you only hate it because it's popular" will get posted in these threads over and over again


games so low quality, does nothing special with the formula at all, has no character, yet people are lapping this shit up. what the fuck happened?

>tfw got a clutch chicken dinner

best feel this game is really amazing

Can I still get my money back on it even though I surpassed the Steam refund rules?

I'm honestly glad something came along and killed Overwatch.

Fuck Blizzard

Its a fucking multiplayer only shooter, what the hell are you expecting?


>nearly 700k at all times
>clearly says 442k

I've got a few issues with it. Poor optimization. Netcode still needs a little work. Weapons don't feel consistent in their spread or where they hit. And a personal preference, I think 3rd person is retarded when stealth is 95% of the game. Being able to look around corners without exposing yourself is pretty retarded. First person only servers are cool though.

Once it comes out of EA
so never

Do people camp as much in FPP? Fuck I can't wait for this shit to come to OC servers.

>We are doing worse than our competitors
>WEEEEWWW let's celebrate
This game, not even once.

Hey man we just want our free copy

I'd say they do, but they lose the advantage of being able to peek around a corner with the camera, so campers can be punished pretty easily. Honestly, if some faggot is camping that hard, just move on, or, if you're determined to end his ass, walk away, and then hold the right mouse button while approaching to dampen your footsteps. They usually peek out after they think you're gone, and that's the perfect opportunity to blast them .

I don't play FPS mobas
Also funny how this game is so popular yet threads on /vg/ go half the bump limit in 1 day while most threads hit the limit withint 2-3 hours.

I have an I3 and 6gb ram, can I play this game PUBGbros?

Where do I sign up to shill for this game?

If I'm going to spend my life shitposting on Sup Forums I want to at least get something in return for it

GPUs are for fags

Doubt it, i5 and 8gb here and it's really struggling, after the first 30 seconds it then runs fine though.

It's not even close to being dead you retard.

>no waifus
>no anime art style
>no easy win mechanics
>no rpg mechanics
>high skill ceiling

I can see why this game is not discussed here or at /vg/

>literally afk simulator the game

I can't wait to spend half an hour digging through garbage just to get less than six kill

all the generals are good for are posting webms of your sick kills and bitching about shotgun chokes.

>Multiplayer fps
If you like garbage for normie then you should go to Reddit.

>Not dead

Is this game just popular because of the random factor and youtube marketing?

It's literally
>it's fun with friends :^)
the game. This is what people who are not very good at any other game play with their friends. They walk around, talk about shit and sometimes something funny will happen. The sheer emptiness and lack of proper gameplay besides walking around and looting stuff makes this the perfect casual fun for groups of friends who actually just want to talk instead of properly compete.

Another part is that of basement dwelling lone 14 years old who are try-harding this game thinking their some sort of e-sports pro for reaching top 10 many times or something of that sort. The usual winners of this game are people who would normally play more competitive games as a group such as Cs:Go, but enjoy preying on the weak and easy wins.

It's just a bad game, but it has an appeal to many different groups 80% of that being casual gamers with their friends looking for a game with low attention span so they aren't bothered while playing.

By what metric is it dead you braindead anime retard paedophile?

Why is it a bad game exactly?

>mfw nu/v/ will cry and say this post isn't true

>the absolute state of Sup Forums

So you can't give 1 reason why it's a bad game?


Because im waiting for the fucking first person servers to come to my shitty servers

game is on life support, everything that gets done in it(skins,events) is outsourced, Tencent obviously got a big grip in the game because of the lootboxes, extremly failed "e-sport" which they tries to push way too hard, no balancing, nearly no updates and the few devs that actually worked on the game has been transferred to another project.

But it has become a successful esport retard

oh and forgot that the queue times are horrendously long now

I do but it's RNG: THE VIDEO GAME and that's about it.

you're just upset because you don't have any friends

Not him and I actually like the game but in its current state it is in fact, objectively a bad game. Beyond all the jankiness of normal gameplay, the fact that you need an SSD just to load everything properly is horse shit. If they just allocated resources to things that matter right now the game would be a lot better.

ow is a terrible game and the design went in the air after a few seasons, just get soldier/tracer/genji for every map, doesn't matter attack or defense

I'm gonna laugh so hard if it passes dota 2.



pubg is for casuals

>successful esport

The game is really CPU and ram dependent. I'm running an I3 and 8gb ram and im getting FPS drops that people have confirmed to be fixed if you up your ram to 16gb.

This, Arma III is just a better game overall with a big mod community and a shit load more to do.

I have 24 system ram and 8 gr. 8 core 3.4 processor and I run into fps drops and lag all the time.

Pick two.

I didn't know that unfinished products can be considered GOTY.

game is disk access dependent as well requires SSD and 12gb ram

is any game ever really "finished" anymore

Yes plenty of games. Not everyone is stupid enough to buy the latest early access meme games.

>SSD and 12gb ram
Well like I said I have 24, and I have a 2 terabyte ssd as my main. So were is the explanation there?

What a bullshit time we live in.

>So were is the explanation there?

probably managing your system poorly like most people, works fine for me

> works fine for me

Or its a shit game that is poorly optimized. Unless you got the solution to why the game runs like shit?

What is currently the shittiest game on Steam and why is it PUBG?

DOTA2 is fucking f2p.

and why would it make you laugh?

Because a fuxcking f2p game would get cucked.

It's about quality, not completion that determines GOTY status.

I love how cucked you're getting by this game's success

Hello there mr. Marketer.

You can't pick 2 things out of 2, it's called taking everything, you illiterate faggot.

I might play it once they release it
I still can't believe people are dumb enough to pay for unfinished games

> Second place
> Bad
What are you, an asian mother

dota is free.

Not him but all my friends have PUBG and Ovewatch yet I refuse to play such mediocre games with them

you sure showed them

>It's about quality, that determines GOTY status