Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts?

Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts?

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>no akuma

Garbage, buy ArcSys instead if you care about fighting games.

They made a huge mistake showing their unpolished builds and not confirming the size of the roster right at the start. This game has been through so much shit based on people assuming that the early trailers were indicative of the end product that people are gonna skip it.

That said I am gonna skip it because the MCU can fuck off and I'm super burned out on these modern Capcom fighters and I'm not really in love with MvC games in general.

>5 most interesting characters confirmed dlc

Still a pretty shit roster overall. Too many returnees, barely any new fighters.

No X-Men
No buy

God damn its such a fucking weak line up. Especially from Capcom..

Whole roster should be Firebrand.

I think there is a good "core" here but it would need 3-4 good choices.

>That one final spot on the Capcom side

I don't even know if I want a character I like in this game or not.


I didn't play MVC3 so I'm still looking forward to this game, I understand why people who did would be made considering so much of the roster is copy pasted from that game.

Why the fuck is everything getting ruined lol

>only 2
I mean it's fucking great to see Jedah, but come on

Why not just get MvC 3? It's cheaper

where's gwenpool

stop playing capcom games

Nova confirmed for MCU!!!!!

unpolished build looks the same as the final build
no xmen
copypasted assets everywhere

go to bed combofiend

Darkstalkers is completely irrelevant, you're lucky you get any representation.

I can't get over how ugly this game looks. Shit roster aside.

>no xmen

Who gives a shit? Everyone's complaining about no new characters and you want to waste like five slots on old shit? gtfo

Calm down Ike

I wish ArcSys would make new darkstalkers but it will never happen.

>only 6 characters in the core roster aren't returnees from MvC3

Too many returning and boring characters on the capcom side, too many MCU characters marvel side, and weird art choices like going for movie versions of some marvel heroes and comic book versions of others, like Rocket/Gamora.
Fans go autistically crazy over the Marvel series but there's a lot of good fighters out right now and others coming soon so I don't see any reason to pick this one up.

That Capcom representation is fucking miserable.

>taking characters out when your roster is already smaller than ultimate
why pretend like you play fighting games

Post yfw you'll be playing DBFZ instead of nu-marvel come mid September

I'll also be playing pokken DX

I'm confused as to why Capcom is including Thanos in the "new" characters, he was in MvC2.

in UMvC3 the characters I played as most were

>captain america
>super skrull

I literally have one of my fucking characters returning

If they were honest about why the xmen weren't included, I might give it a chance. Unfortunately, they decided to claim people don't remember character that have had several movies in the past few years. Any developer that can spew that kind of bullshit can't be trusted with putting together a well constructed game.

Taskmaster has good chances of returning eventually, he was one of the most popular characters in MvC3 and is not affected by the X-Men/FF restriction.

I actually cannot believe that Amaterasu isn't in this game

Capcom is fucking re-releasing Okami in like FOUR MONTHS

Stop being autistic over this shit, that was a statement of a single guy, Combofiend, who isn't even part of the actual development of the game, he's merely an assistant producer.

I want someone from Capcom to say it. I want them to say "There are no X-Men because we don't have the movie rights and Kike Perlmutter wants to bury them".

>Capcom is fucking re-releasing Okami in like FOUR MONTHS

that's just a rumor though

A rumor backed up by two separate retailers listing it at the same time. Still unconfirmed though, yes.

YOU why pretend tho?
newly launched fighting games extremely rarely have as much characters as UMvC3 had. Reusing assets in this gen is also not as easy as it was with MvC2 where they literally just copy pasted 90% of the sprites from other games and just took out lot of their moves.

A good chunk of MvCI's budget is also going into the stupid story mode and you can't even blame them that it's something noone has asked for as it was highly requested even for MvC3. MvCI will overall have more content than MvC3 had even if not in the playable roster.

>even if not in the playable roster
But that's where I want it, for a crossover game.

>Ghost Rider
Fuck yeah
Other than those guys I dont a fuck about this shit ass roster. Probably wait for Super MvC I.

Crossover fighters get like 90% of their hype from their characters. People love seeing new fighters from new IPs that they've never seen in a fighting game before, and seeing how their fighting style, game mechanics, and personality translate into a new style of game. And people love being surprised. They like seeing the crazy/weird/niche characters you'd never expect to see in a game like this that make the cut. Smash is the best example, every time a character drops in a Smash game boards like Sup Forums fucking explode.

Capcom dropped the ball so hard here it hurts. They are so out of touch that they don't even know what there own audience wants anymore. The whole "You don't actually like the characters, you only like their functions" thing speaks volumes about what went wrong with the development of this game. And I'm not just talking about the lack of X-Men. They've fundamentally misunderstood the appeal of their own franchise, and have alienated both long time fans and new casuals who might be interested in picking it up to see their favorite characters beat each-other up.

This roster is safe, predictable, boring and anti-hype. There's simple, straight up, not enough new here to make the game feel exciting. And the fact that they have 6 actually new characters that the base roster desperately needed that are being held hostage for DLC nickle and diming just adds insult to injury.

Between the roster, the graphics, the awful demo, the abhorrent day one DLC plans, and the "functions" meme, this might be one of the worst marketed games in recent memory.

Ghost Rider isn't DLC

it's okay if tekken does it

where did I say that?

>smaller than ultimate

Try smaller than vanilla Marvel 3, not even including Jill/Shuma

I know Venom is tho

I don't care and neither does anyone here because none of you scrubs actually learned how to play MVC3 and none of you are going to learn how to play MVCI.

Nobody knows, OP is just speculating, we know nothing about Venom but we do know the first season will only include "brand new" characters so unless Capcom considers Venom brand new he isn't coming anytime soon.

Probably one of the worst starting rosters for a fighting game ever. Especially when you consider the caliber of MvC games.

I actually cannot believe that Leon isn't in this game

Capcom is fucking DOing IT

I wasn't aware Tekken was a crossover fighter.

And even then, the surprise inclusions of Akuma and Goose alone are more hype than anything in MVCI and a good example of what my post was talking about.


>monster hunter is DLC
they did it

they actually did it

holy S H I T WHY

I prefer the 2v2 format and the artstyle while not great in infinite is easily an improvement over the comic book thing they did in MVC3.

Tekken sucks, game has barely changed since Tekken 3.

Leon would require new assets, which they clearly wern't interested in crafting with this title.

What actually IS shock is that Wesker didn't make the cut, considering he was by far one of the top three most popular new additions in MVC3 and his mad scientist thing would fit in very well with the new "MCU Only" meme.

>and it is female
maximum WHY

lack of female characters, if they're not retarded you will be able to choose the gender like robin in smash

I want to go back. MvCI is pretty ugly on its own, but its direct predecessor was so god damn stylish.

>in a crossover game only the roster matters
people wanted to see a story mode for MvC exactly because it's a crossover game and were upset when MvC3 didn't have it. Lot of people complained that there aren't anything to do in the game for casuals.

People should understand that the reason the roster suffers in MvCI is because they have to split the budget between the cinematic story mode. The fact that Capcom games these years have lower budget than they had 5-10 years ago doesn't help either.

Yeah, and this is why they choose it to be monhun in rathalos armor where you can't tell female it or not.

>new frank
they should have kept quasimodo frank

>the reason the roster suffers in MvCI is because they have to split the budget between the cinematic story mode
I don't have an issue with the roster's size. I have an issue with their selections. I would take less characters if they actually prioritized the good ones.

What I said still stands. Capcom fundamentally misundertstood the appeal of Marvel vs Capcom, and misbudgeted as a result.

They have no one to blame but themselves for looking at the roster and thinking only five newcomes, six if you count Thanos, was "good enough".

Too bad that's not how they looked ingame. Especially Chris. Chris in 3 was much worse than I's.

They're both pretty unappealing.

to be fair MvC was never really appealing to casuals and newcomers and they never really sold a lot of copies. UMvC3 sold like what, 1 million copies?

I think they realised that they can't just go on and focus on the playable roster for the hardcore audience but they have to make a story mode too.

Also I think their mentality is that: newcomers won't complain about the roster because they haven't bought MvC3 anyway so all of them will feel fresh and unique
the competetive players will buy it even if the roster is samey because the gameplay is new enough.

I disagree with their mentality. Characters build hype, hype builds word of mouth, word of mouth puts the game in the heads of casuals, who will then check it out/buy it. Instead, the only word of mouth the game is getting is that the roster is terrible and the graphics are ugly.

While it's true that sometimes bad press can be better than no press, I don't think that's the case when the vast majority of it is shitting on your game. MVCI has been a snowball of negatively since like day one.

And that will turn off casuals, especially since the story mode they created specifically to draw them in looks utterly laughable compared to it's contemporaries like Injustice.

Not saying Injustice is good, I'm just pointing out the marked difference in quality and attention spent on it. If they were going to go for the casual bait, they really needed to go all in.

Why are over 3 quarters of the roster MvC3 ports or DLC?

Isn't DBFZ supposed to launch with a 34 character roster?

Being outdone by a game that takes effort to make new characters when half of your shit is copy-pasted from 3 is just embarrassing

Injustice 2 has good animations, a full-fledged story mode and a better roster than MvCi though.
>b-but it's not a crossover!!!
It's a crossover within itself.
Even discounting that the game has much more percentage of new assets than that Marvelturd and gameplay things that pleases casuals and hardcores alike. I don't think MvCi has even decided what kind of players itself is being sold too though.

>power stone, rival schools, viewtiful joe, okami, asura's wrath, god hand aren't relevant enough for 1 character

>here's 2 fucking ghouls and ghosts characters

4/6 of the roster is recycled from UMVC3

1/6 of the roster is new characters.

The remaining 1/6 is new characters locked behind a $30 dollar paywall.

Enjoy paying $90 to get the same amount of characters you got in vanilla Marvel 3, minus all of the fun, unique, or niche characters and any and all X-Men.

But don't worry, they replaced them with such great new characters! Like... Carol Danvers.... and everyone's favorite guardian of the galaxy... Gamora.... and the totally new to the series Thanos!

Well, at least Ultron and X are cool I guess.

Most of MvCI is reused assists from MvC3.

wait, there's no doom? :(

nice deflection you fucking homo

>no Wesker, Virgil, WOlverine, X-23, or Akuma.

so.. all the best parts of MVC3U are gone then?

No Doom, no X-Men, no Deadpool. Anything that Fox has the movie rights to has been thrown away.

Doom is associated with the Fantastic 4, and Marvel doesn't own the movie license to that, so he's out.

Thanos isn't even a newcomer! he's from OG Marvel vs Capcom 2


No? What planet are you living on that thinks DBF is going to have a larger cast than BB and GG have right now?

because it's a 3v3 game

we only had 1 game.. 1 game to play with him.

Not him, but they've got Bamco bank rolling them on this.

I wouldn't be surprised if they got a notable budget increase after all the hype they recieved from E3 so that they could make the game as good as it can possibly be to try and meet people's expectations and make loads of dosh.

word of mouth didn't helped too much with UMvC3. UMvC3 had an amazing roster but it still didn't lured in much casuals because there was not much to do except for online where they just got absolutely destroyed.

As for how cheesy or cringy the story mode is I think people extremely overreact. This is literally how the recent capeshit movies looked like, shit like Avangers2 was filled with these kind of stupid, overexeggerated dialoges and situations, but I guess that's not so cringy because normies love it?

Jedah was the worst DS choice possible since his animations are all bloody and violent.

UMvC3 has BAD word of mouth homedog.

Maybe you don't remember, but people were fucking LIVID when Capcom announced a game that rendered their $60 dollar game useless less than a year after MvC3's release after making statements promising that they'd support the game with further updates. They literally pulled a "Thanks for beta testing faggots :^)" and took a giant shit on early adopters that supported them.

>my boy Nemesis is back
>Jedah and Ultron look fun
>story looks like a better goofy timewaster than SFV
I'm super excited personally, I just want it to get here sooner. ArcSys shills can fuck off with their meme company until Zamasu gets revealed for DBF and it becomes FGOTYAY.

I will be rocking my nigga Dante with Ghost Rider and maybe some Jedah on the side for maximum edge.

The roster is shit, they used Wolverine and Colossus Fast Ball Special with Ryu and Hulk, the art style is shit, Spiderman has a discount symbiote suit, for some reason everyone has small head and huge body.

>goofy timewaster
Yes, seeing Civil War 2.0, where the universes are at stake, but everyone's too busy making jokes and references every 2 seconds, is great!

Can't wait to see what snarky joke Dante is going to make while jobbing to Jedah

You guys like having fun with your favorite characters? Well that's too fucking bad.

injustice also had multiple times higher budget

if you seriously think Marvel gives even a penny to Capcom for developing this game you are delusional. The game hardly even has any marketing at all.

>gameplay things that pleases casuals and hardcores alike
that's a bit far stretch, the gameplay is still pretty close to your avarage NRS games that the hardcore audience will drop in a year. The only thing different is that they slapped on a few new broken mechanics that make the game look more complex than something like MKX.


That was literally the complaint of the hardcore audience because they are the ones who had to move onto the next game if they wanted to stay relevant.

For anyone else you could still play MvC3 online and you can do it to this day.

>good animations
come on

Roster looks more like MCUvC. I bet they were "incentivized" by Marvel Studios.

no asura
no buy