Just installed this badboy, any graphical mods floating around to make it look fresher?

Just installed this badboy, any graphical mods floating around to make it look fresher?

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No mod is going to save you from the shittiest combat in entire Witcher franchise

agreed, though that one mod does help a lot.

this but don't install the character overhaul

and this
is a fantastic game, ignore the comments about the shitty combat

>it's a fantastic game, just ignore the gameplay ;););)

i wish CDPR would make a Witcher 1 and 2 remake based on the Witcher 3 engine.

i love the story of the first Witcher games, but the gameplay is just 9th circle of hell of suffering

OP isn't playing 2 though.

that's clearly witcher 1, not 2

All these plebs, fucking god.

>don't install the character overhaul
>stare at the same reused models over and over again

CDPR apologists disgust me.


W1 combat is so broken there's literally no challenge.

You "muh story" faggots are the true plebs. Go play The Last of Us, faggot.

If it's gonna make you feel better TW1 is the best game in the series and i don't like cdpr.

having the shittiest combat in the Witcher series is like winning the prize for the fattest kid at fat camp

ahahah look at all these fucking faggots spilling their spaghetti. i also hate TLoU.

>any graphical mods floating around to make it look fresher?
You do realize that this is a modified NWN engine right?

The Last of Us is absolute shit story wise though.

> any graphical mods floating around to make it look fresher

I'm so fucking tired of this childish attitude. Just play the damn game as it is or play Witcher 2/3.

Why is wanting mods childish? Modding is fun.

I'm pretty sure that the mod make Morenn have white skin instead of the original green skin, that's why

Maybe he is a purist.
Or as i like to call people who don't like mods a retard.

Its makes it historically accurate, Dryads didn't have green skin.

she looks like trash

>Witcher 1 remake based on the Witcher 3

It would just become the same oversaturated plasticky generic western fantasy with epic orchestral score by Hans Zimmer as TW3 instead of the distilled slav extract the original game was.

>mythical creature
>historically accurate

>historically accurate

Even so, one questionable design choice for a minor NPC you only see once is not worth ignoring the entire mod that fixes the copy-paste character models that plagued the game.

Shame the first game is distilled 90% pure boredom.

Shame you're a spoiled western brat with ADHD who can't appreciate a slower pace soaked in atmosphere.

what the fuck is that shitty Skyrim-wannabe UI replacer? The last UI anyone should imitate is Skyrim's


accurate to the historical depiction, yes.

you better be playing with polish voices user

why does her swimsuit have a picture of a belly on it

You're wrong on so many levels it makes my head spin.
Nope, just a little south of Poland
>can't appreciate a slower pace
My favorite RPG is Planescape: Torment incidentally.

>mods for a first playthrough

>planetscape tournament

Now THAT game is distilled pure boredom.

>dat neckseam

Here's an idea: stop using the OTS camera and keyboard only controls. The game is 10x better if you play it like a RTS.

The real problem are this godawful invisible walls. I wouldn't have such a grudge against this game is Geralt could just jump over fences or climb hills.

And you're a distilled retard.

I've always felt the other way around.
Top-down perspective was absolutely awful, OTS was at least bearable.
Still the invisible walls are what ruins it for me.

Its called The Path, not The Field.

Combat is the best in the series and makes you feel like an actual witcher. Stance matters in every encounter and you have to stance dance. Alchemy matters in every encounter, you have to prepare for the monsters you are fighting. Yes the graphics are awful, but its an early game from an indie company, what can you expect?

>Stance matters in every encounter and you have to stance dance
Amazing, you have to occasionaly press one of three keys. Not too often though.
>Alchemy matters in every encounter, you have to prepare for the monsters you are fighting
I'm so excited, can't wait to waste hours fucking around in inventory and collecting stupid herbs like a grandma.

He's not playing Witcher 2

While I agree stance are cool, changing stance, is just pressing one key.
And there is like three potions you actually need, oils and such are completely optional, even on hard.