What should we take from the success of this steaming pile of shit? Is there any way to save the JRPG genre from being destroyed by this garbage? Is this the final victory of style over substance, or can we still save JRPGs?
How to save JRPGs from Persona
Wait for the new SMT
Also Gust will save us
killing yourself would be a first step into a nice direction.
Also JRPGs were kind of always about style over substance, it's just that style has shifted over time.
I'd rather take style over substance like P5 than something with polished rocks and absolutely no art direction like FFXV
Are you fucking serious? You are complaining now? Did you miss persona 3 and 4' release?
Wait, what was bad about it?
It seems like most people shitting on it are just antiweebs without any valid criticism.
The entire premise of the game was fucking retarded, and the cringeworthy "DUDE PHANTOM THIEVES, DUDE FUCK ADULTS, AMIRITE" dialogue only made it worse
the game is essentially an edgy teenager's shitty fanfiction. Yuck.
I feel like a Sup Forums generator could easily be made. When the game's released, you have people gloryfying it and saying how its one of the best games ever, now a couple of months later you have some anons saying its SHIT. This happened with Witcher 3, Overwatch, Nier Automata, with virtually every game outside of Call of Duty, Fifa. Even GTA 5 gets shitted on. Does this board even like video games?
Then you have the occasional console war threads with "Sony is winning" from Sonygeggers, and "Why did you not get a Switch yet" from Nintendults or "X1 has specs!" from Xboners. Honestly this board reeks of autism all over the place. Same commentary, same empty words, same bs. Never change.