ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.

Me too user, no diablo 2 but fun none the less (after like years of updates).

I think most people just wanted diablo 2 2. Plus everyone complained about the auction house thing which really didn't matter. Still the best game of that genre since Diablo 2

Why does Diablo have to have such sexy hips and thighs.

Better not be talking about the disaster that was pre 2.0.

Took over the body of a waifu.

No, fuck you

its enjoyable but casual and shallow as fuck. Its literally just hold one button while you put all your attributes into vitality and main stat and smart loot takes care of the rest.

That's Diablo after he possesses Leia's body.

Your mum

>put all attributes into vitality

Has the game changed since I last played like 6 months ago? Vit was a fucking dogshit useless stat when i played it was all armor and resist all.

Actually I underestimate how long ago I played, more like 12 months

Lord, why is Leah so gorgeous? She looks like a character from Final Fantasy.

It's a great game, user. For maximum enjoyment though, it'd be better if you'd just played Diablo 3 and never glanced back at 2. Nostalgia fags will disagree with this.

I honestly still prefer it over PoE and I loved D2, I get the point of PoE, but it so fucking tryhard. I liked D2 because I could play it how I want, sometimes I was all about ladder and hardcore, sometimes I just wanted to fuck around on my own or with friends casually and it was fun playing either way. PoE is all or nothing, the game is just purely designed for theory crafting builds and full on hardcore, has no real style or fun other than that.

Plebs who didnt played d2 usually do

Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but if you didn't play it in its prime I agree. It has like 0 quality of life its so fucking unfun to operate unless you have played it before, if I hadn't played it years ago I wouldn't bother playing it enough now to really understand why its good.

Because one of the few things modern Blizz can do correctly is make cute girls?

You like shit.


How bad did they fuck up Necro in this?


I played nonstop for a couple of months until I abruptly stopped from sudden boredom.



I never even got off the train before I stopped playing

fuck yeah, I like it as well, sequel was utter dog shit though

are you stupid? the sequel's a masterpiece. I don't understand.

That is my feeling with almost all new blizzard games, Epxect WoW because fuck WoW, they are good games that their biggest problem was that they weren't as good as they predecessors

no. the problem's that they raped the legacy they had. warcraft III isn't warcraft. diablo III isn't diablo. starcraft II isn't starcraft. they missed the tone and art direction by a fucking mile, dude. blizzard fell in love with cartoony bullshit around 2002. no clue why.