What are some cool blood relatives who are in the same game or same game series, or even different series, but their relation to another character is acknowledged? Siblings, parents and children, aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins, just no adoptees.
What are some cool blood relatives who are in the same game or same game series, or even different series...
i want to wear slutty bikinis it gets my penis hard
How is Honkers related to Kasumi and Ayane?
Fascinating, but not what I'm looking for
She's half-sister to Ayane and cousin to Kasumi
She may be related to Raidou.
I won't say Albert and Alex since they're not actually related
There is no evidence to prove Honoka is actually related to Ayane. Honoka is similar to Raidou, but we're never given anything to prove they're related.
I want to call out how ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING Kasumi's brocon and muh Hayate-sama is. She has the worst personality of all DOA girls. She's a boring Nadeshiko doormat with brother sister con complex.
Glad that Honkers and Marie replaced her as the face of the series. It should've been Ayane but whatever, anything is better than Kasumi
I'd say there's quite a bit of evidence pointing to it. Pic related, her physical similarities to Ayane, her mimicking abilities similar to Raidou's, being raised by her grandmother instead of her parents, and pic related. She's not been included in a story mode yet, but it seems pretty obvious, almost hamfisted.
>Implying Kasumi's not the face of the series
Marie and Honkers are just the flavor of the month. They're popular because they're new and provide something different, or in Honkers' case, what DOA is best known for taken to its highest level.
Hitomi and Christie were very popular when DOA3 came out, even getting on more of the promo material than Kasumi. After than, they fell back into the pack popularity-wise. The same will happen with Honoka. Marie will always remain popular, at least until they bring in another character like her, because she's the only one who fills that particular niche.
Hitomi should win the Hayatebowl.
Hayate has no interest in sex with anyone, not even guys. He's 100% asexual.
>DISGUSTING Kasumi's brocon
Pretty much all of them
Can they just hurry the fuck up with DoA6 already?
Helena probably fucks Little Kokoro.
It's possible that she lets Kokoro practice on her