Final Fantasy XV vs. World of Final Fantasy

Which one is the better buy?

Persona 5

WoFF til the PC version comes out.

Even then it might still be better until mod support is added.

World, it's a cute monster catching game

Don't get FFXV until all of the story DLC has come out or else you're probably going to be very disappointed.

I hope WoFF gets a PC version.

WoFF is pretty great, get that.

World of Final Fantasy
I never got final fantasy, it felt boring I guess, Woff was nice and I can see why people like turn based.

I got WoFF, put in 60 hours in a few days. I passed on XV after playing the demos. That should tell you all you need to know


WoFF released pretty quietly and ended up being a surprise favorite of 2016 for me. I'd pick it, it's fun and bright.

This. Neither FFXV or WoFF is particularly good or worth more than $15 at the bargain bin.

Get WoFF. Play for old school battle system with a unique stacking feature and lots of nostalgia.
Maybe when they finally finish completing XV's updates try it out. It'll probably be even cheaper by then.

Both are fucking horrible.

>t. never played WoFF

For all the shit that it gets, the side shit/post game is pretty fun.
Story just fucks everything up. It should have just all game and little story.

I did play it.

WoFf if you wanna scratch the 8/16-bit FF itch, XV if you want something more like Kingdom Hearts.

I wish XV was more like KH. Not every game with realtime combat is suddenly KH.

World of Final Fantasy

Totally different games
I enjoyed WoFF more simply because it's not a full price early acess game like XV and XV will still be that for at least 2-3 years not to mention the Season Pass(es) etc.
If you can find both for cheap i'd get WoFF and pirate XV when it comes out on PC. WoFF actually has quite a bit of endgame content and super bosses, even a super hard optional boss a mech from Xenogears and tons of summons and ways to built your party wth hundreds of mosnters etc.
It's not the most amazing game ever, but they clearly put care and time into it and it has some cute gals

Overall, buy WoFF, pirate XV

>dat thigh gap

Loved how WoFF from time to time jabbed at stupidities of main FF games

Also best girl there:

sorry, forgot the pic

You can tell the devs had fun writing those descriptions of the mirages.

WoFF. Don't bother with XV. It's fucking trash.

You could tell they had fun when Lann suddenly did TitusLaughâ„¢ . Or when Titus asked to not think about his albility to breathe underwater.

Or each time Tif destroyed something

World, XV is XIII tier.

PC doesn't deserve it.

That shit got me laughing good. Especially when it gets a little 4th walley.

I enjoyed seeing Reynn so casually abuse Lann, both verbally and physically. Sometimes even in the middle if a conversation.

They're at a point where they were too self aware of their own series, in a good way. Same shit the Sonic Boom animated series makes fun of it's series in a good way.

How did you see that? You and Bartz only met us for a short while.

WoFF was more enjoyable but has no replayability as it can be 100% in one run, not to mention it only has one save file which is a big turn off.

I feel like WoFF needs more additions to it. So many oppurtunies.

FFXV needs to stop milking the cow.

>all those shhh stop breaking the 4th wall jokes
Made me grin like a retard.

Hopefully it gets a sequel which can build upon that. It seems like the game was them throwing ideas into a game and seeing if it works, which it did.

I did. The dialogue is 7 year old level cringe. The monsters and world are pretty cool but the combat and progression is made for children and unrewarding. To collect them all you have to catch multiple and go up different upgrade paths but to catch a second you have to get an extra gem or whatever on the sphere grid. Also the game is still fucking slow even when you permanently hold the fast forward button


>Jokes and references from older FF games
>MC's sister has thicc thighs and wide wide hips and a delicious thigh gap
>God is a Christmas cake
>ATB with a fast forward button
>Monster collecting elements
>Delicious brown FemIfrit


How could each game improve on their gameplay?

>made for children
That's literally what the game was made for. It's to get the younger generations into Final Fantasy games.


WoFF could just add more monsters and maybe a 4 stack instead of 3
XV is the opposite, they need to remove 80% of hte shit you can do and focuse on the important things and trying to balance those. Tons and tons of unbalanced shit that leads to only using 3-4 skills or one good weapon will never be as good as having a handfull of skill/abilites/weapons that are all well balanced

XV missed out on story and cutscenes.

What were they thinking only showing you the game from noctis's perspective.

A bit more variety in the mirages. Maybe either up the difficulty or make difficulties if you wanna keep the younger audience. Some more post-game stuff since there wasn't too much in the original.

Is it bad that I'm a male and have a thigh gap like that?

You should if you're somewhat fit

>PC doesn't deserve it.

Why not? PC already has most mainline Final Fantasy games.

I don't think so? Can't say I'm interested in guys so I've never really paid attention.

All males have that you fucking retard. At least you should if you're not a fat fuck

For a stereotypical cute animal companion from old anime Tama was surprisingly neat.

or just wait the pc release if you can but I guess this is useless since he's asking what it's the best ps4 game between the two


Indeed. She was a treat.

>add another stack, maybe xs which is just an item balanced on a s character that gives bonuses til its knocked off bt a physical attack
>make unstacked a better option cause stacked right now is just too good to not do when it combines everything but unstacked only give minor speed boosts
>more characters to stack with besides just 2. Maybe a party of 3 or 4.
>more side stuff and hidden stuff
Thats all woff needs to warrant a sequel if you ask me. Adds just enough without being unfamiliar

These threads sure are 1000% more dead and peaceful without that fanboy

This gif makes me miss the days of when every sf character wasn't a roid monster.

why were those summon mirages so shit?

Just the way it should be. People talk, ask questions, get answers, job done. 1000% better than 500+ replies of autistic screeching.

Kinda like the mainline games
A Tomberry or Morbol is usually 10 times stronger than a summon in those games


The game is full of qt3.14s.

World of FF