Sup Forums, now that the dust has settled, how do you feel about Far Cry 5?

Sup Forums, now that the dust has settled, how do you feel about Far Cry 5?

I'm a little less outraged, but will boycott the game (won't even pirate). I'm just tired of the video game industry/MSM villifying white christians. A game where you kill muslims would never slide, so why should this?

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They look like hipsters to me.

Anyway Far Cry stopped being good after 2, 5 is just going to be another copy of 3 and 4. You cant expect a mainstream product to pick a controversial subject, the money men don't like those risks and optics.

Didn't Sup Forums beat this retarded drum enough?

since when do internet dwellers care about religion?

>A game where you kill muslims would never slide, so why should this?
There a plenty of Call of Duty and other modern games set in Iraq and Afghanistan about killing Muslim terrorists.
The problem with Far Cry 5 is that its stretching believability merely to take advantage of the current political climate.

Im going to buy it just to piss Sup Forums off

already pre ordered and paid for gold edition on psn

Those aren't proper Christians, they're cultists

good regular Christians fighting crazed cultists who think religion is about violence.

sounds more like something else to be honest.

Reminder the main villain of this game is named "Ronald Clump"

Boycotting/hating a game for any political reason is dumb.
Hate it instead for being an unimaginative Ubisoft rehash.

>not Cucknald Cumpf

ITT: anally pained yanquis can't handle being portrayed as a third world shithole

Well the original panic here and on Sup Forums was that you were playing as a black guy killing white christians. Thats since been disproven, and the rest is fine to me. I just don't like the setting cause I enjoy the selection of wild animals to play with. Riding elephants was fun.

>A game where you kill muslims will never slide
Pretty sure we had a lot of those especially from 01 to like 09

I'm more than a little irritated that they decided to use my state of all places to get on this soap box. The hell did we ever do?

user they never showed his name, he's only known as the president of Edens gate

Jesus Christ. That's the most brain-dead thing I've ever seen.

It's like saying ISIS are not muslims.

Did the cover of any of those games portray an Imam as Mohamed surrounded by terrorists?

They aren't

The smear they're trying to run with isn't even accurate, demographically and geographically.
If you want large concentrations of Christian fundamentalists, the Deep South is your best bet. Iirc this one takes place in Montana which is significantly less Christian and religious than pretty much any given southern (or even midwestern) state, but if they set a game in the deep south they'd have to have black enemies which would be ~~too controversial~~

>getting angry at video games
>pretending to get angry at video games
>pretending to pretend to get angry at video games

They are. It's the "not true scottman" fallacy. Just because a person does something you dont like, does not mean they are not in the group.

"A TRUE christian would never kill people!"
"A TRUE muslim would never kill people!"
Except both are false since both are in the holy texts.

They're non apostolic christians.

Fake news, that picture was literally made by ubishills to churn out page visits. Friendly reminder that this whole controversy thing was drummed up by Ubisoft to make their game popular.

you literally kill muslims through much of the modern warfare CoD games... or does it not count because they don't specifically come out and say they're muslims you're killing? i highly doubt farcry 5 will blatantly say the bad guys are christians

This is amazing. Pissing Trump fags off even more is hilarious.

Far Cry hasn't been good since 2. This just looks like more Ubisoft trash.

Ubisoft attempts at viral marketing are flat-out embarassing.

I find it pretty telling that they'll make a game like this but not Far Cry: Syria which would make more sense.

I won't buy it because I don't buy ubisoft's repetitive formulaic games.

Uhhh, no lad, a Christian isn't actually allowed to kill sinners or people from other religions.

You've been watching too much The Amazing Fedora-tipper

They have to scale things down. Make the largest fights involve trucks and hunting rifles at a farmhouse instead of machine guns and helicopters at a jungle palace.

They're not real muslims

FarCry 1 was trash and 3 was better than 2.

>I'm a little less outraged, but will boycott the game (won't even pirate). I'm just tired of the video game industry/MSM villifying white christians. A game where you kill muslims would never slide, so why should this?

I seriously could not care less about this political shit.

The main problem with FC5 is the boring setting and how much of a rehash it is. As it stands I have no interest in playing it.

You know what I find funny? Ehite people get to pull everyone elses cards and have done so for years but the minute it happens to them then they get super fucking sensetive. Lol its your turn now faggots.

what are they then? a muslim extremist is still a muslim

These guys aren't real chritians either.

I actually like the setting, it doesn't look like your typical shithole, instead it looks like a unique shithole.

Feels like GTA 5.

The South is way too multi-ethnic. They literally took the Whitest, rural and pro-small government state for the game

If you think that level of writing is amazing, I have some serious concerns for the future of our society. It's lazy and uninspired. Seriously, if you want to satirize or poke fun at something, at least put some effort into it. Don't just make a sound alike name for a character.

Nice trolling. 5/5

>It's another bait falseflag thread
Also, the FarCry series was never that good. Far Cry 2 was the best and I got bored playing it after a few hours.

Once you play one Farcry you've played them all, so I'm gonna go back to forgetting this game even existed.

Putting aside the political criticisms of the game, it just doesn't look interesting. Far Cry 4 looked more fresh and exciting than this one. Far Cry Primal has better graphics. The animations look lackluster compared to previous titles. Map looks boring. Lazy approach to the story, "create your own character". Admittedly the main villain guy looks interesting but we all know we'll see him for 3 short cutscenes at most. Not many good new features. It looks like 4 and Primal individually added more stuff than this one does.

I love Far Cry 2, but what's wrong with 3 and 4?

Wish it were true, really.

Yeah lad it doesn't count since you also kill a lot of Russians in those games. In fact you killl more white male Russians in the entire MW trilogy than you do Arabs

I totally forgot this game existed.

>hurf durf look at me I'm enlightened and evolved beyond emotions"

The more Sup Forums shit on this game for 'muh white Christians villains' the more I like this game. I'm 1 step close to buy this shit.

I always liked those games for the more "out-there" settings. White, picket-fence America isn't interesting for a Heart of Darkness-centered series

>A game where you kill muslims would never slide


He didn't say that, you illiterate fuck. And you just made his point.

Alt-rights deserve to drown in a pool of semen.

Hi Ubisoft larper!
$0.5 ubiplay coins have been deposited into your account.

It seems they already managed to bait many idiots looking at

I'm hyped for the concept, but since ubi is making it I know it will be shit
I always wanted a far cry in the US and I love the seeing it's in. Plus the cultist thing is pretty neat
Will get it on sale a year after when it's half off

Yeah, and now they've given us a lackluster and bloated version of GTA game countryside. I would literally rather have a remaster of FC3 on the FC4/Primal engine than this.

meant to

Jesus fucking Christ. Boo hoo you whiny little bitch.

To be fair, all religion is just awful so I'm fine with Christianity getting a spanking.

>but if they set a game in the deep south they'd have to have black enemies which would be ~~too controversial~~

You are murdering shitloads of africans for blood diamonds and fun in farcry 2, with no pretense of a deeper meaning to the violence or a good goal since you work for both factions.

this is the wrong series to get butthurt over

Bout time we get to kill bigoted white Christians. Can't wait to see the churches in flames and scream "where 's your God now".

>He didn't say that
>First words of the post are literally "this is amazing"

The majority of enemies in Far Cry 2 are white South Africans.

>Sup Forums this triggered

Except they've already shown black enemies.

Why do you people always jump to conclusions? It's like you just want to get mad about shit.

>You are murdering shitloads of africans for blood diamonds and fun in farcry 2

Which came out well before society turned into the mess it currently is.

Tooooooo damn edgy, Plebbitor. Here's your gold.

>"A game where you kill muslims would never slide"
Jesus fucking CHRIST were you not even born yet during the early 2000's, you little bitch? For fucks sake you right wing shitters are dumb as bricks.

Stop replying to me without paying royalties Ubishill.

Based Ubisoft

>I can't into reading comprehension

>p-please don't buy this game! It hurts my Sup Forums's beliefs!!

I don't care because far cry has sucked since forever. No cryengine game has ever been good, period. crysis was a literal tech demo, crysis 2 and 3 were bought off by nvidia to run like garbage on amd hardware.



Damn calm down there, Mohamed. Literally none of those games mentioned the word "Islam" once. Your shitskin religion has literally never been targeted by game devs. Arabs were just a convenient generic bad guy

It looks alright, i enjoyed farcry 4 and blood dragon, i have farcry3 in my backlog.

Ill get it but not on release, ill wait a year or 2

Could you please explain the meaning of the word "amazing" then?

Calm your tits Sup Forumstard, it doesn't matter if you all caps your shit or not.

Why would anyone even try to bait this hard?

In this game where you kill Christians, are they referred to as deranged cultists or Christians all the time?

u mad bro?

That's it.
I'm suing your company for using my posts to promote their product without compensation.


Settle down white trash

the reason it's in all caps is because morons seem to ignore what the actual complaint is and just jump to their canned "LOLOL CALL OF DUTY HAD MIDDLE EASTERN ENEMIES" response instead of seeing what people actually mean.

This guy gets it though.

Someone did this to me and I got brain damage.
Shouldn't do it even for a demonstration.

Last far cry i played was 3. Only considering playing 5 mostly for the novelty of being a hick deputy in hick country fighting hicks.


>[autistic shrieking]

He's probably going to "become a nazi now because you FORCED ME TO by being MEAN to me!!!!!!"

Triggered little trumpists seem to love that excuse for their shitty behavior nowadays.

Finally a game, where I can kill lots of burgers.
I'm really happy.
Are there also nigger burgers, that you can kill?

No shit, they're characters in a video game.

>kill minorities in a videogame
>this is ok

>kill white people in a videogame
>the devs deserve to be publicly hanged
I'm buying two copies fuck your triggered ass

Isn't one of the good guys a literal bible-spouting gunmen?

How is that vilifying christians? Are the bad guys even christians?

Samefag, please leave. This board is for whites only

>. A game where you kill muslims would never slide
I know you're meming, but isn't there tons of games in the Middle East where you kill Muslims?

They're not REAL Christians.