>Blizzard can't write anymo-
Blizzard can't write anymo-
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One good thing doesn't excuse a shitshow.
they never could write.
>You SEE this enemy over there now KILL him
as the ancient Hawaiians used to say
it only takes one right to turn a car
>amusing characters with good voice lines
>also actually fun to play
How did they do it?
All good fun.
Oops, didn't mean to make that plural
>One of the talents is named "Thunderstruck"
Time to get Blizzard sued
I'm convinced everything good from alarak came from John delancie
Is LoTV worth getting?
If you already have the first two you might as well finish it
Personally, I enjoyed it
they couldn't before, they just didn't make their games as shitty as their writing
Yes. Most of the missions are either on par or above WoL. As far as characters go,
>DT Lady is kind of just there
>Templar Hag is a bitch for 80% of the game
>Karax is like Swann but cooler and his beard is made of rocks
>"Fenix" has a surprisingly decent character arc
>Alarak might be one of the best character in all Starcraft, mostly due to his voice and the Tal'darim being interesting
If you do get it, skip the Epilogue that comes with it. Literal dumpster fire tier.
>His co-op strategy is to turn himself into the One Man Protoss Death Ball
>If things go south you can just SUMMON THE DEATH FLEET
Why are the Protoss Commanders the best?
>UED says they'll return
>They never return
I REALLY wish they didn't drop this plot line, it would be interesting as fuck especially with Stukov being infested
They're coming in the next mission pack, in which you play as Stukov trying to get them to not attempt glassing the entire Sector
That character was only enjoyable because of the VA hamming it up, it had nothing to do with Blizzard's design or writing.
For real, current Blizzard is fucking dogshit at
>voice acting
>game design
>still no alarak voicepack in hots
is the nova pack worth it?
that voice actor is on quite the rts games
The Co-op missions are pretty fun, just wish there was more variety and heroes and unique units and powers.
Is the DLC worth buying?
>Is LoTV worth getting?
Depends, if you liked WoL and HotS then you'll probably like LotV.
LotV is decent in terms of gameplay, but shit in terms of story, dialogue and VA (apart from Alarak). There's nothing great about it
>Most of the missions are either on par or above WoL
Ignore this retard.
WoL still had some of the most interesting missions out of all 3 SC2 versions.
>"Fenix" has a surprisingly decent character arc
>Alarak might be one of the best character in all Starcraft
I repeat, ignore this retard.
Oh fuck off, Alarak is agreed to be god tier by the whole community
It's alright. The story is straightforward (albeit kind of ironic), with cameos from Matt and even Alarak's girlfriend (Along with the man himself). The missions are pretty good though, so I'd say go for it.
I was actually surprised by how good the LotV campaign was. But all of it was ruined with that fucking epilogue.
You forgot his Ascendants turning almost unkillable and instagibbing most enemies.
>He didn't like the Purifier arc
Implying they can?
Hey everybody lets just throw in an edgy character. Sup Forums will love that!
You may want to reconsider what that word means.
>Oh fuck off, Alarak is agreed to be god tier by the whole community
The only good part of that character is the voiceacting. That's it. He's not well-written, interesting no nothing.
Everything enjoyable about Alarak is solely due to John de Lancie.
It was shit and not-Fenix was even more shit. All he did was remind you of how shit current BLizzard is, from his design, to the voiceacting to how he was written.
>Are you not ready for battle yet? Bumbling simpletons.
>@team giving first blood. Now we know who the weak link is.
>@team getting first blood. Well, well, that's almost impressive.
comic book tier shit
Alarak might get a lot of love for his voice, but a whole other part of it is that he's a villainous asshole who can back up his ego, and who isn't afraid to throw weight around, unlike a majority of modern villains and anti-heroes.
he's a completely cliche cartoon villian, he's only good because of the hilarious voice acting
Alarak is pretty fucking edgy, though.
He just happens to also be a massive asshole with a great VA.
I bet you guys thought Kerrigan getting betrayed by Mengsk was a shocking twist.
Let me put it this way, if Alarak had a bland and forgettable VA people would either hate him or not care for him.
If you think Alarak (for even a single second) is a good character you've gotten so accustomed to the trash Blizzard has been feeding you with that your perspective is skewed.
What is cliche about him? He's far from it.
>Using words you don't understand to try and sound smart
>Most of the missions are either on par or above WoL
I disagree, fuck LotV mossions.
Theres 90% of your missions.
Alright then. Name a better anti-hero than Alarak. One that actually fits the role of anti-hero.
>I bet you guys thought Kerrigan getting betrayed by Mengsk was a shocking twist.
What made you draw this conclusion? Are you projecting?
I mean really, is this your defence for how shit the story, writing and dialogue was in SC2?
what isn't cliche about him? he's a red and black bad guy with a one-dimensional personality who allies with the player for his own self serving ends
bad guys allying with the good guys are not anti-heroes
>Name a better anti-hero than Alarak.
Are you seriously telling me that Alarak is the best anti-hero ever made? Because this is what this implies.
In any case
>Big Boss
>Max Payne
off the top of my head.
>Name a better anti-hero than Alarak
>tfw discord is in your sc2
>What is cliche about him? He's far from it.
Holy fuck. Is this how delusional Blizzard's fanbase is?
>Dark Templar homeworld is getting fucked by Zerg and we gotta evacuate it
>by destroying X targets
>Mobius are dropping a giant defense platform on Korhal
>stop them by destroying X targets
>Alarak is planning on becoming the new Highlord
>but first you gotta destroy X targets
>Mobius is boarding the Spear of Adun oh shit
>better destroy those X targets
>So Amon's got a new form and everything and he's ready to fuck our shit up
>but we can stop him by destroying X targets
Not even the gimmicks made that shit exciting. Still better than HotS's campaign by a fucking mile at least
they were literal dark elves, dark eldar, dark jedis, etc.
>Doesn't undermine the hero's actions
>Doesn't betray the hero
Wow what a big villain
All of those targets sans Alaraks mission were giant pylons too.
Like god damn WoL missions had you robbing a train and raising and lowering lava.
>Rigid political system based entirely around ensuring the strong can take power if they work for it, and that murdering your superior is tantamount to heresy
>Anything at all related to the Dark "Let's backstab each other to see who the biggest cock is" Eldar
I know 40k canned the DEldar but man, you gotta think this stuff through
They also fought notCHAOS in the notWARP.
I think I missed about 3 or 4 more missions that did that shit.
>Still no Lorewalker Cho voicepack
Fuck you.
>Tal'darim still exist
>Dark Elves got SIGMAR'd
>DEldar are basically gone
>Dark Jedi no longer exist because not kid friendly
>Go to a giant black space cock.
>Kerrigan literally just come crawling out of a wall.
I had completly forgotten how bad the story in LotV was until now.
Wait, Blizzard starting writing stories for Eldar?
Well GW isn't, so somebody has to.
What? Do you mean when a hybrid smashes her through the roof od some ruins?