ITT That exact moment you press Alt+F4 Uninstall

ITT That exact moment you press Alt+F4 Uninstall

You actually bought that shit?

what game even is that

The fuck am i even looking at?

You can pirate it.

Liberal Scandinavian devs claiming Europe was never white and that in a multiculti society you'll totally see a punk rocker go on a date with a sunni arab muslim who isn't even allowed to leave the house alone.

Sweden Simulator 2056.

Immigration opinions aside, is this writer claiming that there were dark skinned peoples always in Europe? Because I've never heard of that.

Dude, thanks for the warning, I was actually looking into those games..

In the devs defence, southern europe exists

Simply follow the blues clues to solve the riddle

That way they are trying to brainwash younger generations into thinking it is normal.
It doesnt work tho, because if you ask a black guy or a arab where he is from, he will never say the european country he is living in, even if he was born there.

I uninstall any game that has Trump propaganda in it


It also doesn't work because outside capital cities, you won't find many non-whites in european countries

read the image title idiot




Thanks senpai, time to buy it to support the fight against white supremacy

wasn't spain an arab land way back? a lot of spanish words come from arab origins

SO boring.
I knew you were going to say this immediately
why is this site beoming so fucking boring

Long long long long

>I'll go give these white people more money so they can support their white families
Damn hardcore there Tyrone.

Most Blacks from those countries come originally from ex colonies, some long time ago, others more recently.
Not that i have something againts it.

No, spain was lost to arab-jewish war of agression and was later reclaimed and cleaned up with spanish inquisition.

Because it's flooded with redditards who don't know what OC is so they just keep spouting the same old tired shit thinking it's still funny.

No, I meant southern europeans are not white


There are no blacks in those countries lol
There are semites that came there during the 1000 years of arab invasions and normal migration due to proximity.
Africans in southern europe were only sent there by american NGOs during the last 50 years.

>white guy is bored

big surprises there

maybe try not playing life in ez mode and you won't be bored