You have ten fucking seconds to post a better battle theme, motherfucker

You have ten fucking seconds to post a better battle theme, motherfucker

Other urls found in this thread:
Literally mix of two best final boss themes in the series. Also one of the best bosses in the series period.

That's not even Kingdom Hearts music, get the fuck out with this (((Hand Jewmmer))) trash.

It's in Kingdom Hearts, so it's Kingdom Hearts music. It was better than either of the two pitiful songs posted in this thread too.

>ebin jew meme brackets
Opinion discarded

>It was better than either of the two pitiful songs posted in this thread too.
I don't say this often, but I hope you get raped by niggers with aids.

>Opinion discarded
Confirmed jew, hope you get broiled alive you kike.

It is definitely not better than the other two

Though there's nothing wrong with that arrangement of the theme


ruin it desu

OK I hate BBS but which story ending has this boss fight

None. It's from secret boss fight against Xehanort in his prime wearing the Keyblade armor, the same one Xemnas had when sitting on his throne in KH2.

that's fucking Somnus, wow

Well I guess I'll never play that then

Not with that attitude you won't.

No, that's Darkness of the Unknown from KH2.
Same composer as FF15's Somnus so that's why it might sound similar to you.

Sounds like generic orchestral trash

Tasteless pleb.

at least post the good one

>shits on music
>doesn't contribute to thread at all
you must be fun at parties

No I mean that the notes D Eb D C D F Eb D C is note for fucking note in Somnus dude

>implying this isn't the best final boss song

>good one
they're all good though

from a different game:

Thinking of picking this up after I finish Persona 3. Is this game worth €20?

forgot to link

Yes. It plays differently to persona and uses the Press-Turn system, which is in other smt games.

No Heart isn't a final boss though.
Chances are he will be in KH3 however.
I sure as hell would love to fight Xehanort in his prime in KH3 with that music playing.
Heck, if the final boss isn't a gargantuan 13-phased boss fight against all incarnations of Xehanort with all the themes playing as you go on then I will be mildly upset.
KH2 one upped KH1's already extremely grandiose final boss, so I expect KH3 to one up even that.


you are my nigga

Definitely, just make sure to play it BEFORE Apocalypse, since Apoc isn't a re-release but a sequel.
Also, do all endings in SMT4 since they're all radically different, there's 4 in total.

I agree, that cuck needs some redpilling by daddy trump! praise kek, shadilay!

>4 endings
the White isn't an ending but a Game Over
you are deluded to think otherwise

It's not really an "epic" track and as such not as good final boss material. Not to mention Xion wasn't even the final boss, seeing as you had two more boss fights after her (Saix with two phases, regular and Berserker and Riku also with two phases, regular and Bladecharge).

No user, it's an actual ending that counts towards the save import bonus in Apocalypse and if you import a save without White it counts as incomplete and doesn't give you all bonuses and LITERALLY shows "Only 3 out of 4 Ending Completed".

Interesting, definitely gonna pick this one up and possibly Apocalypse too. Thanks for the info guys.

Reminder that they actually animated the fight against Xion in the PS4 release.

the vocals are in the game too pleb

I think he meant that the vocals ruin an otherwise good song
though he's wrong

this battle theme is perfect because its all about talking shit to the demons

I'm more of a fan of emotional sweeping piano scores myself.

Not quite the final boss but close enough.

Darkness of the Unknown does incorporate an emotional sweeping piano part though. And by extension so does Forze dell'Oscurita, being a mix of Forze del Male and Darkness of the Unknown.

say what you will about the game but the soundtrack was on point at least

definitely, however I think that using both roxas' and xion's theme in the song makes it more notable. Darkness of the Unknown is probably the better song though for how hype it is. Final boss of kh2 is one of the greatest boss fights of all time.

Yes it's worth but don't play it please. You'll say it's too hard anyway. Keep playing Persona 3 and 4 and stay away from the mighty mainline where no waifu shit is permitted


if we're posting SNES shit then here:

>Final boss of kh2 is one of the greatest boss fights of all time.
The sheer scale of it is why I love it.

I also have a soft spot for Terra's theme, when it comes up during fight with Era-totallynotSakaguchi-qus it fits perfectly.

And then again in KH3 Ground Zeroes aka 0.2 when Terra is fighting Xehanort's posession.

Terra is underrated and gets way too much shit for what is all essentially caused by Eraqus' ignorance and shortsightedness as well as being straight up shit parent.

It's amazing how much better that song got after being remixed compared to the original

>SNES version
Why? They raped MT2 soundtrack on SNES, as in literally downgraded it.
NES version used a special Namco chip extension that allowed full 16-bit audio on NES, hence why it sounds A LOT better on NES due to SNES being an awful conversion.

Dude I just like vidya gaems, I don't even care for waifushit.

>it still hasn't been posted
Everyone in this thread can get BTFO now

>all this trash music
At least we're not Sup Forums.

Usage of the Cortex leitmotif is godly in the way it's interspersed. 10/10 track.

>Confirmed jew, hope you get broiled alive you kike.
I like how you had no argument so you just went further retard.

>a fellow terrachad lurks here
My man!

My fondest memory of FFXV will always be going on a hotstreak in the arena and then suddenly having this come on while the party is freaking out about how much they're winning

It's sad how the DDD version of Dark Impetus is overall a lot less "epic".

Easy peasy OP

>Eraqus basically tells his kids not to do drugs
>he's the badguy when as expected drugs fuck up his kid's and god knows how many worlds of peoples' lives

Well besides that it is fun how positive Terra's theme is compared to what sadsacks his friends are

I thought it was still pretty good. At least the fight was a lot more fairer than his BBS version.

>At least the fight was a lot more fairer than his BBS version.
That's because it's "merely" a final boss, instead of an optional secret superboss like in BBS.

Also a lot of people don't seem to notice it, but the violin solo part of Dark Impetus is meant to sound like clock ticking for time running out.
Try doing that part with your mouth using "tsk" sounds and you'll see how it's basically meant to be ticking clock. Really adds up to the whole master of time aspect for the boss.

Except he's an overzealous idiot who thinks only Light should exist and Darkness shouldn't. Thinking he can beat Darkness by just using a lot of Light, when in reality the greater the light, the bigger and darker the shadow. Yen Sid explicitly allows his students to use darkness and Aqua learns during her part of the story from multiple Disney worlds, especially Cindrella's from Fairy Godmother, that Light alone is not the solution. But rather balance between Light and Darkness is what matters.
Keyblade War only happened because idiots on both sides, overzealous Lightfuckers like Eraqus and Darkness obsessed scum like Vanitas, decided they know better than the other and there's nothing inbetween, no shades of gray.

The entire fucking moral of the story is that balance is key.
Also Master Xehanort is literally a balancefag that got corrupted by darkness.

>not posting the 1.5 reorchestration


Why was Roxas so gay? Is it because Ventus was already a homo that wouldn't shut up about Terra and Sora not being able to shut up about Riku?

>Thinking he can beat Darkness by just using a lot of Light, when in reality the greater the light, the bigger and darker the shadow.
That was in reference to how a bright and shining light causes deep envy and dark feelings to grow, Sora's one of the lightest fuckers around and his darkness was in the end just a tiny little shadow, while instead Riku's envy and bitterness made him go full DARKNESS and do all the dumb shit he did in KH1

Eraqus' problem in fact was excessive zeal causing darkness to sprout in his heart, but light in itself is pure and good, it's human weakness that causes problems, and using darkness never ends well as proven by Riku, Terra and of course Xehanort

Friendship is a powerful drug.

Roxas was far better at staying straight than Ven at least, the moment he knew for real Axel was keeping things from him, he dropped him like a bad habit and ditched the organization

>and using darkness never ends well as proven by Riku, Terra and of course Xehanort
Riku is literally a darkness user as of DDD and the only one that became master so far. That's because he isn't pure darkness but also light. He balances them perfectly. Furthermore it's PRECISELY due to his experience with darkness why he can resist and control it now.
Yen Sid himself also quit because he didn't accept of the Light-only dogma and believes in balance. Eraqus even tells you this near the start of BBS.

Balance > Lightfags > Darknessfags
Terra would be good balance user if Eraqus didn't fuck up.

After god knows how much hardship which he could have avoided if he didn't take the plunge, the whole Ansem episode, the guilt he had to deal with all through CoM, losing his appearance and such, had he just been a good boy he'd have the keyblade and be journeying around with Sora sealing the keyholes, and trying to find Kairi instead of what actually happened
Not hard.

>Heck, if the final boss isn't a gargantuan 13-phased boss fight against all incarnations of Xehanort with all the themes playing as you go on then I will be mildly upset

This is the only reason I'm buying KH3 day one. I won't be mildly upset if this doesn't happen I'll be fuckkin pissed

>After god knows how much hardship which he could have avoided if he didn't take the plung
Because he had no training. That's the entire fucking thing.
If he was trained from get go to control darkness (like Xehanort was before it corrupted him because he stopped wearing his fucking armor, read the damn Xehanort reports in BBS) none of this would've happned.
Also if he was "a good boy", then Sora would be dead or stuck being useless since it was Riku's keyblade that he was using.

This is honestly the best one ever.

>he dropped him like a bad habit and ditched the organization
And then when Axel is fading after his sudoku explosion in KH2, Roxas stilll reconciles with him so that point is moot.

Darkness corrupts, you really think he just thought one day man journeying armor less in the corridors was a great idea, by using darkness you risk corruption, and that corruption leads you into crazier and crazier shit until you end up as Xehanort did, better to just not to drink the kool aid at all

Also he wouldn't have been because Merlin exists, and you don't need a keyblade to use magic as shown by Hollow Bastion when Riku takes back his key

>Also he wouldn't have been because Merlin exists, and you don't need a keyblade to use magic as shown by Hollow Bastion when Riku takes back his key
He'd literally be a poor man's Donald, you're a shitty game and plot designer and I hope you never get to make a videogame.

>Darkness corrupts, you really think he just thought one day man journeying armor less in the corridors was a great idea, by using darkness you risk corruption, and that corruption leads you into crazier and crazier shit until you end up as Xehanort did, better to just not to drink the kool aid at all
So does Light, that's the entire fucking point of BBS. Too much Light and you get blinded by it becoming ignorant. Eraqus' dying fucking words were his own admission that he got blinded by Light.

>topic is about light and darkness and how it fucks shit up for people
>suddenly starts talking gameplay

Also Eraqus dying words was that his heart became darkness due to his zealousness, and that that same zeal caused Terra's heart to become darkened which was one of my earliest point, people becoming obsessed with the light fans the negative emotions which make up and fuel darkness, but light in itself is good, and pure light sure as fuck never caused people problems like say darkness

maybe not the best theme in the series but god damn its one that just sticks with me


>KH3 is supposed to come out next year
>We still don't have a single piece of the OST

You can't be pure light unless you're a Disney princess so your argument is literally moot.

FFXI's final boss music is a masterpiece that the developers poured all of their genuine feelings into that was shared together with the broken hearts of the playerbase. Nobody thought that there even was going to be a final boss. We all thought the game would live on forever, but all journeys come to an end.

When 1:55 hits, and the flashbacks of past events in the game start appearing outside of the arena, you know you're gonna start crying.

>trailers clearly have new arrangements of music
>not a single piece of ost
Are you retarded?

>Kairi and Ven
>Disney Princesses

Kairi is one of the 7 princesses, yes and KH is owned solely by Disney. She is in fact a Disney princess.
>and Ven
Artificial creation, he was 2/3 light 1/3 darkness before Xehanort split the darkness from him, as further evidenced by his Dive into the Heart section showing 1/3 of his Heart missing, the darkness part.

>ctrl+f Raidou
>No results
How could you all forget this theme

It's a stealth KH thread in case you haven't noticed

None of those are new songs at all.