Name a more pretentious developer

Name a more pretentious developer.

You cant.

Todd howard

That doll would still be taller than Todd.

David Cage. Kojima just seems like he's having fun and wants to do weird shit. Cage believes what he's doing is genuinely important to culture.

Fucking christ, does this man's ego knows no bounds?

>playing with yourself


I wish every major industry person had their own figurine.

CliffyB is pretty damn close

I really wish people would stop sucking Kojima's dick already.

Kojima's egotistic as all hell, but he's not that high in the pretentious scale.

This guy, on the other hand.

Neil Cuckmann

Christ, I didn't even know it was a doll.


>Todd is more pretentious

I don't recall Todd naming his company after himself, making toys of himself, or shoving his name all over his games wherever possible.

Dont forget literally putting himself in all of his games


For him to be pretentious, he'd have to think of himself as greater than he his. He honestly is great enough to be the face of his company and have a shitty doll.

You're confusing "pretentious" for "pretending that your game has features".

You probably just didn't see him. You should look down more.

Is being pretentious inherently bad though?
MGS and Silent Hill are worthy of praise, he certainly deserves the attention that he gets.

Japanese Phil Fish

The delegates, Konami

the guy that made Gears of War, that is the definition of pretentious made a person

>Silent Hill
Whut and no PT barely counts

Kamiya isn't pretentious, he just gives no shits.

my b, i always forget about that

>Todd naming his company after himself,
lots of people name their companies after thenselves



Nigger what. The guy's a cunt, sure, but he's a down to earth one.

He's friends with cliffy b, what do you expect


not-Japanese Phil Fish

>no Yoko Taro yet
I'm proud of you, Sup Forums. You're learning.

Only one that comes close is Taro

Jonathan Blow

hotglue when?

Yoko's got the same artsy-fartsy stuff you'd think would make people pretentious, but he counteracts that by being an all-around top cunt.

>is great enough

Literally who

He's as big as it gets when it comes to gaming user.

Why did you have to bring it up?

popularity =/= quality


>napoleon was a manlet

The Bioshock Infinite guy is pretty close.

why does his balls need a crutch

Odds are after he's finished leeching off Sony for the next 4 years and releases another unfinished shit game his career will probably be finished, but I suppose it's possible another company will be stupid enough to hire him again.

he's not pretentious, he's a big goof who loves what he does

I would give anything for a Kevin Bayliss figure

Why so much hate toward Kojima, he looks like a nice person to have around. Even Todd tbqh.

Sup Forumsirgins projecting their own self loathing and insecurities, what else is new?


When he starts making good games again, then ill give him another chance.

>what else is new?
traps and contrarianism?

This. At least Kojima makes actual, fun games. This fucker makes literal B movies infested with QTE


>Is being pretentious inherently bad though?
Yes, it's not a positive trait by any means.
>MGS and Silent Hill are worthy of praise
MGS and MGS2 are great games, his visual novel-esque games were also good. The rest has been mediocre.
Silent Hill has nothing to do with Kojima.
>he certainly deserves the attention that he gets
Well, he works for it, sure. No different from LaVar Ball.

I don't know, he's not bad at all, but hasn't put anything great in more than a decade. As far as pretentiousness goes, he's not even close to the indie devs.

>traps and contrarianism?
Please don't remind me of how far Sup Forums has fallen.

Every single one of his games is good. The fact that you only call games either "masterpieces" or "shit" is your problem and shows how much you're trying to fit in.

Thanks for the money goyjins

Enjoy death stranding never

I'm on Sup Forums allright

The sunglasses collaboration was really over the top I wonder if anyone bought those

Kojima is just an ideas man. Look what happened when he lost his co writer.

>PW and V
>bad or good


Well you did ask for it user.

SWERY has a even more massive ego and the games he has directed are MUCH worse, and let's not forget motherfucking Todd Howard. But yeah, Kojima has his face far too much inside his own ass.

>ctrl+f ken levine
>no results

you good for nothing faggots

The word you're looking for is "Narcissistic", which is even worse.

I've seen a lot of yaoi/fujoshi fans buy them. Don't ask how I knew that.

Yes they're good. Grow the fuck up you man baby. Games you don't like =/= bad.

>Sup Forumsirgins projecting their own self loathing and insecurities, what else is new?
What you like dicks or something making a post like that? You too scared to tell your parents in case they say "David we're kicking you out" you faggot?

>Their is a Rich Evans and Mike toy on the shelf in one episode.


>calling someone man baby
>ask them to grow up
also user, mediocre =/= bad

and when was the last time he was even relevant?

The difference between Todd and Kojima is that Kojima actually believes his own lies.

>Nice person
>Gets so utterly butthurt someone called him a Tom Clancy fan fiction writer that he hired a swarm of lawyers to issue takedown notices
Pick one and only one.

I never asked for this.

Bioshock Infinite is the fucking definition of pretentious

>Literally getting upset someone doesn't like a game you like
>Grow the fuck up you man baby.
He didn't even say they were bad

I think 95% of all indie devs would fit in this category. Especially if they have dyed hair, wear glasses, have piercings, gauges, tattoos, white, etc.

Why the fuck do people call Kojima "nice"? He seems like a massive douche who just wants to hang out with retarded Hollywood washouts. Meanwhile in contrast, Swery
>Hangs out and drinks with fans
>Follows anyone who talks to him on Twitter
>Delivers talks all over the place encouraging people to chase their dreams
>Makes consistently charming games

I like how people have pointed out that David Cage basically serves no function at Quantic Dream.
When they let him right, stories turn into gigantic messes, but when they don't let him write they're still paying him to be there

Because he sucks down a ton of time and resources doing shit like meeting celebrities and trying to fit in with US culture rather than make his games good. Because he wants to be a movie maker, not a game designer. We don't need A-list actors in the games. That on top of drumming himself up like he's anything more than a b-list story writer to me makes him insufferable. Remember all those tweets during TPP? You'll be ashamed for your words? Really?

Talk shit, get hit

peter molyneux
david cage
phil fisher-price

Because kojima has a very rabid fanbase that gets upset when you use social cues and deductive reasoning from the multiple encounters people have had with him to put together that he's a douche. He comes off no different than the teenage hipster that wants to be so important that the can't be spoken to, except he's a nerdy 50 something year old Asian man

Molyneux isn't pretentious. He honestly believes he can produce the things he promises and states his regret and sadness when he can't. Unlike Kojima he's also made more than 2 good games.



I love him so much, he's so Japanese
There was a video of him presenting Death Stranding and he walks down stairs that light up like he's some sort of Jesus, but the guy ignores them and walks past them faster then they are timed to light up

Are we on a new ruse cruise yet? Im starting to get the itch

>You'll be ashamed for your words?
He was obviously messing with people calling him sexist

They're keeping him from the rest of videogames.

Who's Swerty?

oh hi

Cliff isn't pretentious, maybe stuck up his ass, but not pretentious
