Why are shotguns in video games either really good or really bad with no in-between?

Why are shotguns in video games either really good or really bad with no in-between?

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Shotguns are op irl

The time in between two shots is quite long, so the first shot tends to be the decider, if it can kill an enemy then it's considered good, if it doesn't but any other weapon can kill an enemy where you would otherwise be between the two shots even if the two shots outputs overall more damage, then there really is no point

so many games seem to think they can't hit anything more than 10' away it makes me ANGRY

they're actually not

Shut up no guns libtard

Because video games don't work like real life. Because games usually go by hit points and every gun does a set amount of damage, to balance a shotgun you have to make the shot basically become talcum powder after mid-close range or make the spread ridiculous, because if it had real life tier spread and range it would be horribly OP and there'd be no reason to use anything besides shotguns and maybe snipers.

>there'd be no reason to use anything besides shotguns and maybe snipers.

Or just slap a scope on the shotgun and load slug rounds.

Shotguns are OP in real life for most situations. Real gunfights take place on a much larger scale than the majority of shooters, and within the distance of a couple of buildings shotguns are the clear winner. It'd take a fields' distance before you start to really see dropoff compared to something like a rifle.

That too. If you're going to make a game with realistic shotguns, you might as well just make it all shotguns with different shell configurations because nothing will be nearly as good.

Real combat takes place over long distances. Distances are much shorter in videogames. So naturally shotguns are nerfed to be balanced into that.

There are no good shotguns in games.

Revolvers on the other hand...

>It'd take a fields' distance before you start to really see dropoff compared to something like a rifle.
Maybe if you're shooting a .22LR or short. The vast majority of rifle rounds are going to have a much longer effective range and flatter trajectory than a shotgun using practically any load you can think of.


assaault rifles are more deadly than shotguns in nearly all situations besides shooting at a home invader

>shoot an enemy from a distance of several feets
>takes damage, but not even a flinch

>There are no good shotguns in games.
new vegas hunting shotgun stronk

Yeah, if you're talking real life. But in my post I meant within the confines of a video game.

>playing this game made in one night by a drunk russian guy so its completely buggy and incoherent

It's French and it's an amazing product of love. Try playing for more than 30 minutes and actually watch the tutorials included.

The answer is extremely simple.
Because of the presence or lack of sniper rifles in a game.

The typical video game bolt action sniper rifle does everything a pump action shotgun can do at all ranges. Somehow the rifles get a pass when they can quickscope one shot kill guys at point blank or hundreds of meters away, but a shotgun doing so at only less than ten meters is unbalanced.

Sniper rifles in video games need to fuck off. I don't even care if it's on a map the size of an ARMA island, they ruin everything.

what the fuck is going on with this webm

a person should have to stop and shoulder their gun to fire a arifle. fps are retarded

maybe against unarmored targets up to 100 meters. If they are so much better than assault rifles then tell me why aren't shotguns used as standard issue
fucking /k/ tryhard newfags I swear, lurk more

Just EYE stuff

a player is backstabbing a helicopter with a hammer, what's not to get?

A great backstab

am I the only one seeing the transparency

>everyone wears plate armor
Wew lad, of yeah all the isis goat fuckers wears plate armor as well as people who break into homes also wear plate armor.
>imply shotgun wasnt the best weapon in ww2 and vietnam in close combat
>inplying your actually rather has a m4 than a siaga when storming a building
Also the us military still uses shotguns for breaching you noguns libards

Mostly because most games don't have too detailed ballistics and damage simulations, meaning individual shots are often just given a static damage value, which can be either laughably low or insanely high, and multiplied by the spreading shots. The range and spread is also often very much exaggerated, for "muh balance".

Few games actually do have proper bullet physics AND take account things like target's armor and its condition.
STALKER is one of the few games I know to get this right, giving shotguns both realistic range, while the 12ga buckshot is quite shit against anyone wearing a kevlar armor.

>maybe against unarmored targets up to 100 meters.
With buckshot, which is the main anti-personnel ammo type used by cops and military, they're practically useless past 30 meters already. At 100m, a winter jacket is enough to stop the pellets.

But yeah, ARs do just about everything shotguns do, while weighting less, providing larger ammo capacity, lighter ammo, faster rate of fire, longer effective range, better penetration (handy when everyone's wearing kevlar and/or steel nowadays), and so on.

i see it too

Some see it; probably a browser thing.

Lol 5.56 is a pee shooter compared to 3 inch 00 magnums. You cant even compare the power between these too rounds. This meme about everyone wearing playe armor is bs because 5.56 wont penitrate plate armor either without multiple shots or penitrator rounds or two which you wont be finding as a civilian very easily.

>everything is close combat
Of course shotgun is devastating in close quarters, but that's it. Fucking retard thinking real war is like cod
lol no
>you noguns libard
calling others that doesn't make you cool or make your arguement any more valid.

Because balance.
Vidya shotguns are usually made to fit a close-quarters niche in the weapon assortment, and when that balance succeeds and they're only effective at those close ranges and most other guns outperform them in the general spectrum of ranges, people complaing that they're useless, and when that balance FAILS and the shotgun is effective at ranges farther than its probably supposed to, they become hilariously overpowered.

>its good like you said
I know
>m4 lol
Yeah the issue rifle for the military sucks ar 15 is better i am retarded

well why don't you tell us then why aren't shotguns standard issue instead of ar's


shotguns can't suppress
shotguns can't kill from 300 meters away
shotgun ammunition is bigger, thus the soldier has less ammo to use

not that user btw
shotguns are the ideal weapon for clearing a building maybe, but definitely not the weapon of choice for a soldier

>still uses shotguns
>standard issue
There's maybe one shotgun for every 1000 carbine/rifle in the US military. They're also used for literally breeching, as in, shooting the locks off doors.

The scar isnt standard issue, is that bad too? Logical phalacy. And as i pointed out the US military still to his day buys siaga shotguns from russia and used them for breaching and for the police. Noguns libtard, stick to what you know

>Lol 5.56 is a pee shooter compared to 3 inch 00 magnums
That pee shooter of yours penetrates a level III-A helmet and vest, through and through, at 200 meters. At such distances shotguns are not only practically useless, but said baseline personal armors would easily stop the 12ga buck even at point-blank range.

And what does happen when the 5.56 penetrates that armor / hits an uncovered human flesh? It fragments and spreads hot metal pieces all around your body, creating severe damage to your innards, potentially blowing out from the other side.
Pic related, and spoilered for those with weak guts.

>This meme about everyone wearing playe armor is bs because 5.56 wont penitrate plate armor either
You know why every armed office and unit has been busy switching from lighter Level III plates to IV? Because there already exists 5.56 NATO rounds that punch right through shit like AR500 steel. Even some .223 loads do - pure civilian shit at that (look up green tip ammo for example).

Modern 5.56 will zip through soft armor and typical helmets like a hot knife through butter.

>5-8 round magazines
>lots of recoil
>extremely loud

>good at clearing buildings

that's fair
I guess the SWAT use MP5s for a reason


3inch magnum is still a far stronger round than a 5.56. Civilian .233 dont penitrate ar500 plates. Shotguns penitrate soft armor, those are made to stop handguns. Handguns often can still penitrate them as well as standard issue helmets, so a shotgun will as well

The SCAR is more expensive, and doesn't provide enough of an advantage over the M4 for the military to standard issue them.

Shotguns are cheap. They just suck balls for combat.



a few taps of 9mm will easily disable an adult man you fucking faggot
it's about portability not caliber, when you're clearing a building you need to be as speedy as possible in your reactions

>siaga is bad for combat

Don't worry he is probably a .40s&w fag

too many battlefield kids like yourself think that slugs are actually good outside 100 meters.

maybe you should stick that shotgun to your head and bury a slug in it.

Sabots can go 150 feet or so

Rising Storm 2 did them well

>tfw shotgun slugs in bad company 2 had 0 bullet drop and perfect accuracy
Literally better than sniper rifles if you got good

even cops have been slowly but surely moving up from SMGs to carbines and PDWs in the past decade. It's practically military-tier gear what the SWAT uses.

Isn't it bed time for kids?
Even Cold War era flakvests easily stop 12ga buckshots. A single 00-buck has roughly the same amount of energy as single 9x19mm bullet, AT BEST, but the round shape and uncontrolled flight pattern reduce its penetration characteristics significantly.

>Civilian .233 dont penitrate ar500 plates.

that's with the old, 1960s style M193 ammo type, which was replaced by M855A1 last decade, as it provided superior penetration even when shot with a carbine length weapons.

>Handguns often can still penitrate them as well as standard issue helmets, so a shotgun will as well
Even old steelhelmets can take a shot or two of typical 9mm, .45acp, even .357 magnum.
The kevlar pots from 1980s forward provide almost twice better protection, and the modern issued helmets are full level III-A, designed to stop even .44 Magnum and 7.62x25 Tokarev, latter which was previously known as a cheap "armor penetrating round" thanks to its velocity.

tl;dr: Hot .223Rem shots fired through 18+ inch barrels punch through Level 3 plates. Shotguns do not, as they have problems going through old kevlar vests alone.

But that's wrong because this exists.

1 meter = 3.28084 Feet.


>Flack jackets stop 12ga 00
No they dont.

thats not the boomstick

Virtually all shooting in vidya outside of explicit military simulations happens in these conditions.
Shotguns should be the default weapons in most games.

There is only one game that does shotguns any justice. Bad company 2

>swat member using fragmentation grenades
>can't progress without untying that fuck off the chair in the tutorial and be taught hat "everyone is bad!!!! be careful!!!!"
Could've been better honestly. Though, the house is the coolest shit and I wonder why a lot of games don't make a hub where you can find easter eggs and what not.

>Civilian .233 dont penitrate ar500 plates.

yes, they do.

Flak vests do not structurally differ much at all from what people nowadays consider to be "body armor". Ballistic nylon was helluva strong already, and used in the first cop vests as well, easily stopping common stuff like .38 special and 12ga buck back in 60s and 70s, and by late 70s everyone moved to even stronger Kevlar.

So yeah, go back to CoD, kiddo.

>>can't progress without untying that fuck off the chair in the tutorial and be taught hat "everyone is bad!!!! be careful!!!!"
Yes, you can.
Wait long enough, and he'll go all "Uh... I guess he's not falling for it, ending the mission there with a tad more congratulating tone."

Well hey, guess I ain't patient enough.


kys you roleplaying, armchair devoted, fat, fantasy word indulged pig.

No, you are wrong

even if is has 2 boolits, it shoots like 7 times

+100% burst count means that, assuming you have enough ammo in the clip, it will fire twice when you pull the trigger. So 10000% means it'll fire theoretically 100 times when you pull the trigger just once. In even the most extreme cases however, you'll only be able to get maybe 9 or 10 consecutive shots.

It fires a whopping 2 times.
Unless you have a character skill that boosts magazine size or zero-costs a shot.


to play the doubles advocate, most vidya will barely feature shooting past 50m

completely and one hundred percent irrelevant

For you

Shotguns in RS2 are pretty damn lethal upto real-world ranges

They are slow and usually only effective at close range (unrealistically so). If fighting at long range is common or if enemys have huge healthbars then shotguns are usually bad. If the reverse is true then shotguns are pretty good