Beyond Good and Evil 2 Doesn’t Pose A Big Risk To Ubisoft

>“It seems bizarre to say, but at the time we had lots of men playing games and they wanted specific types of games. All the women that saw Beyond Good & Evil loved it, and it was a huge surprise. And lots of people wanted something different, and they loved it. It was a big surprise because normally market analysis would have told you not to do it. It didn’t sell as many [copies] because it didn’t respond to the majority, but the minority loved it so much it created something different."

>“Now, because we’ve been doing more games, Michel will continue to take risk – as you could see – but he has more information and is automatically responding a lot more to the majority of the players. And the market has evolved. It’s a lot more open than it was at the time.”

Will the game be built with females as the target audience? Will it better, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care. Make a good game.

I just want to play the game, bang the nigress and stop hearing Sup Forums screeching autistically at it.

I can't wait to see the season pass and deluxe premium edition
Wonder what they'll use as radio towers

And they killed everything that made previous game good.
Why BGE was female-friendly was because Jade was an actual good "stronk" female character. Even Ancel said in one interview that he didn't want to make a "man in female body".
But feminists hate Jade because she's like a mother/elder sister figure (the whole orphanage thing) and even though she "kicks ass" she still relies on her stronger teammates to help her handle physical tasks. So basically a patriarchy, which is why they had to get rid of her and throw in a toke Sassy Afro Badass Chick.


My guess is they took a shit load of funding from pressure groups, as such they don't need as many sales.

>2 monkeys on a bike

What the fuck does this have to do with BGE2?

What the fuck is this article even supposed to be about? What the fuck is the guy being interviewed even trying to say? Is he saying the demographic of gamers has shifted so much that a game targeted at females will sell better? What the fuck did he mean by any of this?

Wow a suit is firing out worthless buzzwords for a videogame that exists in nothing more then trailer form...well I'm not impressed.

So how about you schmucks at Ubi publicly execute the people who were responsible for the atrocious camera controls of the first game. Just as a friendly gesture and then you might be allowed to shill your corpse of a nonexistent sequel. Fuck!

>And the market has evolved. It’s a lot more open than it was at the time.
That is the biggest load of bullshit I've read in some time.

The market for AAA games has not grown or evolved, if anything it has contracted. There's a lot less variety in what games are produced under a major budget now than what we got ~15 years ago. And you can pin the blame for that on the rising costs of AAA gamedev, which continue to increase due to publishers' seemingly insatiable need to put more and more of their eggs in fewer baskets.

>There's a lot less variety in what games are produced under a major budget now than what we got ~15 years ago

This is exactly because the market have opened. There's way more people with way more variety in tastes to satiate, so games start to homogenize to pander to the greatest common denominator rather than making a lot of different games for a lot of different niches.

Still not the BGE2 i wanted, fuck i'm still bitter

This whole thing is just a desperate attempt from Ubisoft to ward off a Vivendi takeover. They're hoping to have a mega hit that will appeal to old fans while bringing in new ones. It won't work though because women care more about phone games than stuff like this.

>There's way more people with way more variety in tastes to satiate, so games start to homogenize to pander to the greatest common denominator

So in short, what the suit in OP is saying is
>We can make BGE2 now because there's a lot more suckers out there that'll buy it on hype alone

>marketing videogames to women

Try marketing them loli doujins while you're at it, retards. Everyone knows women don't play videogames. Maybe some do, but those that do play multiplayer games so they can get attention. Not single player games. They have nothing to gain from them beyond talking about the game with some beta who bought and played a game marketed towards women.

she was a good character that happens to be a woman, game now need a woman/gay/trans and character be damn.

there is no game right now. literally the only thing they have is the trailer they showed

I loved BG&E so I really hope this abomination fails.

They have a No Man's Sky engine.

i liked BG&E sorta reminded me best Sy games. (the escapes, and taking pictures).

this game looks too "tryhard" to me. Or maybe it's just this trailer/teaser.


or become the nigress, I heard there's character customization

>All the women that saw Beyond Good & Evil loved it, and it was a huge surprise

>All the women that saw Beyond Good & Evil loved it
[citation needed]

>implying women buy video games

That's because it poses a big risk to Vivendi

>Great! All the women who mostly complain about games not being directed towards their liking, but who don't buy games nor have gaming as a hobby, liked this game! It surely means it's gonna succeed, even if for a small minority! And we're happy with that!
There's no better definition of getting cucked by oneself

If true, I'm pretty sure it's because of the "lolsilly" animal characters if anything.

Which they'll spin off as "non-white cis male afrogirls DO work!".

Games that were dead a week after launch
>ghost glitchcon: wildlands
>for honor

Laughing stock edition:
>watch_dogs 2

Going to tank hard edition:
>far cry 5

Yeah...Ubisoft isn't doing too well. Their stocks are still above water and they're able to pull in advertisement deals, but their sales aren't strong.