Graphics thread?

Graphics thread?

What game has the best graphics right now and why is it NOT Uncharted?




battlefield one

Kill yourself

Who keeps taking these UC4 screenshots and oversharpening the fuck out of them?
You know that only makes the game look worse, right?

Witcher 3 had some nice graphics

There isn't really any single game with the best graphics
you can't compare The Division with Witcher 3 because their environments are completely different, but they both look great

at any rate the game that still rubs my graphics pores the best is still Crysis & Crysis Warhead, there's just something about the distinct "sharpness" of that game that gets me, and the vegetation dynamically reacting to both the player and bullets and explosions just looks so damn good
yesterday I played Warhead for the first time in years, on max graphics for the first time, I didn't even know it had full volumetric sun lighting ala Stalker Clear Sky

Hellblade on PC looks much better.

The correct answer is Kingdome come: Deliverance

Note that the op specified
as in

and not assets, in which case it's obviously battlefront

>Kingdome come: Deliverance
not even out yet

What game is in your image fampai?

Final Fantasy XIII-2 on PC, it's a 5k image of my playthrough. Game looked really good on PC despite being a ps3 port. Although I'd argue that certain parts of XIII-1 looked even better.

Can't wait for that game

People have been playing early versions and it's clearly more advanced than anything else out there.

Can you give me an example proving this mighty claim?

>only posts bullshots

the absolute STATE of sony cucks.

Why is nobody shilling Star Citizen? Isn't that the game that is supposed to push boundaries?

those are ingame, nigger

Uncharted looks great, but any game locked to 30fps can never claim to have the 'best graphics'.

google nigga

although you probably do want to specify something like "max settings" to ensure that the console versions don't get included

I just did nibba it looks fantastic but the pop in is atrocious