Who's the best video game youtuber and why is it dunkey?

Who's the best video game youtuber and why is it dunkey?

this guy looks homeless

Because you're under 18.
Fuck off.

I'm twice that age.

only his livestreams are good

Why do you white people care so much about people who happen to like video games recording themselves talking about video games?


Why do you false flag

ass 2 big

>"I-I Dont know what I'm talking about I'm just a dummy guise not real reviews" when called out on his idiocy
>Proceeds to act like his word is law and his reviews are thought out the rest of the time
Dunkey might just be my most hated Youtuber.

Getting him and his entire underage fanbase to rail against Gyro controls when he didn't fucking understand that it actually makes console shooters playable was the nail in the coffin for me. The guy does active harm to the progress of the industry if he thinks he can meme it for a quick buck.

Modern men no longer like fat asses.

dick too small

>gyro controls

Put yourself out of my misery, thank you.

Dunkey isn't funny, hes also ugly as fuck please don't post actual pictures of him. Use his avatar or something

>I'm 12 and get my opinions from youtubers
Kill yourself before you have a chance to do real damage my man. Gyro+Stick is objectively better than purely stick aiming.

Stick aiming is LITERALLY the bottom of the barrel

Dunkey is shit.
Robbaz is better in every way.

>console shooters
Go hang yourself peasant.

Fuck off, mate, I'm at a dark, depressing part of my life which i'm trying to get out of and Dunkey's vids are one of the few things that can legit make me laugh.

>Console shooter without the problems that make console shooters bad
>Durr master race kill yourself peasant

Cr1tikal is the best one

I'm black and people recording themselves talking about video games makes me domestically abusive