Fate/GrandOrder is the #1 most popular tag on pixiv

>Fate/GrandOrder is the #1 most popular tag on pixiv
>東方 is #6
WHY? How did this happen?

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Time for ZUN to make a mobage

Artists moved away from Pixiv and just post everything on Twitter now

I can barely remember any of the new girls. FGO pumps out newer characters every few months and is infinitely easier to get into

This too. The last couple of Touhou mainlines haven't had super memorable characters

2hu may not prosper, but it will prevail
also this, artists tend to just post their images on jpeg central now

Wouldn't that apply to FGO too?

t. Someone who sees a bunch of FGO on it.

>It's true
Why is Japan so obsessed with some cash-in mobage?
And how did Kancolle fall from #3 to #8 in less than a year?


2hu is 2 decades old, people move on you autist

because kancolle is fucking shit and a big meme

>he doesnt know that 2hu has already been replaced by kemono friends

same with FGO desu
just wait a year or two for the next big gacha meme

Yeah, and Fate is 13 years old. It's just now hitting a popularity peak.


Not videogames, fuck off immediately.

the difference is that FGO is actually a mobage whereas kancolle wasn't originally

>love live went from 7th-8th place to 22nd place

I get that Aqours won't be as popular as the original girls but to drop that much?

Because Fate is an enormous franchise and its character design probably fills a lot of niches that appeal to both guys and girls.


I very much doubt FGO will die anytime soon. There's like 5 different anime adaptations going on and being planned for the future. Fate Zero and UBW revived the Fate franchise pretty much

>le meme xd
fuck off

define video game

No, user. FGO revived the Fate franchise because it's a cash cow with a playerbase far beyond anything Type Moon pulled off prior.

I thought it mostly brought even more people into. The people who already liked it are a mix between disillusioned old timers who liked the old series' mysticism and/or people who just learned to accept Typemoon's bullshit

extremely memorable character

>infinitely easier to get into
How does ANYONE make sense of Saber, Archer, and their gorillion canon alternate selves? It's like everyone is Xehanort.

Because if you follow the actual series, it's not that hard to distinguish them. For anyone outside of it, it's like a joke but there's plenty of other girls or guys to fawn over

Do we know the which series is the most popular on twitter? Or can we assume it's also FGO or maybe kemono friends?


Anything but touhou, literally your mom is videogames but touhou is not.

it's simple really

Fate > Touhou

Because zun doesn't sexualize the touhou and isn't a sell out hack fraud. It actually worked out well for him as he avoided falling into crap and managed to stay afloat for decades. Of course he will never be able to beat the flavour of the year crap, but that always fades away.

No one can name any stereotypical pantie, or breast touching scenes so fans resorted to meme shit like armpits.

Unless you wanna do the Gayceman and dig through Twitter looking for tagged and untagged pictures related to the subject, then tally everything yourself, you're not going to get anything worthwhile. I was just pointing out that using Pixiv now is unreliable because many artists have moved in the past two/three years or so, this goes for more than just 2hu or Fate.

LOL! upvoted :)


>Flavor of the year crap

you know fate's been around for over a decade right?

I want to motorboat her fates.

2hu had its time in the sun the series is old and past its time anymore

Its a relic of the old internet when youtube poop and niconico was popular

>and isn't a sell out hack fraud
Then why is 2hu on the PS4?

And it only jumped in popularity with mobile shit that only came to us this year.

nigga u srs? how new are you?

i want to be friends with that kemono

Because Japan just moves from meme game to meme game now. It was Kancolle, then Granblue, then FGO, in a few months something else will dethrone FGO, etc.
Touhou remains steadily popular because it has a dedicated autistic fanbase and the games are actually good

Fate has been extremely popular since the day it came out you massive retard

>Fate's only been popular this year

I don't think I'm gonna have enough smug red mans for this thread.

Ugga bugga my gigga nigga nignog to you too.

He's not completely wrong. There's been a new wave of people who don't even know previous Fate works that hopped on the FGO train

At least one fate fan isn't a complete retard.

Only because it's the hot new gatcha game worth playing.

>The golden weeb age of Lucky Star, 2hu, and Haruhi will never return


FGO came out in 2015 and Fate has always been extremely popular.

What's worse FGO secondaries or Fate Zero Secondaries?

I remember in the early days of 4chins turkeyhandle and FSN were pretty popular, just as ROADO ROLLA DA flash animations.

Zero secondaries. GO secondaries are in it for the game or cute grills. Zero secondaries are 100% convinced that Zero is the pinnacle of the franchise and is super mature and dark for respectable adults despite its myriad flaws.

Well there you go, it's flavor of the year/decade sort of stuff that's going strong and will stay strong for a while. Apocrypha is pretty shit but any sort of exposure is good exposure especially if its trying to gain a stronger foothold in the west. Then you also got the Extra/Extella adaptation coming later this year. Fates got a long while before it goes anywhere, unless Nasu finally decides to cash in his billions to either renew Tsukihime or make something new
Depends who you hate more, someone completely clueless about the actual series or people who worship Alexander/Kerry and complain about the rest of the series not having the same darker "feel" as Zero

FGO secondaries are at least short term. They don't really care about shit and will leave once FGO finishes. Zerobabies are a cancer.

>Gacha game
>worth playing
good one

trick question

The Fate Apocrypha secondaries will be the worst

Astolfofags are pretty annoying, why can't they just admit they're fags?

Time to make some mind slaves.

They already are

It hasn't hit Netflix yet. It will get far, far, worse.

Junko's sister sure is cute. Less emotional baggage, too.

Okina is cute! She likes sexual temple rituals, mind slaves, stripdancers and donuts and not Eternity Larva.

It feels a little like dbz when these literall whos mentioned by no one suddenly come out and act like big shots who were always there.

They can never be worse than Zerosecondaries

Astolfofagging is simply flavor of the month stuff, once they find a new trap they'll move on, but the Zerosecondaries will never stop in their talks of dark and mature anime, and about DUDE

No wonder, even the femtagonist is adorable as fuck.

She's a sage of Gensokyo on par with Yukari or Kasen.
Yukari also came out of nowhere at first and Okina came back into the game because she needed faith, or attention, as she's a god.

We've known about other sages of Gensokyo, but only Kasen and Yukari had been shown until she came in.

I hate FGO secondaries more
But might be the fact that i hate everything with F/GO

fuck off

How annoying will Extra Secondaries be? Umufags, cuckfoxfags, and lizardfags are already annoying

Nerofags are by far the most annoying because they excuse the terribly written nerowank


She's not Junko.

I like the extra femtagonist more

I know, and that's why she must fuck off

too bad she's not canon

>Follow an artist that does a lot of varied stuff.
>They suddenly latch on to one series and never do anything else ever again.

I fucking hate this.

But she's a border sage, she can't leave the border unguarded.



Touhou characters aren't as memorable anymore
Touhou music isn't as memorable anymore

True, 2hu is best annie may.

FGO doesn't only have fanservice for men, but also for the women.
That means a lot in an industry where fujos spend more money than otakus

I was expecting that
When a game has the option of guy/girl they always go with the male one in everything


Touhou is owakon.

Good fucking riddance.

Eh, she just seems like a decade later after thought.
I liked the lunarian's and hell's character introductions more. Probably because they're "foreign" so it gives it a better feel.

time to post the best boy

Last Encore is going to be one of the lowest points in the franchise's history. Everything from its spoiler filled synopsis on Nasu's blog is the stuff of nightmares.

Oops! Seems you posted the wrong picture.

Well, she was a "Secret God" after all.

Anime fucking failed hard. That was the last chance to extend it's lifespan since the game can't be upgraded much and they don't allow fan games. After that, It was only a matter of time till people jumped to literally anything else.

But which one have the best doujins?

>wannabe gilgamesh better than fluffy

Pixiv artists flock to whatever is popular in the weeb market.

If some new anime or game becomes popular and has hot girls/guy you will see 90% of pixiv shitters drawing 5 fanarts for it every day.

Should have stayed a secret desu.

FGO is pretty jewish as a free player, but at least it's actually kind of fun.

At least we have Strange Fake which may very well be the best thing in the franchise

Don't bully.