WOW PATCH 7.3, "The Shadows of Argus" reveal cinematics


Who's that in the middle? don't tell me that's Anduin Wrynn.

some faggot from wc2

It's Turalyon. Alleria is on the right.

Nigga dats Turalyon.
His wife got blacked and hes taking his anger out on Illadin now.

I'm really tired of the green and purple color scheme Legion has

Same here. I missed that comfy and relaxing feeling MoP provided. Now it's all green pools and black ground.

I fucking love Warcraft.


Legion just looks like garbage, Aszhara underwater expac when?


I just want to take it easy again like in MoP.

Woaw, WOAW. I want to burry my head between these beautiful thighs.

shes gotten fat.

>blizzard's face when they know you'll keep paying for this garbage

Story's finally going somewhere and you chicken out?
I understand being sick of DEMONIC GREEN ENERGY but come on.

she's accepting this is the end of her acting career

Warcraft 40k

t-t-thanks d-doc

>going somewhere
Eh, so you defeat the Legion and then start from zero with the Void Lords. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Here's some more.

they are wrong tho
i guess you are reflecting? but that cant be, you can be that retarded are you? of course not

just admit that you are addicted, bro. Seek help.

Aren't sub numbers for Legion pretty mediocre?

FUCK this gay peace of shit game full of hack writers.








I thought they haven't revealed subs for legion at all.

This has to be the last xpac then right? What could they even do after Sargeras?

So you are talking about TBC?

I think the Legion ships are fucking rad.
And the Exodar has been a spaceship since TBC.

Sargeras isn't even the final boss of WoW.

They've introduced the VOID LORDS NOW.

Void Lords are like SARGERAS x19381938!!!!

void gods

We are fighting Old Gods again. Next expac is confirmed for Void themed.

There's still N'zoth, the last of the old gods on azeroth to deal with

They teased the Void Lords, pretty much the reason why Sargeras went full DEUS VULT.

We have the old gods to tangle with again then void lords god forbid if they add anything else after that.

last time i played WOW was Wotlk friend

Yeah that's how mediocre they are

turalyon is so gorgeus
alleria is attractive as espected, but goddamn this general of the light is hot af

I'm sure they'll just return to Azeroth and make a more natural enemy at that point, like LK or Deathwing. I prefer those over gods and aliens desu.

eat shit and die, queer faggot

Devoted as fuck.

An ancient evil awakens under the sea and voidwalkers on steroids. This is the post-Legion story.

>You've doomed us all
what did he mean by this?

is that geralt of rivia?

illidan seriously accused someone else of betraying their own people? what the fuck?
velen can see the future anyway. he probably knew the only way to defeat sargeras/void lords/legion/whatever was to allow himself to get cucked by sargeras

>Oh no, you've killed onyxia twice and she's still not dead AND she's PISSED.

Onyxia bad dragon after void gods. Count on it.

pretty much I played WOW for the medevil fantasy now we have aliens and space travel and going to other planets in our solar system. If I wanted space travel, aliens and planets they should have not let SC2 die.

velen blocks his visions anyway, he's a bitch nigga

queen azshara

unsubbed right before 7.2
leveling alts was the only fun thing left for me aside from the weekly raid, and they took that away with fucking artifact faggotry and 100-110 being completely unfun

will never subscribe again

Illidan kills Xe'ra and Turalyon freaks out.

7.3 is making artifact knowledge account wide and 100-110 has been the best leveling track for a while, what's wrong with you.

Legitimately looking towards the moment Anduin and Raynor meet.

>Illidan is now a smug, fedora-tipping dick

I ain't even mad

i fucking hate Illidan why the fuck would he kill Xe'ra

>good before invasions
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Really? Well shit guess I can resub now.

I beg to differ, leveling 100 to 110 has been really fun with all the invasions, and once you complete suramar and unlock flying, the leveling of your alts is just easier.

He stole the best windrunner and made her his forever mejt

>7.3 is making artifact knowledge account wide

Doubt (x)

because wind chimes are scheming shits, X'era offers him to become the avatar of the light from the book and he fucks her up, people should be happy

Picking your own zones and having them scale was the best idea we've had for expansion zones. Invasions helped and I hope 8.0 onward has even more cross events that give XP to characters below cap.

I wish they'd adopt that technology to all of WoW pre-100.
>Never have to do Hellsfire again
>Can pick whatever zones I want
It's literally on the PTR and in the Patch Notes.

> tfw we will see the Resurrection of Arthas before the end of WoW
> tfw Illidan and Arthas will go on epic adventure to save the universe
> tfw Maiev and Jaina will always complain that they are never home

They LITERALLY did "AN EVEN ANCIENTER EVIL HAS AWOKEN!!" in the form of the void

I did the Gorgrond Elixir of Rapid Mind thing in WoD 16 times and I was never so bored that I stopped
I couldn't even manage to get a second character past 104 without getting bored

I've thought about it too but I realized I'd be so far behind everyone else in AP that anything I could contribute to any content would be absolute shit.

>pick your zone
>professions and class campaigns always start in Azsuna

>Illidan is now a smug piece of shit
please go on blizzard

It's pretty easy to get to Concordance which is just a dump-stat and pretty much the "end" of your artifact.

The Naaru are evil as well

So you wouldn't be behind on AP but on Concordance instead?

if sylvannas doesn't try to kill alleria at least one time, I will be trully dissapointed on my warchief.

Alleria is the Void Ranger now. Vereesa is the one that's gonna get killed for being a basic bitch.

It is actually impossible to max out Concordance in the forseeable future, it was created to shorten the gap between players.

I'm actually looking forward to her being cleansed by the Light and becoming some sort of Lights Champion

>Yes, I still love him

What did she mean by this?

Well she's did continue where Vol jin left off

I thought Xe'ra already sacrificed itself to serve as a vessel for Illidan's soul?

>Void Ranger

Like a Dark Ranger but more purple.

It's not interesting, not the story, not the aesthethics

>unsub right after 7.2 comes out
>ass rogue main since cata
>was topping the damage meter for every group i was in, but bored because guild fell apart
>get the itch lately
>check dps stats
>ass rogue next to bottom
well good thing i didn't waste 80 bucks to be disappointed

>people still interested in wow


Azhara is going to be a raid boss in the Kul tiras xpac, screen cap this

I hope they don't make an entire underwater X-Pac ever. Vashjir sucked

>he still plays WoW

one can only hope my friend

Well, I hope the next expansion will be more like MoP, then.
But for now: muh dick

yeah bro old gods have not existed in warcraft lore until legion fucking blizzKEKS theyre shit at writing stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>highest dps class rotation
Is this game a joke?

>leveling 100 to 110 has been really fun
This is untrue
>with all the invasions
Almost even more untrue. Each invasion is initially nice because you can join a group and receive credit for completing it without ever contributing. Or you can actually try to be a part of the quests, assuming you can fly. The scenarios themselves are pretty universally trash, where you and for some reason only two others kill too many enemies and muck about completing objectives until the "boss".
>once you complete suramar
holy fuck the antithesis of fun, there's nothing nice about any of suramar except for Blizz proving two things: they can make a city and put quests in it, and that they should never fucking ever try to do that again, sweet Christ I don't think I hated anything more than dealing with all of Suramar and especially the city. On top of that, raise your hand if you enjoy reputation grinding. Now keep it raised if you aren't autistic, like actually autistic. Look at how I've made an entire room full of people awkwardly sit on their hands. Fuck Suramar.
>and unlock flying
At last, something you're right about. Unlocking flying does make leveling alts bearable, especially since you'll be so happy to finally be able to play another class without feeling like you are wasting your time by not grinding more reputation or artifact knowledge or fuck off

Wow is dying but no other MMO is growing. The genre is just in a decline and wow is still the biggest one.

>highest dps

when does 7.3 hit

>this entire post
You call other people autistic?
August 29th

I mean, yeah suramar is a pain in the balls but the general story of it's questline is pretty good.

Plus your motivation to complete suramar should be to unlock the flying, isn't that fun to you?

Next week

Been playing it on PTR for weeks and it's trash like the whole expansion

Explain what's so bad about it.

>KJ traced into Sargeras
>that stock NE hunter in the corner

fury isnt highest dps anymore, not by a longshot. theyre middle of the pack now for single target, slightly higher on fights with long execute phase. theyre kings of aoe though

i play fury with a castsequence macro of bloodthirst, raging blow, furious slash. i press rampage when i hit 100 rage and my swifty 1 shot macro for all my cds+trinket+odyns fury. for aoe i use a castsequence macro of whirlwind, bloodthirst, whirlwind and press rampage manually.