What am i in for, lads?

What am i in for, lads?

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Your choices actually mattering and turning up the radio.
Have fun

Tons of bugs but the best branching dialog options system OF ALL TIME

The boss fight with Konstantin Brayko is nearly impossible if you don't upgrade your pistol skills.

>not maxing melee and stealth and karate chopping everyone's shit

Being raped by 40 years old female commando.

If you say no she doesn't do it. That is categorically not rape. It's just light bondage.

not this guy but I really want to play it. Buying intel yes or no?

Probably the best designed choice and consequence system in vidya.

You gonna get raped in the good way.

flawed but great fun. best convo system evah

The most replayable game ever made.

Just do what you think is right and remember that even the most seemingly irrelevant choices can be game changing.

You need long range weaponry. If you take shotguns and SMGs some fights literally become impossible.

Pistols and stealth is beyond overpowered and melts bosses.

>playing anything but stealth + pistol + melee ever

>some fights become impossible
Git gud.

t. Guy who did a playthrough barehanded.

Yes. Don't bother with the map ones though, you can find everything in the level just by exploring.

Scarlet > Mina > SIE > Madison

not really. as long as you put enough points into stuff it's gud. yeah it's imbalanced with pistol/stealth/cqc being by far the best combo but still other skills aren't completely useless
but CQC is fucking great

just don't forget to execute everyone
shit's hilarious

Mutefu > Redfu > Milfu > Chinkfu > Shrapnelfu

A game that is as great as it is absolutely fucking abysmal. Most of the gameplay is complete trash but the writing, conversation system, and handling of choice and consequence are fantastic.

>There will never be a sequel where you form a G22-funded superspy vigilante team with Mike, Mina, Heck, SIE, and Scarlet

This is wrong.

There's one mission where a secret room containing a major piece of Intel can't be found without buying the map Intel for that level.

>you can't 100% all dossiers in a single playthrough
Who thought this was OK?

Solid 6/10 gameplay

You can't?

What stops you?

Best James Bond game not being a part of the James Bond franchise

Is there anything more satisfying than deliberately pissing off Marburg?

Parts of Westridge, Darcy and Parker's dossiers can only be acquired by asking Mina to dig up info on them, but she can only be asked to do it twice

>implying Snake Eater isn't the best Bond game

>Goodbye, Leland.

>karate and stealth
>not karate and maximum health
>not playing the game like a brawler

About to play the best game ever

My man

>implying it's not every Hitman game except Absolution


Wen did nothing wrong

This. It can't be helped, most of the gameplay is subpar, boss battles are shit unless you're using certain OP skills to make them trivial and it's also kinda clunky to control. But on the other hand, the sense of your actions having actual consequences is second to none, dialogue is great and it's extremely replayable.

It's that kind of game that looks bad at glance and feels kinda annoying at times, but you learn to appreciate it on the long run and once you're done, you will feel very satisfied with it as whole.

Sure hope Nasri likes waterboarding.

>It's that kind of game that looks bad at glance and feels kinda annoying at times, but you learn to appreciate it on the long run
This. You can't understand why people like it if you just watch videos of it, you have to experience it and actually give it a chance beyond first impressions.

>tfw Heck frames him for Sung's assassination in one ending
Poor guy.

Can't have

Doesn't love you

Some on the dev team found the age-gap too creepy.

Great atmosphere, nice characters and story, shit gameplay.

>Doesnt love you
Just speak for her against the bald guy, and if you choose G-22 to save you
in the end , she will give you one of her guns


>tfw AP2 never ever

Blame Sawyer.

If anything, I see them making a deus vult game , the previous name of the agency, where you play as marburg and what not

anyone got that video or webm of the guy executing all the women? can't remember which format

Fuck of a lot of stairs.

From a couple days ago

We can only hope...

>shoots at me for no reason
>I shoot back
>pelican or whatever the fuck his name was gets pissed
lol dude. don't shoot at people if you don't want to get shot at

shit except for the meme boss

Have no idea why Sup Forums has such affinity fo the game

>taking in Heck and Mina
Nigga what are you doing, the only people you can trust are freelancers on your payroll.

Which bald guy? I let her live and picked G22 as my handler but I didn't get a gun.

It's not though, I didn't even realize how op chainshot was until Rome which I did next
It completely trivialized the bosses though, it was fucking ridiculous
It's breddy fun, but mechanically it's not a very good shooter or stealth game
Mc says some really cheesy shit a lot and there are a few good waifus too, Mina is the winner though

Is there anybody who didn't actually stick a beard in his stupid ass fucking face?

>splinter cell lite
>bad music
>cheap design
>good setting
>good writing
>good VA
>mature geo-political discussion
>classic post-9/11 sandniggers are terrorists Amerika stronk feel
And best of all
>Press X to be a conniving sociopath that gets off on exploiting people's most sensitive insecurities

I doubt it
