Overwatch "cinematics"

>Overwatch "cinematics"

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tf2 has no cute waifus so that's why it failed to overwatch

>Valve animators are so bad they use SFM instead of Blender

Are we really getting a new movie with the update?
Not even half the characters have their voices anymore right?
Fucking sucks


or because it's 10 years old and nobody has played it since 2011

tf2 will probably outlive OW

>cinematics for trashy MP only shooters with no actual campaign modes

if you're going to care AT ALL, don't half-ass it like that. release your fucking game with an actual 6-10 hour story because even CoD is capable of that much, AND THEN this shit matters afterwards.

it's even worse for the losers that try to piece together stories in their games because they thats all they get.

Id much rather get a movie series than a single player mode.

it failed to overwatch because only overwatch could overtake it. what i mean is valve is one of the shittiest, most overrated devs in the ENTIRE industry, but they are relevant solely because dumbass PC gamers worship them for something they did before most of them were even born or old enough to play games.

Blizzard is equally overrated as a dev that USED to be good but has largely been useless the past decade, but has an insanely large autistic fanbase. They actually could overthrow TF2 to be that one stupid fucking game everyone on PC plays for the next 10 years because they're pretty much expected to and nothing else is really sticking.

Cliffy B WISHES he could do that, but UT went to shit since before UT3 and then he sold out for console gamers. xbox gamers specifically. and then he pissed them off too recently. He's fucking done in the industry. and it's sad because gears 4 was a mild success and everyone is loving fortnite. should've stayed with his studio or his IP, but he fucked his career separating from both.

>Volvo uses their own product to do animations
Really makes you sink.


>releases their own in house tool, for free, to the public so their community could more easily create high quality content
>this same tool is used to make the most popular Overwatch fan content
weird ain't it


Imagine what valve could create with the animation budget of blizzard

>releases their own in house tool, for free, to the public so their community could more easily create high quality content
>it's all porn

Expiration Date was what we got out of the failed Adult Swim collaboration, so I imagine something pretty great.

the animation would sit in development hell for years because they'd believe it was not good enough
Once they got a animation they liked their focus testers would get too confused and then scrap the whole thing and start again
this is the Valve way



OW's stuff, yes. but TF2 has had some amazing SFM projecta

>What makes me a good demoman?


>the most popular Overwatch fan content
>its soo well done thanks to the SFM tool set that blizzards hates it and try its harder to purge the internet from it,

>Waifuwatch content will never ever ever ever ever be this good

No waifus was the best thing in TF2.
Just imagine how threads, discussion, hats would be affected if there were females in TF2.

Most people can't quote a single line from the OW cinematics too.


but... we won't ever get another kitty video ever again either.
I unironically believe Team Fabulous 2 to be truly a work of art that may even be shown as an example of internet culture in its time

I miss tf2


>there are people who think mercy is better than Medic


Boop XD

TF2 shorts had great humor, but the graphics sucked.

Not only just compared to today but also for their time. Look at the Meet the Spy video, which was one of the later ones, his fucking shoulder is all disjointed and shitty looking like someone made it in GMOD.

Let's face the facts, Sup Forums.

Valve fucked over TF2. The game had a good launch, then slowly, but surely, went to shit. There was tons of times when they could have saved it- they had YEARS. But they didn't. They milked it, let it die- and only once Overwatch was already out did someone probably light a small fire underneath the dev's asses and they haphazardly tried to stitch on the competitive mode (which flopped).

Pcbros have only themselves to blame. I would gladly still play TF2 today over OW but it's not possible, the game is just shit- looks like shit, plays like shit- badly balanced clusterfuck with no love from the devs anymore.

Valve should just count their losses and move on and make TF3 but we know that'll never happen because Valve forgot how to make games

>1:30 video has more character and charm and blizzard's 10 minute long pixar bootlegs

But simple is better

The reason everyone loved TF2 was how simple and straight forward it was. So they spent the next decade fucking it up

t. Fortnite lover, aka: please play my completely "dead on arrival" game.

Also Fortnite was technically in dev hell because Epic could not decide on wether to focus on just giving full charge on UE/Paragon or split their resources like they did for UT4 and Fortnite for a good chunk of its dev cycle.

>ult that does more when the other team is better than you
going from years of tf2 to overwatch was a huge wakeup call in terms of how involved basic medic play was. between crossbow mechanics, ubercharge depleting on death, and overheal/critical healing, playing mercy is extreme easymode. they even give you a button to get the fuck out of there, and if you STILL happen to die, you keep your rez despite the fact that it builds near instantly and is one of the best ults in the game at the moment.
i feel gross playing the character, but you basically have to at any rank below GM.

Waifu fags need to be gassed

>Valve forgot how to make games
D-Dont remind me!

Overcancer will never have this.

this, Mercy feels like Medic with double training wheels
IMO most all the ults in OW need to take at least 2x as long to build as they do currently

Valve's anarchy policy of developing (anyone is free to do whatever they want as long as they do something useful) is biting them in the ass by never allowing enough organized people on a project at a time, it's also the reason why they don't really make games and only build up on the already existing games ; Because they know those games can be milked with low effort.
TF2 is an extremely old game, it has been built on the meta and interests of almost 10 years ago. They can't keep it alive and profitable enough by 2020 without milking it. At some point, TF2 will no longer get updates and there won't be dedicated servers anymore. Maybe, just maybe, this will mean that Valve will actually fucking work on something else that isn't a remake.

>(Overwatch character) feels like (TF2 counterpart) with training wheels

Hourly reminder that the pyro update will kill overwatch.

they already did a 30% charge increase when they made self-healing charge ultimates, as well as a global 25% increase after that
and STILL you get a free teamfight-winner every odd minute if youre absolutely shit at healing. the fact that ana has a shitton of things standing in her way to be even a decent healer, between an arguably bad ultimate, healing that doesnt go through barriers and is considered a destroyable projectile, and lack of self-healing outside of a long CD ability that would be best used as anything else, is a huge slap in the face for anyone who wants to play an involved character but still be a main healer.

Let's hope it won't kill pyro at least.

>Not wanting to make the cinematics match the aesthetics of the game

>industry leading professionals
>using freeware over their own talor made program
He actually wrote this thinking he sounded smart

The animation for Overwatch cinematics is 10x better than Valve's Meet the Team, but Vave's have at least 50x the personality.

>this, Mercy feels like Medic with double training wheels
So this?

literally the only thing she has over him is boobs

TF2 Medic is fantastic, heck all the TF2 characters have vastly more personality than the OW ones

And when exactly will that update be coming user?

>can make a solar panel to power up a shitty robot that can power up the whole station because ?????
Atleast meet the team and expiration date dont have sutch masive plotholes

I second this.
No really I actually agree with this.

Either tomorrow or next thursday or the thursday after that, I can feel it.

they do, but it doesn't matter because TF2 doesn't even try to hide their universe runs on rule of cool

instead they openly embrace the insanity

>Blizzard makes a healer
>Submissive and Angel themed, gold and white
>Valve makes a healer
>psychotic German man who loves torture
blizz clearly had to reach deep into their creative minds to come up with Mercy's design
I mean they fucking named her mercy lol

Soon, tee em.

It's the internet. People must only like one of the options

that's because the guy who made this kicked the bucket, cunt


>He doesn't know
Lore points to Mercy being the true antagonist.

Tf2 atleast bothers to try explaining some of the insanity, but still keeps plotholes for the lols and doesnt try to be the new "disney" hell, in meet the medic no one gives a shit theres an army of blue soldiers

>He's never coming back

It's this and early Red versus Blue that define internet machinimas for lack of a better term for me

>overwatch "lore"

Is there anyone in Overshilled making hot memes like vid related?
It's a sign of an unsustainable game if there isn't one desu ne

I love how the original trailer, meet the scout, soldier, engi, and demoman all lie about what classes are capable of for the sake of emphasizing their roles and showing off what high level play FEELS like.

this isn't even a plot hole. I'm assuming the robot takes a good amount of power to run its AI processing and manual flight capability. all it had to do was keep the lights and power outlets on the station working for a couple more minutes.

this video is very overrated

Better than TF2's 'lore' where the BLU team is always the bad guy.

>females in war games

this meme needs to die.


and unless they actually reveal it, it does nothing

also god knows Blizzard can't write a female character to save their lives.

the "lore" spread out over the comics is legitimately more interesting than OW's

now if only we could somehow get them to actually FINISH the damn things

the guy doing the ytps of the developer updates seems to get a lot of view.
I actually think they're pretty great

>blu team
>the bad guys
No, they're just attacking.
This desu senpai, women are for cherishing and raising children, not fighting.

Remember the movie "Warcraft"?

lmao wut you clearly don't know anything about tf2 yet you're posting about it SAD

I think you're talking about Andrew JRT. or Sir Swag if you're into the whole text-to-speech thing

Remember when they said it would be BIWEEKLY

>Make a warcraft movie
>set it during the game that barely had a story other than "orcs bad"
>don't make it about the only legitimately decent plotline the series ever had (arthas)

A healer who relies on their team dying is a bad healer.
A healer who helps their team kill hood is a good healer

They said bi-monthly, you gigantic faggot.

gods they can't even keep up with BIANNUALLY

Look. I love the overwatch shorts but I also love the shit outta the ones for TF2 (spy, sniper and demo are my favs).

In fact, the style of the shorter/ low quality Junkrat/Roadhog short reminded me of something I'd see from TF2 which made me love it more

there are no bad/good guys in tf2

I could probable take a guess like "No, they need a hero" or something else unbelievably generic like that and I'd very likely come close to a line they've actually said because they're some of the least creative writers I've ever seen.

That was beautiful.

to be fair for that picture: Medic's immortal and presumably unaging.
He did surgically graft the souls of his teammates to his body in order to scam Satan

>low quality
Careful user you might hurt yourself with that bait.

>"i'm 37 but I look 18. That's the power of medicine!"

holy fuck did they actually make her say this

The tf2 meet the videos are literally propaganda for red team, they are mercenarys ffs, blue team or red team arent good or bad, just a bunch of retards fighting because they need money

>Mercy is hiding waiting to get dank revives
>when the whole time dies she leaps out
>stunned and killed without rezing
this will never not frustrate me

The only reason I still remember the movie is because it was directed by David Bowie's son.

fug, you're right.
don't know why I was thinking it was biweekly

They're both "bad", user

Wrong choice of words.

It was more or less SFM you know?

Like compare it to the Bastion/Mei/widowmaker/teaser trailer/etc. It's clearly a different style.

I loved it to bits but there's a clear difference

>wait years for "meet the pyro"
>you dont meet the pyro, is just the team shit talking him

Yet people only focus on the unicorns which as the last on the offenses list.

team isn't shittalking him mate, Heavy says he fears you, as a mercenary that's a friggin compliment.