>a game is good because it is difficult and challenging
When did this meme start?
>a game is good because it is difficult and challenging
When did this meme start?
>a post is good and worth replying to because it comes with an animeme gril face
When did this meme start?
Probably when a good amount of modern game around the mid to late 2000's started handholding way too fucking hard to cater to the normie audience and the simple concept of difficulty and putting time into learning a game became a desired trait instead of being an innate feature.
>weebcuck is a skilless brainlet
like clockwork
In all seriousness Dark Souls. Even though Demons Souls had similar gameplay dark souls is when games being "challenging" became the trendy/meme that it is today.
That's why any game with any semblance of challenge is compared to dark souls.
I want to play with Nozomi's nozomis.
She doesn't exist tho
>a game is good because it is challenging
I see nothing wrong here.
I want to fuck Nozomi.
>Nozomi is the only raibu that nobody shits on and praises to the point of being a "sacred cow" to the fanbase
And no fat jokes don't count
Nozomi is shit tier, that's why nooen ever mentions her
She's the only character anyone here ever mentions. And she's the only one nobody will bad mouth. Every other girl gets shit on, some worse than others (see: Honoka, Eli, Kanan).
You dont exist
take a guess
You want to know why Nozomi is the most beloved character? I know your going to say "oh it's because people like her body" but no, it isn't.
There are some anons have that motive but if you really want to understand why she's so popular (not just in this website but in other places like tumblr, reddit, pixiv, etc):
- With the exception of Honoka and maybe Nico, she is the only raibu to gain any proper character development and screentime from start to finish. Compare this to the other girls that suffered from either a lack of development and/or screentime
- We actively see her doing things that help progress the story, whether in person (like her helping the girls with their issues) or works in the shadows (helping to form the group). In fact you can even argue she's the most important character in the entire series.
- As shown in her S2 episode, we get to see how much she has changed and progressed since the her childhood to the present, unlike most of the other girls who tend to be static characters with only minor changes.
People can claim that "people only like Nozomi for her body" but I've always seen anons appreciating her for her character: the fact that she's kind but not to the point of being a "moeblob" (see: Kotori and Hanayo). She is assertive but not to the point of being a "bitch" (see: Eli and Nico). She can be funny but also knows when to be serious. She didn't suffer from any writing problems and compared to the others, she had genuine importance to the story but not to the point of "hogging the spotlight" (see: Honoka)
Her only weak point is that her singing wasn't that good but that's really it. That's why she's the most popular (non-Maki) character in this website and elsewhere.
2d girls matter
Gee, dunno, could be because majority of time when people post anime picture it means their opinion is also shit?
>posts the character nobody likes
>tfw your favorite raibus get shit on to the point you can't even mention you like them without backlash occurring
who cares
I love Eli and she's the best girl
Because Sup Forums knows it has to hate casuals, and since nothing inbetween easy and hard exists, clearly hard is the way to go for a game to be considered "good" and is all the game needs to be "good."
I wanna know when THIS meme started. She might be the "largest" of all the girls but that's like comparing a twig to another, even smaller twig.
This. She deserves to be called "best girl"
Challenge is fun, as long as it's well balanced.
When games stopped being difficult and challenging.
Have a webm
You just can't help but post your Elishit on every board, huh? Stop spreading the disease, you bastard.
Dark souls
what is she doing with her arms
Doing her rubesty
Nobody cares about Ruby. Not even the writers
When games were first invented, you dingbat. The point of a game is to challenge you. If you want to be entertained, go to the opera house.
shut the fuck up u fucking hohol
It's because she's the only character shown with large tits so fan arts just went wild from there. I mean, Honoka and Hanayo were the "overweight" ones in-universe but since their tits aren't as big no one really cares as much
dumb weeb
get back to your cont/a/inment board.
Look at official art as proof: Nozomi is the only one drawn with big tits whereas every other girl is drawn with small or medium sized breasts (even the supposed "titty monsters" like Eli, Hanayo and Kotori aren't drawn as big).
Maki is nowhere near as good as Nozomi. She's just a generic daddy girls tsundere that's only popular because of her looks.
I only fap to the idols, I don't actually watch them or know anything about them
>fapping to characters you don't even know about
At least watch the show or something
>obvious nozomi thread
>no one is posting
What happened to being Sup Forums's favorite?
Too boring. I can glean the most basic character traits from their usual expressions anyway
I'll eat your banana.
I'm just saying you can better appreciate Nozomi and maybe some of the other girls more if you actually looked into the source material
The doujins do it for me, although I do appreciate the concern. Purple hair is a weakness of mine.
Question 1:
What makes weebs so insufferable and why are they leaking out of Sup Forums?
Do they have a mental handicap? Discuss.
I still think it's funny how both of them are seen as a pair and yet Eli is hated by most of the fanbase whereas Nozomi is well liked
Is this thread the dark souls of Sup Forums threads???
I can only fap to characters I actually don't know.
>Question 1
>Asks two questions
if you don't like challenge play it on easy
some people enjoy it, no meme behind it faggot.
Not necessarily a good thing depending on why it's difficult
Absolutely a good thing. If a game doesn't challenge you, then its gameplay isn't engaging unless it's some kind of Minecraft-style autism building game.
video game is a fucking toy
Super Meat Boy desu, it proved that it could work in the market. Dark souls only took it further
Oh wait, this thread was just a thinly-veiled dump for that shitty meme girl who ruined Siivagunner. I'll make my leave then. Thanks for giving me false hope that we'd have a not-shit thread here.
You have to give the writers credit: it's one thing to make a character the fanbase ends up disliking to the point of being seen as worst girl, but to have the balls to make her "canon" to the best girl too?
I wasn't aware they were paired up. I usually don't pay any mind to anyone that isn't Nozomi in the original LL girls. Purple hair + twintails is something I rarely see.
hanayo is the best girl bois
Writing tip: next time, say either "animeme girl" or "anime gril." One memeword is enough spice for a phrase; piling them on one after another becomes cloying.
I dunno I kinda like it.
Different people want different things, let it go OP.
If anything SiIvaGunner was the one that makes Nozomi look bad. That stuff is just dumb meme shit unlike Nozomi whose actually a decent character. Well by idol standards at least
And that was the day user learned he was gay
good girl but worst voice
they would never invalidate the best ship by making that trash canon
When even the show itself didn't give a fuck about Hanayo, to the point that she didn't get any sort of screentime or character development, it's just time to admit she's one of the worst girls in the series.
Well if you want to like one of the most boring characters in the cast that's on you then
Love Live Sunshine Season 2 fucking whennnnnn
Fall 2017. Around October I think
before you were born gen z cocksucker
>wanting even more Sunshit
Name 1 (one) decent character in sunshit
favorite card?