Buy my game, and I promise I won't smash your teeth in

Buy my game, and I promise I won't smash your teeth in

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I'll buy it if you promise me you wont be showing your ugly ape face.

>Game can't sell on it's own
>Has to threaten people for it to sell
Yatte miro!

>HURRR this isn't official!!!!
Yes, I know this isn't official but I'm playing along.

I think I know why I have a problem with her face. Her forehead is too big.


Maybe I will.

I really hated her

Reminded me of real girls I knew who'd also punch you and yell when you made a joke


It's kinda sad that you have to state the end part.

You have much to learn

I don't feel anything for an ass like that. Too big and unnatural.

what game is this and why did they give it a 5 head?

i refuse to buy games where main characters are black. reditors can call me whatever they want but if you cater to a small percentage of the US market don't get mad when I vote with my wallet

I know, right?

Do you come from Sup Forums, by ant chance?

this isn't real retard

Are you white or "white"?

I-it's all about being kind to your playerbase. I'm sure preorders for Detroid are gonna be well worth it.

I tjought trips were impossible on Sup Forums I'm lucky if I get a 5

and I thought breast implants looked ugly


>"After I finish with her, you're next, white boi"