Are the Dragon Age games worth getting into? I've heard mixed things about the series, but I'm pretty desperate for a rpg at this. And if so, is it worth downloading origins for, or should I just get it for console?
Are the Dragon Age games worth getting into? I've heard mixed things about the series...
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Not really, no
Anything they do is done better by other RPGs
Dragon age origins is amazing (get the ultimate version on steam that has all dlc)
Dragon Age 2 is very hated by the community. I liked it for what it was worth. the biggest offence is that they recycle dungeons like no other mother
Dragon Age Inquisition is just on offline mmo
Any recs? I got New Vegas, but I'm looking for some more recent things.
If you like CRPGs then Shadowrun Dragonfall is very good. Same with Divinity Original Sin and Pillars of Eternity (made by the guys who made new vegas)
Dues Ex are really good if you are into cyberpunk and crazy conspiracy shit. (the first one is 20 years old but jump in with Human Revolution if you cant stand old graphics.)
I recommend DA:O if you are a cuckold.
THe only AAA ga,e with legit cuckolding in the sotry and the ability to be a cuckold with morrigan at the end ofher romance route.
Play Origins.
Pretend the others don't exist.
Play Origins. Then play The Witcher games.
I'm not so much into that type of game. I'm looking at more of the 3rd person style game. It seems like Bioware is the only dev putting out these kinds of games and they've gone to shit.
What are you talking about?
then go with dragon age origins and see what that does for you. there also is Jade Empire and Knights of the Old Republic. They are also from bioware.
DAO has in my opinion some of the best characters, world-building, lore and story presentation in any fantasy crpg, most definitely worth getting into.
Though there's some good stuff in the sequels (mostly characters) the overall quality is so much lower, you can safely stop after the first.
I think it might be time for you to leave your room, go outside and see the sun and maybe even some trees again, user.
This pretty much. DAO and ME2 were Bioware's last decent games
are you okay?
This guy gets it
It's a low quality near-shitpost but it's legit.
Oghren is an actual unironical cuck in the game and you do have the option of becoming a cuck during morrigan romance, you can let another man impregnate her during your romance(you can have on of the games bad characters Loghain do it too lel) and then raising her child.
Cool beans I'll check them out
ME2 removed a lot of RPG elements from the franchise and I would consider it the beginning of the end.
Yeah, right. I forgot about that. But that's really stupid thing to do. (I mean, being cuckold is stupid.)
Of course it fucking is.
It's just incredible that that shit was in the game all that time. I didn't understand it at all since i was oblivious to what a cuck is then but it's still there.
Fucking bioware man
They removed a ton of RPG elements, still an utterly fantastic game
Best Inquisition girl.
I liked 1 then stopped playing because the word on 2,was that it was awful.
Cass is the best female party member.
Morri is now and forever best girl.
True, but it's still a good game if you enjoyed ME1 and wants some companions reunions.
>dat Archangel reunion
They're all pretty good games. DA:O being the best, DA2 being the "worst" and DA:I being pretty damn good.
Problem with DA2 is that it's much, much smaller in scope. Go into it with the mindset of a guy who wants to protect his family - not some mythic hero.
Also, you'll have the best experience if you romance Morrigan in Origins and Solas(Which requires a female elf) in Inquisition.
>Hawke's goal is to make a name for himself and protect his family
>his entire family dies making his quest useless
What did the amazing writers at Bioware mean by this?
Tragic storytelling. Perseverance of character. Dark fantasy. Also, nice spoilers cuckhold.
News flash: heroes don't always need to succeed.
As much as a I love Claudia Black and her voice gives me an instant erection, Cass's accent really gave her a run for her money.
Play 1
And maybe 3
Sup Forums only hates 3 because it has gays and a trans character.
At worst, the areas are a bit big, as they seemed designed for a multiplayer game. But besides that it's 100% fine, besides a slow start.
Her DA2 design was great. Inquisition transgender face is disgusting.
Tragic storytelling only works if you are actually attached to the people who have something tragically happen with them. Bioware equates something sad happening with good storytelling, and that's not how that works.
>Sup Forums only hates 3 because it has gays and a trans character.
Nah, it's because the game to a very large extent feels like soulless, repetitive mmo/collectathon/mobile rubbish.
Coulda fooled me with all those cool lore revelations and satisfying payoffs to various setups. Tresspasser is a masterstroke of storytelling.
Just thinking about how the series as fallen makes me depressed.
You need to add more meaningless words.
Did you mention Rebbit or tumblr?
Or gatcha or candy crush?
I like josie more. she's like DAO's Leliana, except not boring and cuter
Play Origins (DO NOT forget the expansion, Awakening)
We'll tell you, beg you even, not to play 2 or Inquisition, but curiosity and the desire for more of the series will drive you to make mistakes.
Solas' romance was not that good. The only compelling part of it is [/spoiler]When he breaks up with you[/spoiler]. He's okay as a friend, but more interesting as an enemy.
>Avoid the archer classes on rouge and warrior
>Don't stick with the first 3 companions the entire game, you can pretty easily just switch off as you play if you want to keep things fresh even
He said he wanted an RPG though.
My first time party is Alistair, Morrigan and Leliana, I'm a female mage. Who should I romance? Should I swap Morrigan because of her beef with Alistair and "good" quest resolutions?
Give me tips on making my mage the best.
Is there a mod to make her skin not disgusting?
You mean change her complexion, or her skin colour? 'Cause I'm pretty sure there are mods for both, but I'm a consolefag.
Morrigan a bitch
Leliana a best
I find primal spells while usually ridiculously effective aren't that fun and the rest of the mage moveset (usually for me spirit/entropy/the healing spells from creation) give you really fun control of the field.
Swap out Alistair for Wynne and spec your MC as an Arcane Warrior so she can be the party's tank. You'll steamroll the entire game
Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage or Arcane Warrior/Spirit Healer and get the Dead Guy Time Bomb and Haste.
>Morrigan a bitch
But that's good.
Her complexion, specifically her moles and the way her skin looks greasy. I like her as a romance option but she's just really gross looking. Not Sera gross, but still
Fuck no Arcane Warrior isn't that fun, especially not as a first playthrough and ESPECIALLY not if you aren't making the arcane warrior tank and heal
Unless you mod, Morrigan can't be romanced by a female. If she's the biggest contender for being swapped, I'd replace her with Wynne. Flat upgrade, other than looks.
There's no "must have" people. I mean it. Just have whoever you want. Game's actually good; you don't have only one possible setup for success
As much as I loved Planescape: Torment, you really only had one setup.
All their skin looks like that. They made them pretty shinny.
I'm liking the game and already planning a second playthrough where I'll have a male MC fuck Morrigan because I want to learn more about this NPC, she's very intriguing. Thanks for the input.
I love Morrigan. Good luck. No idea why some (and I mean a great minority of 5% of people) people replaced her with an old chick but you really truly can pick whoever you want. They're all good. Old bag is a great medic if I have to be honest and despite my feelings that Alister is a bro and a great tank, even he was easily replaced with another type of character.
Be flexible and fun.
My second playthrough will certainly be with a male Warrior or Rogue, Sten, Morrigan and someone as third party (Zevran?), choosing quest resolutions that keep Sten and Morrigan happy.
What are fun kits for Warrior and Rogue? Is there something for Warrior that is, shall we say, "DPS" oriented like the Kensai in BG2?
origins on PC is the best experience you are going to have with dragon age.
Remember when Sup Forums bullied Hamburger Helper so bad she quit her job?
dont know about warrior but with rogue you can get really good dps thanks to the backstab mechanic
By kits, do you mean sets?
Fuck, I usually mix and match but I believe the dragonscale armor is tank oriented. DPS orientation is probably limited to weapons, so no armor I can remember would add to this.
But It's been a while. And I didn't have all the DLC.
Well, as I said, you'll fine helmets that add +1 str, legs that do similar, etc. I can't remember any set that specialized.
Me2 was the harbinger for all Bioware's future problems
>Dumbing down gameplay
>Removing flawed gameplay aspects rather than fixing them
>Day 1 DLC
>NPCs being clearly favoured by the writers
>Plotholes caused by writers not bothering to check prior installments before writing
>Plotholes caused by writers not thinking things through
>Clumsy retcons
>PC centered morality syndrome
>Character assassinating anyone who is antagonistic to the PC
>Party members being PC cheerleaders
leliana is boring as bread.
inquisition was trash, was hyped but somehow got me to lose interest before I even finished the game
>Warrior: Berserker and reaver
>Rogue: Assassin and bard
Direct damage spells are a trap, avoid most of them.
The best builds come from getting the Arcane warrior spec and using buff spells to make yourself nigh indestructible
No. Hamburger Helper left because literally everyone outside BSN hated her and her unsupervised writing, not because of any bullying campaigns, no matter what she said.
Pic related is how the general public feels about her.
Yea. The dumbing down was ridiculously noticable.
It's still a great game, I think, but it had some flaws.
>PC cheerleaders
Were they? I don't think it was this game that had it rough. ME3 and other games like Inquistion did it. I don't reclal ME2 being bad in that sense.
*cricket noises*
Arcane warrior are boring as shit and shapeshifters are just plain shit, go spirit healer/blood mage
dragon age origins is one of my favorite games of all time, and I personally tried to play inquisition 3 times. It is so bad, don't even bother
I should probably have clarified that I in no way think those issues ruined the game, but they were noticeable.
The whole intro was basically TiMmy and Miranda giving Shepard a long blowjob, for example.
Most of the NPCs do it to, with varying levels of egregiousness, though to be fair some of them, like Garrus and Tali, are at least justified.
I think Zaeed, Samara and Mordin are the only ones that lay off it entirely.
Too bad. It's the closest game to DA:O. How far do you get?
I won't say it's great but it's good enough to beat once. But the rule is: if you really don't enjoy a game, dont worry.
I forced myself to finish it on PS3, it was terrible, I hate the trend of shitty boring huge map
>It's the closest game to DA:O
I mistyped. It's closer to DA:O, then DA2 is to DA:O.
So if you want the universe and feel, it's gotta be DA:I
Though even then, it's still quite similar to it. I mean, you can't say Baldur's Gate is similar.
Dragon Age Origins is a flawed, but fantastic game. It re-ignited by passion for video games after a four year hiatus of nothing but World of Warcraft.
Dragon Age 2 is an incomplete product that had a lot of potential to be good and was patched up to give it the appearance of it being finished. The final chapter is a huge disappointment, the DLC is pretty meh, but the journey until then has its moments.
Inquisition on the other hand seems like a cheap cash-in. It's shorter than DA2, the ending is abrupt and doesn't feel as if it ever intended to reach full potential, the party members are all tropes, not actual characters, and it plays like a cheap Korean MMO.
My advice is to play Origins and if you really liked it, maybe get DA2 cheap or pirate it. Inquisition is like a slap to the face for Origins players.
>Play DA2
>Don't play DA:I
Fuck off. If you like DA:O, skip 2 and do Inquistion. DA2 is not good in any sense. DA:I at least HAS DA:O gameplay and decent characters. The main story is crap, but most else is good.
Fuck the resource management but at least it's useful gameplay.
Don't forget Inquisition is even more dumbed down than 2
>eight active skills
>No more sustained ability
What could be the point of lying so obviously?
Best post in this thread.
Totally true.
no. Unless you're a flaming retarded normie, then go nuts. Not like normies know how to spend money properly.
Specialization isn't really that big of a thing in DAO. Warrior can tank, 2h dps, dual-wield dps, or be archers. Build is largely just picking shit that benefits which of those you picked. And the stuff is usually pretty obvious.
I don't know if dual-wield has the same issue, but 2H tends to be infuriating because you literally cannot hit a fleeing enemy because you stop movement to start swinging, and stop swinging when the enemy gets out of range. This was something that was fixed in DA2. You also get to see the other side of the mage coin, where because hard crowd control dominates the entire game, there will be fights where you literally don't get to move on higher difficulties. A lot of fights boil down to which side's mages lock down the other side's mages first. This also means stuff like Indomitable for 2H warriors is mandatory, but even then there's a ton of CC it doesn't make you immune to.
In the expansion, Warrior becomes a merchant of death both in dual-wield and archery forms thanks to the Spirit Warrior spec.
As for rogue, dual-wield is very similar to warrior except you're frailer but do far more damage from back attacks. Archery kind of sucks until late-game and becomes really strong in the expansion, but that's also only if you use mods to fix all the bugs Bioware never bothered to. Like increasing your attack speed past a certain point actually slowing your shots down. Rogues will also pretty much go pure cunning + Lethality for most of the game, and it fuels your lockpicking for free + synergizes with Bard. Pure dex will eventually pull ahead in terms of damage though, and is something to respec towards in the end-game or especially in Awakening. Archers will especially make a hard shift from cunning to dex due to Awakening's introduction of the Accuracy sustainable.
>DA:I at least HAS DA:O gameplay
if you do play origins, make a character for each origin story, as those are the highest points in the game for the writing
A simplied verison but it is what it is. DA2 did NOT have it for example.
>if you use mods to fix all the bugs Bioware never bothered to
That was annoying
>Get cool items
>Check wiki because the description is shit
>Effect wasn't implemented properly or doesn't work
Fucking hell
>DA:I at least HAS DA:O gameplay and decent characters
Nigga, what are you talking about? DAI has slightly better DA2 gameplay, but nowhere near DAO's. Most of the characters are just okay, and don't come near to having the likability or charm of DAO's party members. Shit, it has the worst tastics system of them all, and the characters are basically two of the DAO's characters combined into one.
>Sera: Oghren + Leliana
>Vivianne: Morrigan + Wynne
>Ironbull: Sten + Zevran
>Blackwall: Alistair + Loghain
>Solas: Morrigan + Wynne + Sten
>Dorian: Wynne + Zevran
Inquisition had better characters than 2. Solas and Cass are Origin tier characters. Varric is fucking awful. He screams writer self insert character that they tried too hard to make quippy and likeable and didn't bother to actually give him a sense of purpose or an actual story arc.
Yes it did, did you even play it?
Bitch son, DA:O is obviously better, that's not a question. It's just that the spiritual successor, with downgrades IS DA:I, and not DA2.
On a side note, is there any game that has SUCH a great tactics system as DA:O? Honestly asking.
I did play DA2. It's fucking awful.
What's even funnier is how Sup Forums used to bash it and was RIGHT about bashing it, and now magically it's okay.
DA2 was horrible and Bioware went back towards DA:O for the third game.
Dragon Age 2 was awful and I'm still mad I preordered it and paid full price for the game.
Dragon Age: Origins is more or less a PC RPG classic of the last decade, just play it and if you like it, maybe try Inquisition after.
That one guy telling to play Divinity: Original Sin is a moron, that game was a 7/10 at best.
Not sure, DAO's was detailed af. Maybe an older BW game?
This is bullshit. Mass Effect 2 didn't remove any "RPG elements". That's a complete weasel word and just garbage rhetoric. You're not doing anything different in Mass Effect 2 that you're doing in Mass Effect 1 with your character. And since you consider Mass Effect 1 an RPG in the first place you clearly don't value actual "RPG elements" in the first place. Hypocrites.
Look real talk if you like Dragon Age play Persona. They are also RPG dating sims and they are all amazing.
>Calling anyone a moron while recommending Inquisition