Why are Glocks balanced as if they were peashooters in games? Is there a game that features more realistic Glocks?

Why are Glocks balanced as if they were peashooters in games? Is there a game that features more realistic Glocks?

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Devs not knowing anything about guns
Pistols being weaker for balance
etc etc
9mm today is the most popular handgun cartridge available and isn't weak at all. But being a handgun, it will be inherently weaker, and probably won't kill anyone anyway

>Video games
>Realistic weapons balancing with firearms
Pick one and only one, there's only three settings to this shit in FPS
Die in one head
Takes more than is reasonable possible
and Bullet Sponge.

what happened

Because it doesn't have stoppan power like fuddy five

Guide rod melted. The only weak part in a full auto Glawk

get your shitty plastic toy outta here OP. we only discuss real handguns for real men in games here.
what are some games with good Deagles btw?


>and isn't weak at all.
>t. yurocuck manlet that can't handle glorious .45 ACP of 100% american made stopping power like the grown ups do

wow, its almost as if weapons can fuck up if used in a way they weren't designed to be used.


>what is Glock 21

>what is Glock 18
Just put a steel guide rod in there and it would run fine. The frame won't melt.

>what is a stress test

Full-auto pistols are a dumb idea that sprang up during the first world war because fully automatic weapons for personal use was still in its infancy and the SMG wouldn't be developed until the last leg of the war, and stuck around waaaaaay too long despite being effectively being replaced by SMGs, Carbines, and PDWs. Only in a video game or film would anyone pick a full auto pistol over anyone of the mentioned items.
That or Thugs.

>dropped by your army, law enforcement and intelligence agencies
I mean, it only took you longer than the rest of the world to adopt a non-meme cartridge but at last you did it.

It's good in BF4 and PUBG

>9mm isn't weak at all


yes and?

Opposing Force.

gen 3 glocks come with a plastic guide rod, look at how hot the gun got and get a clue.


It's because of the extrogen in the water turning the fucking frogs gay!


Sub machine guns aren't inherently different from pistols with auto sears.

Glocknade is an old gen1 .40 meme.

Give Demoman a Glock.

Insurgency gets handgun right, deadly as any other gun, but with lower firepower and less shit you can attach on it.
Running in a hall with a glock is viable, but using it for supressing or sniping is not the best idea

Most shooters already have frag grenades.

it isn't a weak part in a full auto glock, the guide rod in an 18 is metal. this is a 17 with an auto sear and in addition the failure happened after 660 rounds or 38 full magazines fired back to back as fast as he could reload them. before the guide rod melted the barrel started to wear. it was too hot for him to operate even with gloves by the time it melted. his final conclusion was that you can't carry enough ammo to destroy a glock on your person at one time.

the video is not showing that glocks are shitty, if anything its a testament to how good they are.

>something IRL in a videogame
They shut down a GTA mod with the samsung S7 recently, what makes you think they wouldn't do the same?

you can mod them in but it only has M9, 1911, makarov, and model 10 revolver by default

I like how much more important having a handgun is in day of infamy where semi-autos are somewhat rare and you need them to save your ass at close range.

Call of Duty World at War


You might lie, but the math doesn't.
But I guess math isn't a strongsuit of you guys or you could have put a man on the moon.

thats a beretta


You should use .22, it'll bounce around in their skull!!

>tfw you shoot guns irl and none of the movies or games come even close to the feeling and sound
>mfw glock sounds in csgo

State of Decay

The STALKER mod STCoP includes a pretty decent Glock.

Serious question.
What handgun is best used like a blunt object and won't break easily from misuse?

damn that's sexy

pretty sure that's a hi-point dude

yeah, why don't more games feature glocknades

probably some revolver held by the barrel

guns are precision machines and banging them against things will affect performance. revolvers are mechanically simpler than automatics, but even swinging it by the barrel will eventually misalign it.


guns are made to be ground down in video games to make it fair. You dont want them to be perfect, in fact you want the opposite and make them imperfect so you dont slay everything with 1 weapon. That would be boring
>this gun is pretty weak but holds more ammo
>this has less ammo, but more powerful
>this sword is powerful but will break soon
>this ranged weapon sucks at close quaters
>you cant hit shit with this SMG past a few feet

>glock brand glocks

>the generic 9mm pistol is piss weak
>the 1911 stops people in 2 shots
>any revovler is basically a canon

Devs dont do the research and even if they did they dont care. Same thing with movies and guns (or cars, or computers, or medicine)

>Why are Glocks balanced as if they were peashooters in games? Is there a game that features more realistic Glocks?

I absolutely agree. Glocks should be classed as throwing weapons and explode on impact

this but unironically, I want to chuck Glocks at people

t. american


>Why are Glocks balanced as if they were peashooters in games?
9 mm is the weakest cardidge in most shooters, and you rarely see .45 or .40 Glocks in games

>tfw no APS
blyat... ;_;

>Glock 21
My man
but we can go bigger

I think .45 is alot more pleasant to shoot than a lot of the hotter 9mm loads available.
>t. eurocuck who owns guns

>Not using akimbo g18s,

5.7 mm would be already replacing 9 mm as NATO standard for handguns, if Germans didn't veto decission, because they were still butthurt that their 4.6 mm lost miserably during trials.

>I can't dispute your argument, with proof included, so I'll just call you (x)

How many magazines did they empty before this happened?

Lol would be a funny way to kill yourself by accident. You'd have to be a big guy to handle that recoil with your weak arm

Can't say much about police, but for military purposes capacity > effeciency, which is why our individual rifles now fire 5.56x45, and not 7.62 Real Fuckin NATO

>Slightly better .22 for army standard
Ridiculous. They should make a change to .45 or 10mm instead.

There are no Glocks in Insurgency though

>when user outs himself as a manlet


9mm doesn't kick very much at all

but muh .45 stoppin power

Give me one fucking reason that a gun that looks cooler shouldn't do more damage in a videogame.


not sure of baiting, but look at this
pretty much anyone shot in chest died.
Other useful advantage is semi armorpiercing property of bullet - it penetrates body armor, but doesn't everpenetrate body.

The g18 is fully automatic, i own a g19, it isnt much recoil but having 2 auto g18 and mag dumping them at once would be dangerous

>when Harry Callahan choses semi-auto over revolver

i cant tell if you're being stupid on purpose or you were just born that way

How would doing full auto with a g18 in each hands not be dangerous? They arent meant to be used thay way.

>average to below average built guy
>mag dumps akimbo glocks
>has no trouble keeping the barrels level

le wristbreak meme


>fps where shotgun rounds don't disappear in 3 meters
so satisfying



>fps where pistols aren't just shit sidearms and are viable
its rare but its good when it happens

But handguns are a lot weaker than rifles or shotguns, user.

>slowly advance through swamp in Viecong, M870 in hand
>see something sticking out above fallen tree, at 50+ meters
>shoot it to see if it's not hiding gook
>gooks start shooting, except one I fired at, that dropped after single pellet to skull
shoud've wear helmet, charlie!

looks is a different thing. Obviously if something looks cooler we want it to be cooler, but if were talking about run of the mill weapons everyone goes by urban legends and myths

How did you know that Vietnamese person was named Charlie? Isn't that a western name?

They have really big magazines, so that's usually balanced by low damage.

Free version of Black Mesa has a ridiculously powerful Glock. The damage per shot isn't big, but it's super precise and fires as fast as you click the button.

>in foot pounds
Fuck off, I'm not converting that to real world units

Yeah, I mean who the fuck would use a firearm to fire bullets?

all the counter strikes

mcree in overwatch is basicially desert eagle - the character i know it's a revolver tho

i mean the .44 automag looks cool, but it's also a fucking .44 magnum. that shit will drop a bear

love this mod
shotguns feel really nice and even thr sawn offs have some decent range


antigunsfags are the consoleonlyfags of real life

Battlefield 3 is the only game I've played where the pistols feel usable. The limiting factors are magazine size and range.


Who are you planning to pistol whip? On a related note, why is pistol whipping so unsatisfying in most vidya?


Literally a perfect 10/10 looking gun.

I don't remember exactly but it was in the thousands