What went wrong?

What went wrong?

They made it open world. Open world is becoming a dried up genre.

look at this blind brainwashed automaton, following other people's opinions like a fucking sheep.

They forgot to put actually fun things to do in the new open world.


not much
>unbelievably consistent
>so consistent that it gets a little dry after the first fifty hours
>or after the first five if you're jaded af
>great dungeon concepts even if they're all super short
>released so early in the year that it'll lose out GOTY awards to FOTM trash

this is becoming sad

Pretty much nothing

nintendo gooks dont know how to make a good story anymore

My only complaints were lack of additional optional runes you could find in the overworld that would've added to that traditional Zelda progression you get and no cave systems to explore, other than that it's perfect as is.

I know I'm in a tiny minority but I liked this game a lot.

You didn't pay attention in school

>it's way too casual (this point cannot be argued because it has too high of a metacritic score, and game journos HATE challenging games)
>framerate is disgusting
>not enough content to justify wanting to explore, since none of it is required to beat Ganon
>bosses are repetitive and easy to take down, including Calamity Ganon and his multiple forms, especially the last one which is just glorified quick time events
>weapon system is trivial because the game always gives you weapons, so at no point are you up against a wall and forced to "make due with what you have" since the game just throws a bunch of weapons your way anyway
>death has no impact because it's too "videogamey" to actually penalize you for doing bad, so you can just slam your head against a wall until it breaks, which isn't good game design
>vomit-inducing sex fanservice meant to appeal to virgins
>SJW pandering with the cinematic cutscenes
>cross dressing degeneracy (and it doesn't matter what context its in. If it's supporting cross dressing, it's tumblr pandering. If it's making a joke out of it, it's Sup Forums pandering. neither are allowed in my video game)
>Way too much DLC which costs way too much. That content should've been in the game, for free, from the start
>hard mode is absolutely terrible, since it's not even that challenging. They basically just changed some health numbers
>not a single likeable character in the game. Iw anted to personally kill Zelda, Mipha, Link, and every Gerudo I saw because of how retarded they act in-game

Of course I don't expect anyone to read these gripes. They'll say "haha salty sonybro" or something, as if to imply I'm not an idort or that I support a certain console company. Any reason to discard complaints.

>no distinct visual theme for dungeons
>dungeons were too short
>sense of progression was really lacking
>lack of enemy variety

Solid game still.

They created a tech demo with some decent mechanics, and then forgot to make an actual game with it.

>muh hardcore games for hardcore gamers such as myself for 12 arrows
>Sup Forums
yup that about covers it

thanks for the new copypasta

The game is 10/10 when you're first starting out and exploring but the longer you play the more you realize all the flaws and the game becomes a 7/10
I'm glad I got it and beat it before other people starting realizing this too

Once a sequel comes out maybe people will then admit this, BotW is like the first Assassins Creed or Far Cry 2.

half of the points are actually decent but other half is retarded
though i agree there is fucking stupid trend where a character is crossdressed as a joke (a common trope in japanese media) and suddently sad suicidal tumblrinas have to write why is is to important and empowering

Look at your image, OP. See how it says "THE LEGEND OF ZELDA"? That's the name of a video game series. A long-running series that's been around for 30+ years, with around 20 games released. In these games, universally, you've played as Link, navigating through dungeons filled with enemies and puzzles, acquiring new items/equipment/abilities, and fighting interesting bosses that require you to use old and new items to be able to inflict damage.

Breath of the Wild got rid of everything I just mentioned and replaced it with a large world. An extremely large and extremely empty world. It's a Zelda game solely because they needed sales, and this game would not have sold anywhere near as well with a different name.

>muh hardcore games for hardcore gamers
Stop mis-using this phrase. This would only apply if I attacked the game for having a cartoony artstyle, not being realistic enough, or not having enough gore and blood and killing like Call of Duty.

I started emulating it recently and it's pretty fun. Nothing to write home about but I'm definitely enjoying it.

It very clearly applies to both, artstyle and difficulty overlap too often to be able to differentiate like that.

>say a bunch of bullshit
>nobody can defeat my bulletproof argument

Just because your shit is literally too retarded to warrant a serious, good faith response doesn't mean that you won anything

That's total bollocks. There's no problem with wanting a game to be more challenging.

>this argument is totally wrong
>no I don't actually have a reason why, but listen and believe I'm right

is this supposed to be ironic?

that's a completely different argument, and much more subjective than what you're letting on.

>That's total bollocks.
So is saying a game can only be good if it's hard, post discarded.

You outed yourself as a mouthbreathing dumbfuck the second you went off the rails to complain about the SJW bogeyman and degeneracy in what was otherwise pretty good bait

No minish world (only in beta)

No real cool items in my opininon

Zelda was probably the most unappealing character (except for her personalities)

The trials could have been prettier and not always blue + most of them were just tiny guardian battles and retardedly easy puzzles (not counting exploits on how you wanna solve them)

The guardians killed it for me with the laser

last boss was piss easy

Hard mode seems like artificial difficulty from what I hear

Rain 24/7

There's no point in playing a game if it's too easy. Challenge should be an ever-looming presence keeping the player on their toes. You don't want your game to be a movie, do you?

>There's no point in playing a game if it's too easy.
If it's fun then yes there is, difficulty is entirely subjective anyways. For example I found Bloodborne outside of two bosses in the base game to be pretty easy yet it's still one of my favorite games of all time because the exploration and combat was fun for me.

but there is challenge in the game, it's just not all the time. it's called pacing, something a sonyfriend would not know much about.

>reddit tier tier spacing


every time

>what went wrong?
Daily threads on Sup Forums made me hate the game.


>it's way too casual (this point cannot be argued because it has too high of a metacritic score, and game journos HATE challenging games)
This is an opinion, not an objective fact. It is also pure contrarian trash. Claiming a game is bad because "It's not hard enough, too many other people play this game and I feel less special" isn't a valid argument.

>framerate is disgusting
This is actually an objective fact, though it would help to contextualize this statement. If you are comparing it to the 60fps bliss that PC gamers enjoy regularly, then it's about as good as any argument against any game that runs on a console.

>not enough content to justify wanting to explore, since none of it is required to beat Ganon
True, none of it is "required", but it is highly recommend. Just try taking him on without at least having enough hearts to get the Master Sword, unless you are an extraordinarily skilled player (which I'm sure a few people are, but I doubt you) you will very likely fail before you even reach him. I suppose you would be making the game "hard enough" by doing this, however.

>bosses are repetitive and easy to take down, including Calamity Ganon and his multiple forms, especially the last one which is just glorified quick time events
While the bosses lack the flair of previous Zelda titles, they are hardly any more repetitive. Also, I don't see how shooting weakpoints on a giant boar with arrows on horseback is anything like quick time events.



>If it's fun then yes there is
Fun is a buzzword. You could have fun with Uncharted if your standards are low enough, that doesn't make it a good game.

>weapon system is trivial because the game always gives you weapons, so at no point are you up against a wall and forced to "make due with what you have" since the game just throws a bunch of weapons your way anyway
"Making due with what you have" is using a shitty Boko Club you just picked up because you don't want to break your shiny new broadsword which does far more damage. The game may give you weapons, but it can be a pain to keep the good ones. I suppose it is a gripe, but it sure beats yours.

>death has no impact because it's too "videogamey" to actually penalize you for doing bad, so you can just slam your head against a wall until it breaks, which isn't good game design
This "poor game design" you speak of is literally the core loop of the Souls games, and it has been the defining loop of all previous Zelda games. At this point I'm not even sure you wanted this to be a Zelda game in the first place.

>hard mode is absolutely terrible, since it's not even that challenging. They basically just changed some health numbers
You forgot the increased enemy levels at start, the new traps and floating
Octorok platforms, the new miniboss placement (silver lynel on the Great Plateau for example) and regenerating enemy health.

>Way too much DLC which costs way too much. That content should've been in the game, for free, from the start
>vomit-inducing sex fanservice meant to appeal to virgins
>SJW pandering with the cinematic cutscenes
>cross dressing degeneracy (and it doesn't matter what context its in. If it's supporting cross dressing, it's tumblr pandering. If it's making a joke out of it, it's Sup Forums pandering. neither are allowed in my video game)
>not a single likeable character in the game. Iw anted to personally kill Zelda, Mipha, Link, and every Gerudo I saw because of how retarded they act in-game
All of these points are too subjective to be valid arguments.

>it was done before argument

then why dont more games do it?

nice try autist

Absolutely nothing. I went back to it recently and it's still one of the best games ever.
A true Kino

>Fun is a buzzword.
The state of Sup Forums these days.

>It is also pure contrarian trash.
Not if I have valid reason to hate the mainstream reviewers who couldn't even beat the first level of Nu-Doom.

>If you are comparing it to the 60fps bliss that PC gamers enjoy regularly, then it's about as good as any argument against any game that runs on a console.
I am actually. it's why I think it's funny that someone called me a sonygro a while back when Sony has this problem even worse.

>Just try taking him on without at least having enough hearts to get the Master Sword,
You can do that pretty damn easily. Shoot, a speedrunner did it at SGDQ and all they had was 3 amiibos. Of course you can say "b-but the amiibos give OP weapons" which opens up a whole new can worms as to why they essentially become pay2win, or why Nintendo would want people to have instant win buttons.

>Also, I don't see how shooting weakpoints on a giant boar with arrows on horseback is anything like quick time events.
Considering the game constantly slows down so you don't miss, and the game is constantly telling you what to do, as if you can't imply what to do on your own, is insulting enough.

What are you even trying to express here, apart from bitterness at the lack of joy your hobby brings you?

>every single thread
>every single time

I got the platinum trophy in Horizon and stopped botw halfway through. The PS4 was also literally the first time in my life I ever bought something from Sony.

If you make a game more fun at the expense of casualization then it's a bad game.

Not much. It's ranked as one of the best games of all time, single-handedly cemented the Switch launch and objectively set a new standard for an enitre genre.

Sup Forums will never live down the humiliation.

>"Making due with what you have" is using a shitty Boko Club you just picked up because you don't want to break your shiny new broadsword which does far more damage.
And does the game prevent you from just farming shiny new broadswords? No, it doesn't. You can go on about how "very few games discourage farming" but I don't really care. Following a common trend does not mean you're immune to the criticisms from it. It just means you fell into the same exact trap with no way to compensate.

>This "poor game design" you speak of is literally the core loop of the Souls games,
The overrated, poorly optimized, often broken-at-launch Souls series? I do believe that's a point in my favor.

>At this point I'm not even sure you wanted this to be a Zelda game in the first place.
I really don't care if it's a Zelda game. I just want it to be a good game. It's like saying Majora's Mask is bad because Zelda isn't that big a player in it. Sometimes you gotta ditch some conventions to make the game work better.

>You forgot the increased enemy levels at start, the new traps and floating
Octorok platforms, the new miniboss placement (silver lynel on the Great Plateau for example) and regenerating enemy health.
Essentially, garbage. I don't see any new AI revamps that change up how enemies fight you. I just see more things you can easily cirvumvent if you've already played the game. It's the equivalent of giving enemies more HP, you've just made the fight all the more tedious.


7/10 game that no one can discuss normally because the world is empty while better games like New Vegas or STALKER still get weekly threads to this day while this thread will probably die in less than 200 posts because everyone's too tired to argue against nintendo drones who can only >greentext with le funny image.

Fun is not an argument as to a game's quality. It's just something that only works with your personal view of the product.

>haha if you don't like Zelda you hate video games, nothing else will ever be good
Whoa, easy there shill.

Physics are the future of gaming, retard, specially since certain areas in graphics will be reaching their peak soon.


It's over and we'll have to wait years to play another one

>I really don't care if it's a Zelda game. I just want it to be a good game. It's like saying Majora's Mask is bad because Zelda isn't that big a player in it. Sometimes you gotta ditch some conventions to make the game work better.

Majora's Mask is bad because it's a fucking lazy rehash loved by autistic fedoras


Hey now, I was just using it as an example. I spoke nothing about its quality. I could easily use Link's Awakening for the same purpose.

Six months later and Sup Forums still cannot name a single game fit to hold a candle next to BotW. I will never not find this hilarious.

Nice projection there with your memetext, kiddo.

>majoras mask

what did he mean by this?

Morrowind, Dragon's Dogma and Horizon Zero Dawn.

>Majora's Mask is bad because it's a fucking lazy rehash
>lazy rehash

It's fucking completely unique in the series you dumb little shitstain.

No. Sorry. None come anywhere close to the player agency, freedom of movement and world design in BotW. Keep trying.

>Not if I have valid reason to hate the mainstream reviewers who couldn't even beat the first level of Nu-Doom.
That doesn't further your argument against BOTW in the slightest, it is an argument about an entirely different part of the videogame industry.

>I am actually. it's why I think it's funny that someone called me a sonygro a while back when Sony has this problem even worse.
I will say it is a fair point to criticize BOTWs framerate, so point to you there. The Sony stuff doesn't add anything however.

>You can do that pretty damn easily. Shoot, a speedrunner did it at SGDQ and all they had was 3 amiibos. Of course you can say "b-but the amiibos give OP weapons" which opens up a whole new can worms as to why they essentially become pay2win, or why Nintendo would want people to have instant win buttons.
You missed the part where I admitted it could be done with great skill. Calamity Ganon is a boss that most players would find overly challenging without completing a good amount of shrines and fighting the four Divine Beasts. My point is that, although Ganon himself isn't locked off to you at all, meaning you can skip all of the game's content if you so wish, it does have a purpose, one that most players would be content enough with. Of course, I'm sure you don't want to agree with anything "most players" would like.

>Considering the game constantly slows down so you don't miss, and the game is constantly telling you what to do, as if you can't imply what to do on your own, is insulting enough.
This is a valid enough point I suppose, it certainly isn't challenging, I must agree. I did still find it fun, however, but that is entirely subjective.

Bought it on release and played it for about 100 hours. After that i played through horizon zero dawn and witcher. Eventhough botw has some obious flaws that become more and more apparent the more you play it's the only one of the three that i feel like replaying. Enjoyed hzd and tw3 though.

I can name multiple. I'll even double your fun and name my various GOTY's for the years.

Difficulty scaling for mentally ill adult-children wasn't steep enough. The amount of content they offered encouraged the trash of the Earth to dedicate 200 hours plus to the game. Due in part to the fact that it's a game designed to be played by anyone of any age, the difficulty disappears from the game the farther along that 200 hour stretch you get. The trash got mad and started whining incessantly about it.

>Fedora cucks being this mad

It's a blatant rehash that reuses OoT's assets and ideas. OoT is a better game too.

>it's a "botw drone pretends he's played other zeldas" episode

Back to pitchfork.com with you indie cuck.

>That doesn't further your argument against BOTW in the slightest
It proves that Zelda is too easy. Time and time again Sup Forums has argued that game journos hate good games because they're too hard. Remember the defense forces for Wonderful 101 and Donkey Kong Country Returns? I'm sorry, but you can't take that back. Not after 5+ years.

>Calamity Ganon is a boss that most players would find overly challenging without completing a good amount of shrines and fighting the four Divine Beasts.
So why didn't game journos have a problem? Not even one complained about the difficulty. And they're pretty much a sign of a game's difficulty, in particular they're inversely proportional to how challenging a game is.

You know he's just going to reply with:

>lol no

You think he actually plays games?

And does the game prevent you from just farming shiny new broadswords? No, it doesn't.

Yes, it does, you can't farm enemies because they don't respawn until set points in time. You would have to sit around and skip over days over and over again until a blood moon in order to farm.

>Essentially, garbage. I don't see any new AI revamps that change up how enemies fight you.

Name a single game that has a hard mode that does this. In fact, name on that does literally ANYTHING other than increase enemy density/health/damage.

At this point it seems like the only kind of game you think is good is some arcade game tier shit where the game literally doesn't want you to reach the end without spending dozens of quarters. Seriously, tell us what sort of games you think are actually good so we can all laugh at you.

hzd and tw3 are the same type of boring. Offer an obscene amount of content with thousands of work hours poured into side-quest writing to mask the fact that every gameplay encounter is the same, and the gameplay itself is restricted to one masked play style buried sparkly animations, shiny graphics, and progression trees that tell you otherwise.

>Comparing completely different game styles amd genres.

Bravo. That pair of socks is better than that spair of spoons.

>bringing botw into the mix for no reason at all

stay insecure kid

same engine obviously there will be similar assets

would you mind expanding on this point

wowzers. was right on point.


Not enough villages/meaningful NPCs, the world feels a bit empty. It's still a great game though.

>mask the fact that every gameplay encounter is the same
>the gameplay itself is restricted to one masked play style

Are you sure you're not talking about BotW.

>Yes, it does, you can't farm enemies because they don't respawn until set points in time.
Which is insanely easy to do. the game doesn't punish you enough for farming, it doesn't punish you at all even. I'd be okay with the idea if the game strictly forbade you from having more than one weapon type at any given time, to prevent weapon hoarding, but if anything the game encourages it. It's lazy.

>Name a single game that has a hard mode that does this
Right here. It's my game of the generation.

Cry some more you fucking child. I don't see anyone complaining that the Oracle games use the same sprite sets as Link's Awakening.

Like all fucking morons, you ignore simple obvious facts to reinforce your own spasticated bullshit.


Autistic fedora cucks are probably the most insecure fags in the zelda fanbase. They're the ugly nerdy kid who plays second fiddle to their big chad brother OoT.

How the fuck would a game punish farming? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If anything, your argument should be that games shouldn't make you farm, because that proves the game was unbalanced in some way, forcing the player to spend time doing something menial and repetitive just to keep up with the difficulty curve. But that doesn't apply to BotW's weapons, because as you've just COMPLAINED about, the game makes it EASY to get weapons. You are saying that you want the game to force you to farm, but also it shouldn't make farming simple, instead making it complicated or detrimental. You contradict yourself in an obvious attempt to nitpick at something that you know isn't actually an issue.



Absolutely nothing.

...well, a dog-petting action button would be nice.

Being able to climb EVERYWHERE was a mistake. It would have made exploration much more satisfying if you had to rely on runes or specialty gear to progress. For example, having to use Cryosis or the Zora armor to climb waterfalls instead of the cliffs beside them, forcing the player to utilize upward drafts from heat, etc.

Once you max out stamina and get the Rito blessing, there is virtually NO challenge in exploring apart from the "lol too hot to be here" areas.

These BotW hate threads aren't as much fun as they used to be.

Sup Forums has been BTFO and humiliated so many times that most haters just avoid these threads now.

it's one autist samefagging hard. i agree that majora's mask is overrated as fuck in this board compared to OOT.

There's an incomplete rock circle on top of a house in that sea-side village with the greatest comfy-village music in history. I completed it by strapping balloons to rocks and pushing the rocks over the circle with arrows to finish it.

Why can't sonybros still come to terms with the success of BotW/Switch?

not enough proper dungeons.
also, it seems like the map was made exceedingly large just for the sake of having epona make sense. they could've just made it about a tenth of the size and forced you to walk everywhere on foot. would've felt just as massive, but more memorable. I can't think of any reason to make a game world this big, even if you cram it full of things to do. past a certain point it's just redundant.

>And does the game prevent you from just farming shiny new broadswords? No, it doesn't. You can go on about how "very few games discourage farming" but I don't really care. Following a common trend does not mean you're immune to the criticisms from it. It just means you fell into the same exact trap with no way to compensate.
Although your point against farming is valid, and I can see what you mean when you complain about the amount of weapons you gather, it leads to the more subjective criticism that the game "isn't hard enough". That hardly makes a game objectively bad.

>The overrated, poorly optimized, often broken-at-launch Souls series? I do believe that's a point in my favor.
And a beloved series at that. I'm saying that your taste in games must be extremely niche in this case, since you like neither hard games nor average or easier ones.

>I really don't care if it's a Zelda game. I just want it to be a good game. It's like saying Majora's Mask is bad because Zelda isn't that big a player in it. Sometimes you gotta ditch some conventions to make the game work better.
An admirable point. But after how much disfigurement of a long-running series' formula does it cease to actually resemble the games that came before it? You must remember that people still expect Zelda. If you don't like Zelda, then don't play Zelda. The changes they made were in a good direction, I'll give you that, but whatever you are trying to make this game into would be another game entirely.

>Essentially, garbage. I don't see any new AI revamps that change up how enemies fight you. I just see more things you can easily cirvumvent if you've already played the game. It's the equivalent of giving enemies more HP, you've just made the fight all the more tedious.
I suppose this is a valid argument, yes. What they did for the hard mode was bare minimum, but that's more a criticism against the DLC, not the core game.