>Dark Souls 2 is bad!
Anyone who thinks this is a meme, and that it isn't the worst game sandwiched between two VASTLY superior games (1 and 3), need to replay Dark Souls in order.
Game feels like shit to play, that's all there is to it.
>Dark Souls 2 is bad!
Anyone who thinks this is a meme, and that it isn't the worst game sandwiched between two VASTLY superior games (1 and 3), need to replay Dark Souls in order.
Game feels like shit to play, that's all there is to it.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's better than 3 in every way.
Think you meant
>ds2 is good
But yeah. The recent resurgence in das2 apologism is a massive meme spawned half from ds3s release and hbombs shitty video. I just dont understand how someone can look at earthen peak, feel the complete lack of atmosphere or coherency, fighr covetous demon and mytha and just be like, "yeah, i like this, this is good! Better than the first". Then you get all the
>muh second half faggots
Arguing that dass second half is the antichrist or some shit, when really the only abysmally terrible area is izalith. Das2 is so blatantly uninspires its absurd.
except it looks like shit, feels like shit, enemy designs are shit, level design is shit and it introduced all the worst things about DS3.
some people also say the pvp is the best in the series, but those people are fucking retards. having to farm for red orbs is the empire state building of bad ideas and the netcode is somehow worse than 3
Then you also get these people who legitamatley think fighting bosses like mytha or covetous demon is better than namelessking and twin princes. Bad comparison? How about nashandra and throne defenders. Oh wait their still fucking shit. Das2 is only better than 3 in terms of sheer quantity. I love build variety and das3 suffers horribly for its lack of this, but whats the point in build variety when im fighting shit like royal rat authority or prowlong magus and congregation.
I actually did mean this, I was going to quote myself to say it but this is a good opportunity. DaS2 IS a good game, better than many, many other RPGs, but my god is it the worst Souls game by a mile.
I actually was fine with the second half of DaS2. Crystal Caves/Dukes Archives/Demon Ruins/Tomb of Giants were cool as fuck areas.
It has much much more content ((read: slog (base game only though)) than 3 and that is it.
>superiour inventory system
>superiour covenants
>superiour pvp
>actual stamina management needed
pve sucks though
This so much. Everytime my buddies and I do a playthrough of 2, we have to legit force ourselves through the base game to get to the dlc. At least ds2 has that kind of so bad its good thing going for it, that game is hilarious.
>dual wielding
Dark Souls is the Rick and Morty of video games.
>i'm an underage faggot who desperately wants to fit in on Sup Forums
this x10000
i still love all installments but 3 was basically bloodborne shoehorned into a souls game. the only thing it did better than 2 was overall boss quality, and even then 2 had some solid bosses (DLCs in particular), they were just sprinkled in with a bunch of very bad ones too
What I like about 2 is that it tried to go in new directions with the Children of Dark, the Four Lords Souls reincarnating, the thing about how so long passed since DaS1 that the Kiln of the first Flame became a throne, and how your character becomes the only undead who is in no danger of losing his mind at the end.
DaS3 felt more like "here's a bunch of references to DaS1 because we know you like it". it is better gameplay-wise so I'm not complaining, but I think plot-wise follow DaS2 would've had a lot more potential.
DaS2 had some great bosses-- pursuer was fun (if a bit easy once you knew his patterns) and the "constant reappearance" was a nice touch, looking glass knight was great, darklurker, as far as the base game. pretty much all the DLC bosses except gank squad/repackaged smelter were also amazing. if you're gonna cherrypick things like covetous demon, in 3 i would argue that abyss watchers were shit, deacons were shit (literally the same thing as prowling magus, which you mention specifically), rotted greatwood was shit, crystal sage was shit, yhorm was basically just a gimmick, and wolnir LOOKED cool but also, just a gimmick.
I'm 25. Not only that, I also said I played through all of them recently. Not only THAT, I did play them all in order. DeS, DaS1, DaS2, (Not Bloodborne, working on fixing this), DaS3.
3 is way worse in that regard. undead settlement > road of sacrifice > farron's > catacombs is the longest, dullest slog in the franchise. what makes it 10x worse is that a lot of weapons/spells/npcs/etc are locked behind this shitty linear content which means you can't even play the slog with your desired build/style more than half the time. ("gee i can't wait to play all those longass areas again with a raw [instert shitty weapon here] until i find the weapon i like"
Dlc bosses of 2 were great yes. But comparing the quality of the base game bosses, i cant see anyone arguing for 2s case. Even the shitty bosses in 3 had fantastic presentation, which is much more than can be said of "3 knight dudes in a blue box". Darklurker is the only base game boss that can stand up to the other games in the series; lgk is extremely overrated as well as velstadt imo.
>Abyss Watchers were shit
How can you have such a bad opinion? He was the first ramp-up in difficulty in the bossfights, and his second phase was both flashy AND had an amazing moveset.
>Yhorm was basically just a gimmick
Fight him without the stormruler and come back. Maybe you'll learn you can visceral attack his head?
yeah ds1 was fun for the first 30% of the game, and the dlc BOSSES not areas, they were trash.
ds2 at least was a constant and had a bigger build variety and which in the end made it more fun. everytime i replay ds1 i just end up with the same 2 or 3 set combinations.
there are a lot more things that ds2 did better then ds1 and not so much things that ds1 did better than ds2.
also, these threads almost became a daily routine.
i don't know if it's nostalgia fags that just can't let go of muh based ds1 or some fags in denial that just can't accept that ds2 is mostly the better game but since "hardcore gamers" are pushing the "ds1 is a masterpiece" meme they just want to feel better and accepted.
>d do i fit in Sup Forums
who cares...
Forgot to add, yes deacons and prowling magus are litterally the same boss. However, at least deacons had a shred of fucking care put into it. The presentation is fantastic, fighting them at the base of aldrichs coffin, the massive dark spell they channel, their ost, their lore, etc... all of this adds up to make what is a shitty boss consisting of some dudes in a room just a bit better. Theres effort there, and thats much more than what could be said for prowling magus.
sorry, i meant the dlc bosses were good but the dlc areas were trash.
I liked 2 way more than 3 t b h desu
OP here. Don't care about "fitting in" on Sup Forums at all, I just want to make sure you guys know it's not just a meme. Dark souls 2 is ACTUALLY the worst.
But the game is fun to play and running around feels realistic.
Also, way to leave out one of the best areas in the game in that "slog" (Cathedral of the Deep).
>be op
>lmao game is bad
>proceed to let the thread go it's way without even saying why you think it's bad
>lmao it's just bad ok?
>be a huge faggot as always
>Fight him without the stormruler and come back. Maybe you'll learn you can visceral attack his head?
literally only if you decide to use a weapon with a vertical swing. terrible design. in fact i can guarantee you they only threw the storm ruler in because they realized how worthless it was to make his head unhittable by 90% of weapons. and abyss watchers were lame as fuck, what about their moveset was any good, at all?
i left that out because it's a dead end detour. it doesn't change the fact that you have to endure those shitty ass 4 areas in a row, on every character, often before you can even get to a lot of build-defining gear/spells. honestly that's my biggest complaint--and as much as i love bloodborne, it's also a reason why i just dont go back and replay it as much as 1 + 2.
brain damage
How can you autists keep replaying and arguing about these games? Literal pattern recognition the series. How can you be satisfied playing that braindead shit? Also you faggots always have a thread up about your shitty series or if you don't you hijack other threads and start circlejerking your games? Why can't you just use /vg/?
>Anyone who thinks this is a meme
This thread is about dark souls, how is it hijacking anything?
More importantly, i think its hilarious that kiddos like you post this shit without offering what a games a superior gentleman like you enjoys...very telling. sad!
>DaS2 IS a good game, better than many, many other RPGs
Play more videogames.
The only bad thing about DS2. At least in its SOTFS form is that it takes way too long to get anywhere.
The game has loads of bosses, many of them are pretty interesting, but it takes so damn long to get to most of them. And then some are peppered with irritating enemies you pretty much have to grind through to get the path clear so you can take on the boss with your resources at hand.
Dark Souls 3 has some of it's own bullshit. Quicker to get to midgame than DS1 and 2, but then it starts to drag on. (Though I feel its because it takes too many design cues from Bloodborne at that point honestly)
DS is my favourite. I honestly wish they would remake the engine for it so it doesn't run so dodgy on low end hardware.
It seems a much tidier experience? Pretty much can be tackled in any order you want. Shortcuts abound. Areas aren't too stretched out.
Only one area (Demon Ruins) I would consider "bad" and even then it's only one specific point of Demon ruins. (The lava part leading up to Bed of Chaos boss fight)
Nameless King and Sister Friede are the only good bosses in DaS3.
>tfw fell for the meme and ordered a ps4 copy to give it another chance
>got to drangleic castle and dont at all feel like playing, its been even worse than i remember because of the awful new enemy placements
Devastating waste of money
I quoted someone earlier and have since stated that the game isn't bad, it's just by far the worst in the series.
MANY unmemorable areas, game feels like shit to play (crappy animations, either-mid attack, or the running "slippery" feel), looks like plastic in most areas except Majula, is WAY too long, only a few good bosses in the base game out of like 28 or something ridiculous. Also ADP is shit, should be indefensible that i-frames on roll are tied to a stat. Also, sometimes when you get hit, the controller doesn't even vibrate and it can be hard to notice. I didn't notice this in 1 or 3 or Demon's and it was super annoying.
Learn to read, kiddo. If you don't have a thread up you hijack other threads. Also I'm not obligated to tell you what games to play, go to /wsr/ if you want recommendations faggot. You and your fellow soulsfags are some of the most cancerous posters on this board, you'll keep circlejerking your braindead games for eternity without ever achieving anything of value or getting anything out of your circlejerk.
Also DS2 has an odd obsession with Rats.
>still hasn't named a game
this is why your posts carry no weight. why should your opinion on games i like matter if you're too afraid to name ones you think are better?
fuck off you effeminate little fairy.
DaSII is an all around bad game.
Every other Souls game is so vastly superior it isn't even funny. It's just an ugly, clunky, boring pile of shit.
BB >>> DaS3 > DeS > DaS >>> DaS2
Deacons of the Deep embodies all the shit that's wrong with DaS3. They're a group of reused enemies shoved into a room that stand around and do nothing and spawn endlessly if you don't do the fight's gimmick. They're also the boss of an area that's just fluff, piled with reused enemies from Undead Settlement and other areas. The only reason people like DaS3's bosses is because From made them look pretty and put "work into them" by reusing Bloodborne's table scraps. Even the boss that area builds up to, Aldritch, is one of the most anti-climactic fights in the game.
You need mummy to wipe your ass too?
Did exactly this
>SotFS is fixes everything!!!!
Literally can't even bring myself to finish it, it's just so boring
I want my money back you meme spouting apologists
>Abyss Watchers
>Dragonslayer Armor
>Champion Gundyr
>Twin Princes
>Soul of Cinder
>Fucking Gael (probably my favorite next to champ.)
>Demon Princes
I don't even think you tried. Granted, those two you listed are some of the best bosses.
Nah Cathedral of the Deep is an amazing achievement in level design. Also Aldrich was a cool as fuck boss, especially when everything catches fire.
Nope. Killed her on my first try, I didn't even get hit. This boss is severely overrated
>Dragonslayer Armor
Eh...he's ok
>Twin Princes
I liked them
>Soul of Cinder
Bigger bait
Top tier for both theme(s) and fight.
>Demon Princes
Initially I hated them, but after finishing the fight I came to appreciate the design
Deacons could have been one of the best bosses in the game with a little more tweaking. Make them SUPER aggressive with their fireballs and jump attacks, have them shoot Emit Force in addition to just Force. Have the smaller ones casting heal miracles on the pope, and make the curse effect much harder to stop. (aside: if playing sorcery, Soul Greatsword makes this fight a lulzfest, 30+ deacons rolling around after a single swipe)
But this is more of an issue with DS3 than the Deacons themselves. From SERIOUSLY pussified a lot of stuff in the game for reasons I cannot comprehend. It felt like some enemies and bosses should have been harder, but were toned down to please the casuals and co-op babbies.
Also, giving every enemy an irritating grab that munched off 75% of your max health bar, with no way to break out of it nearly made me quit the game. Awful, awful design.
Soul of Cinder might be the worst boss in the franchise after factoring in the incredible disappointment over how mediocre and lazy he is. Three games led up to this, the final boss of the alleged final game in the series and we get:
- A glorified NPC invader / Dark Link ripoff.
- Staggers every three hits like a drunk fuck.
- Acts like your one retarded friend when you play fighting games, constantly switching characters and saying "this time I'll fight for real hyuck hyuck".
- Uses Gwyn's music to top off the entire game's theme of "do you remember this from DaS1? Wasn't that great?"
- Zero plot relevance. There is zero build up to him, and there is no reason for him to exist when your character is trying to do what the fire wants anyway. Even Nashandra existed as a character before fighting her -- this just screams "oh fuck, we need a final boss". Twin Princes would have made more sense as a "final boss", pulling a Demon's Souls with False King.
>Game feels like shit to play, that's all there is to it.
Exactly this. I gave it another chance after finishing Dark Souls 3 and I couldn't stand it for more than 10 minutes.
He's an amazing fight, with varying movesets, an amazing theme (unique from gwyn's before the final form), and fantastic presentation.
Also, the series' finale boss is Slave Knight Gael. (Another version of (You), the player character)
>soul memory
>iframes are tied to a stat
>broken movement that requires a mod to fix
>90% of bosses are shit
2 is objectively worse than 3. and I don't even like 3 very much
Oh is that what he does? Hell, I killed him in like 18 seconds and had no clue what his moveset was. Damn, that's lame. Like even Nashandra was a better end boss, and that's saying something.
>Abyss Watchers
Artorius: Bloodborne edition. Parry and Backstab them to death, pointless fight.
Another boss that can be parried, even easier than Abyss Watchers. He dies so fast it's rare he even summons his clone.
Dies to fire and lightning so quickly he's a non-boss. He's basically Crystal Sage, but with an attack that forces you to run in circles.
First phase she does nothing, second phase she spins around like a retard and generally leaves herself open by being overly aggressive, which is a big problem with DaS3 in general.
>Dragonslayer Armor
This is brought up as a good boss? He's easy and straight forward, and the only thing that makes it even remotely challenging is that there's two pilgrims that spray shit everywhere.
>Champion Gundyr
I'll give you this one. It's a solid fight.
>Twin Princes
Stand behind the pillar and bait his attacks in both phases.
>Soul of Cinder
Comically easy fight that dies so fast I didn't even realize his second form was supposed to be Gwyn until the second playthrough. He's probably the weakest last boss in the series, which is saying something considering how disappointing Nashandra is/was.
I'll give you this one too.
BB boss in Souls. The themes of the fight were great, but he's just another DBZ boss that flies around.
>Demon Princes
Nothing notable about this fight other than that there's two of them.
Every single "Lord of Cinder" including Soul of Cinder, are mediocre and anti-climactic fights.
>Nah Cathedral of the Deep is an amazing achievement in level design.
A big open building with a bunch of doors that lead to the front and reused enemies everywhere is an "achievement", because it looks nice I guess.
Cathedral of the Deep wasn't any better than the Forest of Giants, design-wise, and it was even worse from an actual gameplay perspective because of rehashed enemies and shit randomly falling from the ceiling everywhere.
Okay so the only reason I'm seeing you didn't like many of these bosses was you cheesed/used the fastest strat possible to beat them, instead of having a solid fight. Also, I don't think you could backstab or even parry Artorius.
Gael didn't feel like a BB boss to me at ALL, just because he flies around doesn't mean he wasn't phenomenal. He had multiple movesets, gets more aggressive as the fight goes on, and has top-tier soundtrack themes.
I liked some of your suggestion for deacons apart from making curse harder to stop.
But, really dude? I rarely got grabbed. Dancer got me once or twice and then I rolled that shit religiously. Don't get grabbed.
Knowing how to parry and backstab is cheesing? Git gud faggot.
>Also, I don't think you could backstab or even parry Artorius.
Which is why Abyss Watchers is a joke and Artorias was a good fight. The only boss you can parry in DaS1 is Gwyn, IIRC, which made him a joke too.
>just because he flies around doesn't mean he wasn't phenomenal.
He wasn't terrible, but I definitely wouldn't say he's "phenomenal".
Everyone would bitch about them in the same way everyone bitches about DaS2's "gank squad" fights.
I know how to parry and backstab but would rather have interesting, fun fights than rush through them. I can see why you didn't enjoy them. I bet you would have parried Artorius too if you could, and then you'd claim he's a bad fight.
Ok thats still better than litterally 0 effort. Thee is still something to enjoy.
Because spamming roll and running in circles is so much better than just parrying them and killing them. The fight sucks either way, one way just takes longer.
To this day I don't understand why Pontiff gets such praise as being difficult. He's basically a retard-check.
>This fight is good because it looks nice.
>This fight is bad because it looks ugly.
Yeah that impacted my experience of cleaving down a bunch of passive mobs so much. As bad as Prowling Magus was, it at least had enemies that had the capacity to kill you.
You know you can parry Gundyr too right? Is he suddenly bad now
The first fight or the second one? I know you can parry the first, but didn't try with the second. If that's the case that's pretty sad, because it's one more solid fight that DaS3 doesn't have.
>hey bro remember that area in undead burg where you are ambushed by like 10 guys holding torches
>let's make all the encounters like that for the sequel
The second for sure. Multiple attacks.
>A bossfight is bad if you can parrycheese it
Cathedral of the Deep is so fucking boring though. A "solid" level, but nothing special about it, and it completely lacks atmosphere even though it should have it in droves considering Aldrich's coffin is in it.
Why the fuck is are these kingdoms mentioned in the first game still around. Why is Catarina and Astora still a thing? Why is Andre still alive? When the fuck does 3 even take place?
>Playing the game well is cheesing.
Might as well bitch that rolling is cheese too.
DaS3 is fanservice. Whereas DaS1 it felt like the age of fire was dying, because it was ignited thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, in DaS3 it feels like it was just yesterday that the Chosen Undead linked the flame, despite there having been countless people that linked it.
unironically this
how can an user be so right?
Souls games are all the same garbage with broken AI, bugs out the ass, repeated bosses, performance problems and lazy writing. Arguing which one is the worst is like arguing which turd log on the pile is the smelliest. It's idiotic.
Play the games and enjoy them if you want. But stop being an idiot.
I never understood this complaint about 3. 3 feels like an actual direct sequel to dark souls whereas 2 felt like some shitty fan fiction
>3 feels like an actual direct sequel to dark souls
Why? Because it rolls back most of the improvements to the engine Dark Souls 2 did, so it's closer to the broken first game?
t. memer
No, because its a direct continuation of the story and characters of 1. 2 might as well not be canon and the series would be better off that way because its a shitty fan fiction
>shitty fan fiction
That's an integral part of the Souls lore, isn't it?
Not an argument
DS2 is just unpolished visually.
Gameplay wise it has the most depth.
2's story is leagues ahead of what 3's fanfic tier shit is.
>abyss watchers linked the flame together because lol sif blood and also we need to pander to reddit babbies who love sif and artorious
give me a rundown on what the story of 3 was again?
BB > DeS > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2
If you enjoy Souls PVP enough for it to factor into your ranking of the series you have brain damage anyway
>tying rolling to a stat
>bonfire with 3 enemies right by it
>enemies despawning
>Shit bosses
>Shit weapons
>Shit story
>Shit story completed by DLCs
>Shit hub world
>Shit video gamey feeling levels
Dark souls 2 is so fucking bad it hurts
I didn't care for DkS2 much, but you DkS1 niggers shouldn't be throwing stones from glass houses:
>Inexplicably the worst movesets in all 5 games. Weapons like DeS Estoc having target combos with 4 unique attacks, risk-reward variation, retreating pirouette with hyper armor, etc, all gone for a weapon you literally mash R1 with after buffing with DMB3. Same goes for DBS, Hammers, Short Swords, Asian Swords, Knuckle, Katanas, Great Axes, etc... Every single weapon dumbed down, or made worse, or just made awful. Only Claymore-types were improved.
>Poise -- the series' worst combat mechanic -- replaces the fundamentals of spacing, timing, move selection, with "just-fucking-mash-that-R1" and rewards playing like a scrub. Also the illusion of choice it provides spreadsheet fags that defend it is stupid since you always apply "the formula" and every build is the same; stack as much poise as you can while maintaining fastest roll/flip.
>Kick, inexplicably, does absolutely nothing compared to the shoves in DeS/DkS2/DkS3.
>Shields and ranged are basically broken balance-wise, with every enemy rendered utterly helpless by ranged and practically every boss succumbing completely to shields.
>Backstabs are at their absolute worst thanks to poise.
>Primitive/garbage enemies/bosses compared to DkS3/BB.
>Inexplicably, some weapons have whiff animations (see; poleaxes), making them feel and play terribly.
>Weapons that share a class can have different recovery speeds on swings based on weight, leading to pants-on-head retarded scenarios where a claymore can mash an R1 infinite while an Artorian sword can't even 2-hit.
>Inexplicably, hit-stun is tied to upgrade level, meaning when trying weapons they feel noticeably less safe and have lower combo proclivity, railroading players who don't know this unpublished fact to stick with one weapon they've already spent materials on.
There's so much of this shit that makes the game play like garbage compared to DeS/BB.
Nothing in the series has the depth of DeS Estoc.
DS2 actually had the best PvP and endgame builds in my opinion, I dont like how high soul level pvp ends up in DS3
Also shit covenants
>Shit pvp
>Shit graphics
>Shit reusing of textures
All that being said,
>Powerstancing/dual wielding is fun
Hmm, in 3 we find out what the serpents got up to after the flame was linked, aka the next logical step in the story, it continues the story 1 was telling. Then you have dark souls 2 with DUDE EVERYONE REENCARNATES FOR SOME REASON AND THE FLAME IS NOW A CHAIR THAT LETS YOU CHIM OR SOMETHING, ALSO EVERYONE IS TURNING UNDEAD AND WE GOTTA GO ON AN ADVENTURE TO FIND OUT WHY AND HOW TO CURE IT EVEN THOUGH THOSE THINGS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED
All of your points are fucking lies or plain retarded.
>Primitive/garbage enemies/bosses compared to DkS3/BB
No shit faggot, those games are a few years apart so it's no wonder they got more advanced.
>Inexplicably, hit-stun is tied to upgrade level, meaning when trying weapons they feel noticeably less safe and have lower combo proclivity, railroading players who don't know this unpublished fact to stick with one weapon they've already spent materials on.
Hit-stun is based on damage.
Hey now, they need to find a new cure because the flame is a magic chair now and you cant link the magic chair
the shittiest taste i've ever seen
hang yourself
You're 100% retarded and every claim is 100% correct. I made a video about hit-stun years ago, January of 2012. Here you go numbnuts:
Skip to 3-min mark in to see the hit-stun stuff, but the video opens about whiff shortage.
Dark Souls 2 vanilla has 3 good bossfights and that is it
>Looking Glass Knight
>Smelter Demon
How can you defend a game where less than 10% of the bosses are good?
What about the snake lady and the demon of song??
>in 3 we find out what the serpents got up to after the flame was linked
Which was?
>the next logical step in the story, it continues the story 1 was telling.
Nah. It makes up some random shit based on DaS2's cycle story, and introduces a bunch of nobodies for you to kill and then generally do the same shit you did in DaS1.
Mytha's moveset is uninspired and the Demon of Song is garbage outside of the aesthetic
ds2 is a game made entirely for the kids who could never figure out why they were getting roll-bsed by invaders they were trying to gank with stunlocks.
Anyone dumb enough to enjoy dark souls 2 more than 1, 3, or an unexpected loose bowel movement will be beyond the point of reason, so save yourself some time and don't bother typing out the myriad of inexplicable design changes that made this the worst sequel of modern gaming.
I played it 4 years after Demon's souls and 2 years after Dark souls. It's fine, the only downsides are early game and gank squads.
>watch code vein game play
>they literally copied the movement system from DS2
its gona be shit...
>Mytha's moveset is uninspired
No other boss has moves that resemble hers, don't say dumb shit.
PVP has been one of their main selling point since DeS and if it dosent factor into your ranking, you're a shitter in denial.