Can we all agree that these things have a badass design?
Can we all agree that these things have a badass design?
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No. THIS has a good design.
Mr. house is the only logical faction prove me wrong. Pro tip: you literally can't.
No, they've got plastic tubing for arms and unnecessarily big shoulders.
Chimeras are illegal, sir
>unnecessarily big shoulders
Those are rocket pods.
no theyre not
you can say what you want about Bethesda / Obsidian and Black Isle Studios, but they hit the nail on the head with this "retro-futuristic" design of the whole world
(the 3D games even more than the isometric)
They probably have the best robot design in the series.
>tip it over
They look far more imposing than any other robot type. I just wish they weren't such a pushover in combat.
Howdy, partner!
I agree.
>gatling laser!
>nade lawnchair!
>rock-it lawnchair!
And the AI just stands in place going through all the weapon switching animations as the target closes into melee.
Would you rather they looked like this?
They also come in a smaller, more useless model.
>one of ulysses actual points agaist siding with house is that "you'll end up with your face on a screen"
>implying that wouldn't be rad
>controlling an army of robots with your mind
>fighting crime with rockets
>running a casino with a lavish, cozy suite for you to live in
sign me up
isn't this a metaphor, that House uses you as one of his mindless drones that obey every of his command, without questioning it ?
Why aren't you a companion?
but he doesn't?
he pays you and gives you a nice house and stuff
why is bear and bull man such an idiot
Can someone explain how people fuck them?
Who would win. A Mark 2 securitron vs a Commonwealth sentry bot.
fo4 sentry would overheat because nothing in fo4 is actually challenging
but in the end you're just one of his tools, an incredibly important one but a tool nonetheless
it's just his anime waifu
See the hole in the neck right above the wheel?
t. someone who hasn't tried survival
Not looking so tough now you fucking skinny manlet
our guy
>the virgin robot
the chad sentry
The artists of this game are really creative, i loved the design of the securitrons, the football pad armors, the robodogs, ED-E...
wonder what sorts of cool shit they would have come up with had they a more lenient development situation.
Yeah, it kind of breaks story immersion with how weak they are in gameplay. It's difficult to believe they can maintain order on the Strip and even keep the Mojave under control as an army.
Maybe we'd have FO2 plasma weapons instead of Bethesda's 'vision'.
Mr. House has a tube over his crotch that probably doubles as waste disposal and a sex thing for interfacing with Jane digitally or something
>"I'm surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves."
I know she's talking about Jane and the cut character Marilyn, but if you don't know about Marilyn, you're forced to assume she means Jane and Victor.
>he's following you
>No missile launcher
I like 'em. Then again the fact that I love world of warcraft probably also helps with that.
Now we're fucking talking.
He does give off that vibe.
Good karma independent. Ezpz.
The tubing is no doubt covering, user.
And the shoulders are 2 rocket pods.
They did have the Plasma Caster which is the FO1/2 Plasma Rifle, and the Plasma Defender and that's just the Plasma Pistol.
>muh anarchy
>muh 10 int
>muh slapdash AI written by a single Follower woman in command of the murderbots
House ending might be shit but everything else is worse.
There's a great mod that lets you have House as a companion through a Securitron, and you can complete the House questline and access all his regular dialogue through it, instead of having to go see him in the Lucky 38 all the time. Recommended.
Any bonus content or is it just for the quest?
I mean he is kind of your boss so I don't expect some kind of companion quest, but just in case
I don't think so, no.
>you have a literal army of upgraded securitrons to propagate your will
>slapdash AI
>all dat speculation
House is retarded in that he's fatally and critically wrong in three out of four outcomes. I'm not saying that New Vegas is the most well-written game on the planet but good karma independent has literally zero downsides we know of besides speculative bullshit while all the other endings have clear shortcomings.
It does get kind of weird when he asks you if you completed a task that he helped you complete.
And both are so rare they're effectively unique items. I've had playthroughs where I've never seen either one outside of Silver Rush inventory.
fucking kek'd
actually laughed out loud
I can't support House, he wants me to kill the Brotherhood Mojave Chapter. He must die.
b-but the brotherhood
a-and veronica
I like secutrions but I hate House. So Yes Man is my way to go.
> Over 500 lines of handpicked, sometimes spliced together, fully voiced dialogue.
> Ability to proceed through the entire House questline via the Securitron; the only times you’ll be required to return to the Lucky 38 is to deliver the Platinum Chip and to start the final battle.
> Extensive dialogue options about House himself, his plans, New Vegas, etc.
> More dialogue becoming available as you progress through House’s quests, or when certain events happen, like after being asked to bug the L38 or when Caesar dies.
> Spliced dialogue for combat situations: when he attacks, combat starts, combat ends, when he ''dies'', etc.
> Has all companion functionalities: companion wheel, tactics, wait/follow, go to Lucky 38, etc.
> Ability to select which Securitron weapons he should use. His Mark II weapons become available after delivery of the Platinum Chip.
> Fully ''synced'' with the regular, stationary House. If you accept/complete a quest from the Securitron House, the normal House’s dialogue will reflect that and vice versa.
> If you get hostile to/kill the regular House, the Securitron will get hostile/killed too.
> Companion perk ''The House Edge'' with custom-made perk image and added dialogue options to Repconn robots only available with said perk.
> Ability to tell him to switch to a larger/smaller Securitron when dismissed. The default Securitron unit House uses is smaller than a regular Securitron so it doesn’t get stuck trying to pass through doors. If you want, you can ask him to switch to a normal-sized Securitron instead.
> More stuff I'm forgetting.
>Not getting the mod that re adds the cut option to spare the brotherhood
This was better. Can you imagine this thing on the battlefield tearing commies left and right?
Independent leaves Mojave without centralized governance while sandwiched between Legion and NCR territory which are simultaneously going through a meltdown. Since, as you say, the game is not perfectly written, I don't buy this being a good ending for anyone involved.
>walk into their base
>get a nice welcoming bomb collar
Felt good burying their asses
Link please
>without a centralized governance
You know, besides the good karma Courier who personally has the direct allegiance of all the minor factions in the Mojave and an upgraded, night unbeatable army of super powerful murderbots all completely and totally loyal to him and only him.
The NCR would still continue to grow. Caesar's legion is just a ticking timebomb until he dies, then shit hits the fan and they scatter like frenzied ants allowing the NCR to expand east when they have the resources.
this. i pretty much slaughter the brotherhood every time. its so satisfying to go back up through the bunker after ive killed the last one and walk over each power armored corpse
The Brotherhood has no value outside of offering you power armor training that you can learn before blowing them up. They're simply raiders with a dogmatic lifestyle.
>The NCR would still continue to grow.
Not that user, but isn't a huge part of the NCR's questline that they are massively over-extended and can't accomplish most of their goals due to being unable to allocate the necessary resources? Hence their incessant reliance on the Courier?
I said prove
typical yesmanlet
>some faggot with a bullet in his head can rule vegas better than a billionaire with a 200 year old plan
>Diamond in the wasteland destroyed by infighting between savage wasteland groups
>platinum chip is his invention and his subordinate victor is responsible for saving you
I mean when I was power tripping teenager with no critical thinking I too sided with the literal yesman.
That mod is convenient, but Robert has a point about the BoS. They're violent monkeys with turbolasers who haven't changed in 200 years, giving them any quarter is a waste of time.
They did what was good for them, not whats nice.
.t someone who never read the Codex
>some faggot with a bullet in his head can rule vegas better than a billionaire with a 200 year old plan
>said genius billionaire completely relies on the faggot with a bullet in his head to manage to do anything
>"genius" that is fatally wrong in three out of four possible outcomes and is only "right" when the Courier carries his dumb ass plans
>Diamond in the wasteland destroyed by infighting between savage wasteland groups
>implying the hyper-competent Courier, backed by all the minor factions in the Mojave and an upgraded Securitron army can't defend the Strip and even expand it
>platinum chip is his invention and his subordinate victor is responsible for saving you
>implying the Courier isn't responsible for saving his dumb ass
>implying he doesn't literally die in all outcomes where the Courier doesn't help him
It's less about me personally thinking I could rule the Mojave better and more about obviously realizing that the Courier is a supremely effective and broke a years-long stalemate in his (or his master's) favor.
He's the only one competent enough to rule the Mojave.
>the perk picture is rob shoving his robot drill up your ass
>have pathetic little chapter in a bunker
>still be a bunch of reclusive faggots
>what's good for them
lmao k have fun getting blown up by a single mailman
>>implying he doesn't literally die in all outcomes where the Courier doesn't help him
Only because the hyper-competent Courier is the one to kill him
Can really tell who has only played a new Fallout from the ones who played 1 and 2, the BoS' mission isn't just "take ALL technology by force" and the assessment by House loses validity when its delivered by someone who thinks he and his word and infallible yet doesn't understand basic human nature or the realities of living in a wasteland.
Touche, but that only further proves that the Courier is better suited than he is to rule. I mean, what kind of leader can't realize he's way too reliant on one guy? And then proceed to not attempt to put any kind of system in place to prevent that guy from offing him?
House said he doesn't have enough robots to fight a war, hence the plan to let Legion and NCR kill each other before he plays his hand. Consequently, you don't have enough robots to fight a war either. After Legion disintegrates you'll have mobs of extremely dangerous bandits pouring over the Colorado, your economy will grind to a halt because the NCR is pulling out, and when they eventually come back you won't be in a position to bargain like House was. Meanwhile, you either fuck off and leave Mojave on Yes Man autopilot, or you're stuck having to personally micromanage everything in order to keep your allies happy, instead of being free to focus on just Hoover Dam and Vegas and keeping the trade routes open. Also House was integrated into a supercomputer, you're not. Also House was a veteran industrialist with solid pre-war education, you're not. Also House had a plan, you don't.
I've never enjoyed working for a character in a video game and helping them achieve their goals more than I did with House, not before or since. He's smug as hell, but classy enough to carry it well.
The real reason what you're saying is true because it's a video game where we have to be the one making everything happen. It's not really justifiable from a strict storytelling perspective, and it does make House look naive.
>he doesn't go inside with veronica
played yourself 2bh
>when its delivered by someone who thinks he and his word and infallible yet doesn't understand basic human nature or the realities of living in a wasteland
You mean like the BoS?
I always pick up Veronica just to get into the bunker without a hassle.
Then I tell her to wait there, swipe the keycards, and detonate it.
I would have sided with House but if did i wouldn't be able to get the lucky shades.
I was going to chastise you, but I've killed so many NPCs just because they were wearing something I wanted.
You could have just traded in NCR dogtags until the Legion dude gives you the safehouse key.
They don't need to have an infallible word with outsiders, or know what its like living in the wasteland. They're a reclusive society that keeps apocalypse inducing technology out of the hands of people who have no idea what they're dealing with.
>Consequently, you don't have enough robots to fight a war either.
I do after the post-Hoover battle weakened versions of the Legion and NCR, and House didn't have the upgraded robots to back him.
>After Legion disintegrates you'll have mobs of extremely dangerous bandits pouring over the Colorado,
More likely they'll all just go back to killing each other. The Legion united is a far greater threat than the Legion disintegrated, at most the Courier has to deal with some over-ambitious raiders from buttfuck nowhere. They won't be organized, they won't be as well-armed, and they won't be as well-led. If House without upgraded robots can hold against the NCR and the Legion pre-Hoover effectively, then Courier with the upgrades most certainly can.
>your economy will grind to a halt because the NCR is pulling out, and when they eventually come back you won't be in a position to bargain like House was.
Both of these are entirely speculative but just for fun, why would the NCR pulling out ruin New Vegas's economy? Once New Vegas is no longer a literal active warzone and with control of the Dam, it seems much more likely that the economy would grow and the Strip would prosper.
>Also House was integrated into a supercomputer, you're not
You're right, the Courier's 100%-loyal robot who manages things for him is though. Freeing up the Courier from day-to-day administration.
>Also House was a veteran industrialist with solid pre-war education, you're not.
This is a strength. House's weakness was his inability to let go of the past -- the Courier is a man of the wastes and understands them best, making him more effective than some delusional billionaire.
>Also House had a plan, you don't.
A plan that fails in every scenario without the Courier to carry it through. I'm sure the Courier will do just fine.
>Consequently, you don't have enough robots to fight a war either.
On the contrary, I have RobCo Certified installed.
Wow! Did you just say "Badass"? I didn't think ANYONE still used that word. Well, not literally. I know PLENTY of people use that word, but it's always a refresher. Speaking of refreshers, I think you might need a little refreshment yourself, friendo! Y'know, for your memory? Still haven't completed those sidequests I gave you. Don't you want my BADASS rewards? Of course you do! They're BADASS! So get to it! They shouldn't be that hard. All you have to do is kill a few skags. Easy! Unless you're some sort of animal rights activist or something. Then I guess it'd be kind of hard. *cough* You're not one of those, are you, pal? If you were, I'd have to seriously rethink some of my life choices! But seriously, sidequest time! Just go kill a few skags, and come see me for your reward. I'm sure I'll have some more jobs for by then! BADASS!
With all the shit like the holograms and the other crazy stuff from the DLCs I cant even imagine what sort of power house New Vegas would become if the Courier knows how to use all of this stuff to their advantage.
Right, but it's still the reality of the situation. If every single faction absolutely one hundred percent needs the Courier to achieve it's goals, why the fuck should anyone but the Courier lead New Vegas? He's clearly the most competent.