Legit question does Sup Forums hate the vita?

Legit question does Sup Forums hate the vita?
Or the vita fanbase?
Do you put their fans on the same level as ps4 fanboys?

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Vita is like the Xbone
Occasional the butt of some memepost, but largely nobody bothers to talk about it
I like vita though

it's trash dawg

I for one love the Vita. It's a great system and I play mine all the time. Although, I think the people who say the Vita has a better library than the 3ds are delusional; the 3ds library completely blows the Vita library out of the water.

I know Vita General is filled with insufferable cultists, they go full chimpout if you pirate games.

and it's kinda sad too
3DS library isn't even close to be a good as DS or GBA

Honestly, the Vita library is arguably worse than even the Wii U library. The Vita had tons of potential but Sony pretty much abandoned it almost immediately. It got a few good first party games like Gravity Rush and Uncharted Golden Abyss, and then stopped. Then it pretty much lost 3rd party support to the 3ds and is only left with weaboo RPGs and visual novels: very niche genres that the 3ds also has in spades. At least the Wii U had 1st party support, even as miserable as it was.

Upcoming Vita releases:

Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Fault Milestone One
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bad Apple Wars
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Summon Night 6: Ear Cancer Dub
Demon Gaze II
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Warriors All-Stars
Drive Girls
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Penny-Punching Princess
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory
Persona 3 Dancing
Persona 5 Dancing

Guaranteed Replies

>NISA names

What of that aren't
>Dungeon crawlers
>Other miscellaneous weebshit

No. I enjoy mine, but it's not a handheld that the majority of people are going to buy since a lot of games are very Japanese focused titles. The only western releases were early, mostly watered down versions of popular PS3 games.

Also the memory card prices are off-putting for a handheld. Mines finally starting to be worth the cost, but only because I've been slowly buying digital titles on sales.

>Rabi ribi
My dick is diamonds

undertale is already out

I like the hardware but the game library is really lacking.

I have a vita and enjoyed playing on it
I haven't used it in 3 years though because the right stick broke
I can play olliolli 2 and some other games tho

In terms of "no games" it's only beaten by the bone this gen

Yup. It got pretty good in 2013 and 2014, but after that, pretty much all it's been getting is weebshit, shovelware, weebshit shovelware, and glorified ROM hacks (Triforce Heroes, FE Fates and Echoes, Mario and Luigi). Very disappointing. It also sucks how few racers and 3D platformers exist for this thing.

its greatest appeal is portable versions of multiplats. so imagine all the dipshits that are going to buy skyrim for the third time because it's on switch, except instead they're buying underage panty quest.

The funny thing is that despite all the "no games" meme or that it's dead every single year....

The vita has one of the best libraries out there every single year and it's still getting games. Only the ignorant and fanboys of other consoles will say it's dead and has no games.


Also, I highly recommend you try out Darkest Dungeon and Plague Road. Two really nice indie games.

Still waiting for my free Shantae dlc code...

Prove it has more games than the PS4 worth playing, including multiplats

I'm not even gonna bother. Whatever I say will result you in saying it's a shit game or weebshit or whatever you need to disregard everything.

It's never worth trying to prove anything to haters and shitposters because they already made up their minds to hate everything about it.

It's a good console if you're into jap games, since it's almost literally the only thing it has. I like it a lot tbqh.

Or maybe you should get better taste

vita is a niche product, no good major releases in the US before support was dropped, and the average consumer couldn't give to fucks about what JRPG shit came out for it in bing bongistan

literally no one cares about weeb games, the vita was a flop and they knew it early on thats why no major US releases

> Or maybe you should get better taste

see, that's the type of attitude i rather not deal with. You already made up your mind that whatever I like is shit. No point in trying to prove anything to you. It'd be a waste of my time.

Stop playing weebshit VNs and musous then

its getting releases every year over in weeb land, no real games have come out for it in years

>literally no one cares about weeb games,

If nobody cares, why do they keep localizing it? Obviously there is a market buying it up or they would have folded long ago like what they did with the psp localization.

>Stop playing weebshit VNs and musous then

Why the fuck should i listen to you? I like what I like. Deal with it.

thats why sony ended support in 2015, stay mad weeb fags

>its getting releases every year over in weeb land, no real games have come out for it in years

user, you're full of shit. Mainly because you hate the console so you haven't been paying attention to the games being localized for it over the years.

You literally avoided the question he made. Games are being localized, even without Sony's support. Even after the console's been hacked and piracy is everywhere.
People are still buying the games. Doesn't that says something?

if you haven't realized by now, most of sony games on all their consoles are third party releases. There's nothing for me to be mad about, I'm still getting tons of new games for the vita.

Because you know you're playing some of the most boring genres of game made for paedo westerners. Get better taste.

The Rabi-Ribi is digital only?

Since we're at that topic, what new games would you recommend me for the vita? As soon as I finish Ar Nosurge I'll run out of vita games

I own a vita, I dont hate the console, but I am willing to admit when I made a bad purchase. I preordered it and have regretted it ever since. LBP was fun, MK was a joke, and everything that came out since was just a watered down version of what I could have got on ps4

I love my taste and I will never change just because you hate it.

Deal with it.

Atelier series.
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception (only if you played the previous game, great story if you enjoy vn with srpg elements)

>Doesn't that says something?
Yeah that weebs will by any old shit

If you even like SRPG you're a autista animal.

>why are games being localized
idk user why do companies sell their products to the largest market they can? there are more people in the US that romanticize Japanese culture than in Japan so why wouldn't they localize the games? Just because their is a larger market here does not mean it is in fact a large market compared to other systems. That would be like me going on /o/ and saying American cars are the best because they import them to other countries.

I enjoyed it being my Vanillaware machine. Now if only GrimGrimoire would get a rerelease. At least Grand Knights History got an english patch, even if you'll need a hacked Vita to play it.

Which means it'd be something of an issue of they can't get around the firmware block by the time 13 Sentinels comes out.

>and is only left with weaboo RPGs and visual novels
Even if you'll slurp up any JRPG you can find it's difficult to find any reason to play on Vita since almost all of them are cross-plat on at least one of the Sony home consoles.
The only things of worth the Vita really has that aren't better on the other Sony machine you already own are precious few RPGs like P4G and Ys and some ultra-weeby dungeon crawlers (of which only a handful are any good).

How anyone can like SRPGs I don't know. Someone recommended a VN with SRPG elements. Fucking kill me.

>Ctrl+f vita games
>0 results
Vita has no games.

I like it, but Vitalovers are a tiny minority. Most of Sup Forums doesn't even care. It's like bullying an ugly puppy.

user, those type of jrpgs aren't exactly top of the line graphics in the first place. I find games with those graphics not even superior on the ps4. It's the same shit to me regardless if i play on the big screen or on my handheld.

It's a different story if it's something like FFXV. That I must play on 4k with HDR. But for other shit like Disgaea 4... it makes no fucking difference since these are just sprite shit with CG pictures. Or take shit like Steins;Gate for example... it's completely CG and no cutscenes. And that's how majority of the games that are on both vita and ps4. Sadly shitposters always use this shit as a excuse to shitpost the vita.

I like variety in my consoles' libraries. Needless to say, I don't care much for Vita.

I fucking love my vita. Only when I'm outside.

>It's the same shit to me regardless if i play on the big screen or on my handheld.
This is the point. If you read my post I never said that the Vita versions were crappy ports or anything. They're generally very similar and sometimes they're even being ported in the other direction.
The problem with the Vita's library is that 90% of what it has that's worth playing is "the same shit" you can get on a PS3. It's very close to a pointless console.

This is the most pathetic handheld console ever created, all the library is waifu simulators for neets and degenerates, is fucking pitiful.

The fanbase is just that neets and degenerates, because they are immature they get mad really fast.

PS4 fags > vitafags, but both are obnoxious as fuck.

the problem with your viewpoints is that people like you are just shitposters and they focus solely on ports while ignoring everything else that isn't a port. Hence they only think 90% of all games are ports. And even if we do name exclusives like Drive Girls or Tokyo Tattoo Girls, you'd be quick to disregard it all as weebshit and shit game even tho you probably never played them before.

Every year you find a different excuse to shit on the vita. Years before it was dead, then no games, then dead again, now it's all ports. It's always some new excuse to disregard the vita. The same cycle, new excuses. You people have nothing better to do than shitpost vita.

Already finished Soul Sacrifice Delta. I'll go for Atelier since I haven't played the previous Utawarerumono

If yo don't like weeb games, there's a big fanbase for decent indie games on the vita. Try out games like Salt and Santurary, Darkest Dungeon and Plague Road. Those are my recommendations for good indie games on the vita.

And I highly disagree with your statement about obnoxious fucks. It's your haters and shitposters that are the most obnoxious fuckers around here.

Btw where do I start with Atelier?

Either Atelier Rorona Plus or Atelier Ayesha Plus. Both are the start of their trilogy.

I think it says that they're localizing games they want PC ports of, and are letting the Vita playerbase pay the $40-50 buy-in fee to play it earlier.

Nice, thank you man

So you mean the same indies that I can play in a PC?

does it matter if you can play it on PC? or does it mean it's automatically bad because it's on the vita?

Vita, WiiU and the 3DS up until the New 3DS models are my favorite consoles of the gen.

Sup Forums doesn't like or talk about those games because the faggots that post on Sup Forums now want to play as few games as possible to feel like they're included in the discussion. Go into any GOTY thread on Sup Forums. There's maybe, MAYBE 10 games floating around and being mentioned and each individual posters has played 1-3 of them usually. It's pathetic. People took the Sup Forums doesn't play/like games meme far too seriously.

But they are portable.

Why does he need to get a Vita if he can play them on PC?

I have a beefy gaming PC and still opt to play some indies on the vita/WiiU because of the portability and nice buttons of the Vita and gamepad.

Why does he need to get a PC if he can play them on a Vita?

it's not that Sup Forums hates the vita, is that the vita carried on the stigma of the ps3 no games. And then sony abandoned it to die, and is now a husk on life support

Significantly wider range of games on PC.

That's not even an answer

>vita carried on the stigma of the ps3 no games

That's the lie that shitposters shill. Vita has gotten tons of games over the years. Only haters and shitposters still believe the no games bullshit because they want to believe in it so bad so they can shitposter it.

It means that there is no sense to play them in the vita when you can do it in a bigger screen with good sound in your PC.

Really? I always thought that those were the 3DS fanboys.

Still haven't proven that statement with any evidence have you?

>Significantly wider range of games on PC.

So? Does that mean everyone must play their games on PC instead of vita?

It is a answer, just not one you were expecting nor one you can answer.

>It means that there is no sense to play them in the vita when you can do it in a bigger screen with good sound in your PC.

user, they're indie games with sprite shit. It won't look any better on your big screen than on a small one up close.

It's pretty easy to answer. He has a PC, he doesn't have Vita.

>So? Does that mean everyone must play their games on PC instead of vita?
Nah. I play a quite a few games on my vita because of the dpad and portability.
I just wish it had a better range personally.

>Still haven't proven that statement with any evidence have you?

I already told you there's no point in showing proof to shitposters. You'd just say it's weebshit and disregard everything. Just like you claimed I have shit taste. Pointless shitposting over and over and over.

If you hate weeb games, then go ahead and hate it all you want. You won't change the facts that it has games just because you sprout your no games meme over and over in every thread.

So they are bad now? I thought they were supposed to be good?

then i highly recommend you play salt and sanctuary on the vita since controller is batter than keyboard for this. It's basically a 2D dark souls.

Sup Forums loves Vita because they crack it and install emulators. Vita has some good games itself, but they were ported to superior PS4.

> So they are bad now? I thought they were supposed to be good?

Oh did you think I was referring to graphics when I said they were good?

You're sorely mistaken. Graphics has nothing to do with a game being good.

Just tell me what good games there are, Jesus. Weebs are so touchy

fine, let me add unique games.
The new releases on the the are, either:
dUngeon crawlers
visual novels
indie titles that range in quality
or a combination of the first 2, with very little differences outside of art or a gimmick.
Other than that, it is a cross platform release with the ps4 version of the game being better.
Or ports, with he ps4 being better( such as dragon's crown and Disgeae 4).
Where are the quality original arps, action games, turn based rpgs, srpgs, and so that the psp had? what about the unique plaformers, or puzzle games, like loco roco or daxter? Or hell games like Rengoku? Say what you will, but the vita has no games, that are truly unique from each other, or not enough. It's dead because of that.

I've had that suggested to be by multiple people so I think I'll give it a try.

My biggest problem is that most of the Vita support from indies are indies that are on damn near everything. And I've for the most part already played it or at least own it if I ever felt like it. Like Bastion, Bit.Trip, Meat Boy, Isaac, Spelunky, Darkest Dungeon, Limbo etc.

Then, what's the problem? I will play them in a big screen with nice sound.

Sup Forums does not hate the vita, Sup Forums hates what sony did with the vita. Letting a farly superior console die, bc they were not willing to support the console and expected third parties to do all the work. You have to give it to Nintendo, at least when one of their console fails you know you'll have some Nintendo gems, bc Nintendo does not just abandon ship. Sony is all about success. If something is not successful they just drop it and leave their customers fucked.

Are you going to list every single genres that ever exists in vidya?

> Where are the quality original arps, action games, turn based rpgs, srpgs, and so that the psp had? what about the unique plaformers, or puzzle games, like loco roco or daxter? Or hell games like Rengoku? Say what you will, but the vita has no games, that are truly unique from each other, or not enough. It's dead because of that.

Hope you know lots of those are originally FROM the vita or psp and then ported over to other consoles. Stuff like Tearaway and Gravity Rush was originally from the vita. And they were unique.

Also, try out Soul Sacrifice Delta, Freedom Wars, Tales of Hearts R, Drive Girls, Persona 4 Dancing All Night.

I think you're the one with a problem when people play them on the vita. Don't act all innocent now like a fake victim.

>Sup Forums does not hate the vita

you underestimate nintendyeardrones hate for anything sony.

yes. The psp had a lot of those types i listed, that did for one reason or the other.
of the games you listed only soul sacrifice and tales of hearts r are in my strike zone.

Well, I mean if PC indies is all vita has to offer, then there is a problem with the library.

I think your problem is that you refuse to acknowledge anything the vita has to offer in the first place. If it's a japanese game, you'd just disregard it as weebshit so it's pointless to even name anything for you.

Personally I would say the Vita fanbase tends to be the worst, but mostly because there is a big overlap with the terrible sony fanbase on Sup Forums. Most Sony fans are cool, but the loud minority on Sup Forums can't seem to accept Sony "losing" at anything and act like the Vita is the greatest handheld of all time. The Vita is nice for what it is, but the huge lack of games anyone gives a shit about and the terrible memory card situation kills the system. If you like anime dungeon crawlers ad shitty ports of ps3 games it's pretty decent, but other than that you could do a lot better. The Vita is like the Wii U of handhelds but the delusional fans like to think it's the ps1 or ps2 of handhelds.

No skin off my nose dood, vita only seems to have PC indies and waifu simulators.

think what you want. you already made up your mind before coming into this thread to shitpost. Not like anything I say will change anything.

I think shitposters like you are the worst. Year after year, you claim it's dead and no games. Year after year, the vita still gets games and you still shitpost that it's dead with no games. Then you declare it's fans are the worst in the world.

Just admit you're here to shitpost.

Still mad about Spyro and Crash games not being available for NA