Lose a match with someone

>lose a match with someone
>beat him in the rematch
>exit and don't face him again

Is there a better feeling?

>talk shit before the match and win

>being so much of a pussy that you can't prove your dominance in best 2/3

I remember doing this many years ago in ruinscape. It was at the arena where you could bet items, and there was a guy who was betting a bone scythe. I kept losing to him and losing my armor, but for some reasons after losing all of my armor I managed to beat him and get all my stuff back including the scythe, and then I ran off while he was begging to have his scythe back. Punk should've folded when he had the chance.

holy fuck yes

this shit feels so fucking good

>Playing Smash 4 online even though I'm shit at it
>Guy beats me in the first match
>Manage to beat him in the second match even though he's better than me
>He switches to Ike
>Absolutely destroys me and then quits

I thought we were just having fun. I didn't mean to bruise his ego.

>Friend of my is a diehard soulcalibur 5 player
>used my account cuz he doesnt own psplus
>played first time online with me 20min acc vs a guy with 600h playtime
>raped him 3/0 in his own lobby with his other 3 friend watching him
>"lost connection to host"

>talk shit before the match and lose
>leave without saying anything with tears in my eyes

what a fucking cunt, stay and take it in

>Randomly start playing like a god
>Every opponent starts focusing me at the expense of everything else
>Still win

>suck at game
>don't mind playing people better than me because I learn what I'm doing wrong
>when I don't quit they offer concise tips
>eventually get better and feel good about tough wins and losses both

>opponent starts talking shit in the middle of the game because they're winning and think they've got it in the bag
>come back and win

>They switch to their "main"
>Proceed to get even more BTFO

>Talk shit and get btfo
>Get one last insult in before I alt+F4 so I win in my mind

Take that faggot

>lose lane
>we got late game guys
>lose game
>you guys suck, i was smurfing git gud

>smash lane
>"are you smurfing?"
>"what is smurfing?"

>teammate shit talks you
>carry so much that they quit

Learn to play the game before bitching fucktard. Fuck I hate Rocket League now.

>losing a match
>some opponents shittalking nonstop
>we manage to turn it around and are about to win
>shittalking cunts swap sides to our team
>they get banned for hopping midmatch

>a few minutes into the match, teammate quickly reveals himself to be a raging sperglord
>rages at you and your entire team for the whole match
>lose match, probably since he's bad and useless and too busy being angry
>on the next match, notice that same guy is on the opposing team
>focus and kill him on every single encounter
>he is probably seething so much at this point he is a complete liability for his team
>win match
>yet again matched against him on the next game
>rinse and repeat

I kinda felt sorry for the other side that had to endure him

>playing SFV online
>lose the first match to random shit I wasn't ready for
>"alright I got this"
>win the second match
>opponent quits

>go 2-1 over a guy in Ranked
>still end up with a net negative in points

was he ranked way below you?

>join lobby
>lose to host pretty embarrassingly
>other guy in lobby thinks i must be a total scrub and plays a character he doesnt know at all
>i double perfect him
>he switches to main
>i still win
is this what it feels like to be alpha

>Talk shit
>Other guy talking shit too
>win match
>tell other guy what a shitter he is
>he sits there and listens before leaving

>start badly and someone messages you or calls you out as a scrub in voice chat
>proceed to carry team to victory

>lose match to gf
>punch her irl and tell her to suck my dick

>playing ladder
>get a PvP match
>some faggot cannon rushes me
>gives me a preemptive gg as i dont even bother pulling probes to stop it
>he doesn't realize ive had a pylon hidden at his 3rd since the game started
>ram stalkers up his ass right as warpgate finishes

I know that feel bro.

>teammate gets mad and calls you shit
>tell him we'll 1v1 and that you will add him on Steam after the match ends
>the match ends
>just close the game and go on with your life
>the kiddo is there huffing and puffing at his computer waiting for you to add him
>if he googles your steam profile it's private and he can't leave mad comments to vent out his angst

>talk shit before a match and win
>opponent doesn't respond
>starting overthinking and jumping to conclusions that i may have actually hurt him
>feel like shit

>opponent has shit internet and he knows it
>the whole game is a lagfest which he takes advantage of
>it would be easier to just quit, but stay in anyway to beat his cheap ass

>play chivlary
>use feint

>game has mechanics that give you an unfair advantage in pvp
Twinking in darksouls was so savage. It's basically free humanity and a huge ego boost when you kill a scrub in 2 hits and there is literally nothing he can do about it.

>tfw shit talking enemy laner
>tfw shit talking your jungler
>tfw start shit talking the whole enemy team
>tfw start shit talking your whole team
Bow before your God, trash.

>Shit stomp other team, they start claiming you're cheating.

Even better
>Shit stomp other team, they ask you to leave/beg you to play another class or style.

>completely dominate your lane
>laugh spam
>watch them get tilted and sloppy
>they start calling gank after gank
>soon the other lanes are getting counter-ganked and pushed up
>get one more kill before the rage-quit
>post lobby the enemy tells you how he wouldnt shut the fuck up about you and started fights

assfaggots can be fun sometimes

>dominating opponent
>"Connection error!"
>chuckle since opponent ragequitted
>stupid system registers somehow this as your disconnect and loss