PS4 or PC?
Which version are you getting?
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I refuse to believe the PC version wont be crawling with hackers
shooters are so nineties.
love this reddit meme
So you'll play the version with built in autoaim?
Ugh ikr IIOIVII its all about third person battle arenas get it right -_-
I'll be preordering the PS4 digital deluxe editition for $129.99 within the week.
Isn't this some Halo3 clone, even the graphic looks like Halo3, I'll pass.
PC in a couple years when it's cheap(er). There might be more hackers but it's a coop game primarily and it beats being stuck playing an FPS at 30FPS with autoaim and paying a premium on top of my internet bill.
love this meme. aim assist is a feature to make 'dead zones' on thumb sticks less irritating.
XO - but I cannot decide if I should buy it now or get collectors edition later if it lowers price and it is availible.
>there are people in this thread right now who are actually going to buy this shit
>There's actual story
>My husbando Lord Shaxx has actual dialogue
explain to me why it's shit?
if you've played the first then you know why
Did not want it, but I bought a 1080 and it came with it.
I don't know what you're talking about, destiny was great.
>locked 30 FPS
>generic gameplay
anyone who buys this is an idiot.
>even considering playing FPS game with a controller
if you enjoy mindless repetitive grinding for literally hundreds of hours then i'm sure it's a blast
Going to be just as trash as the 1st
Yes. It's the most fun game I've played in years.
The two month PC delay is pushing me towards PS4.
None you stupid shill
>30 fps vs ∞ fps
>ps4 controller vs mouse and keyboard
>dead zones
How cheap is your controller that you need deadzones to bypass manufacturing tolerances?
Its not locked on PC senpai a blam
it can't be a fun life where you get angry enough about other people enjoying something you don't. Maybe you should talk to your parents.
What little grinding I did, wasn't mindless. It was fun moments shared with friends
It's a new experience every time.
There is no multiplayer game that doesn't have a grind for something.
>i'm sure its a blast
I'm glad you agree.
How about they remove auto-aim but use the god damn gyros in every modern controller to allow precision adjustments?
where did he even say he was angry? he posted a laughter image macro.
besides, he's right. you'd have to decline into a state of being near braindead when you play games to enjoy fps on a console.
What exclusive content does the PS4 have for the game? Does it get DLC early, too?
Is this still a deal? What brand?
literally any 1080 from any participating retailer
didn't the pc version come out already?
>there are people on Sup Forums who have actually pre ordered destiny 2 and are going to play it
war frame is an endless autistic numbers grind with no fun involved at all
The Sixaxis is shit-tier for aiming
just like Destiny
I could buy it for "free" with wowbux but it will probably be much more comfy on PS4... Not sure what to do.
like destiny
there is (more than) enough time between console and PC release to decide that
there is stuttering the fuck out on console every time you try to draw something far:
All this says is you haven't played many games.
like destiny?
no not like destiny because Destiny doesn't force you to level up shitty weapons you'll literally never want to use to make progress and also limiting you to literally 2 """""different""""" skill sets unless you pay real money
>lol just grind and sell blueprints for plat!
where do you think the plat comes from?
Dualshock 4 has the same shit a Vita does.
Same as with the first one: None.
Worst idea I've ever heard.
nothin' quite as comfy as playing a FPS with a thumbstick at 30fps. snug as a bug in a rug. like sitting by the fire, sipping hot chocolate, looking out the window watching the rain and savagely fucking your own asshole with a dildo shaped like rupert everett's fist
I'm sorry, did that argument made sense in your head?
>turn useless WoW gold that is depreciating in value all the time into a free game
>or spend $60 to play a fps with a controller and autoaim
what a hard decision, the kind of retardation you could expect from an animeposter I suppose.
I don't think I'm getting it at all, but if I do end up buying it, it's going to be PC.
I've played over 200 games on steam and somewhere in the hundreds range on consoles.
so this is what playing warframe does to your brain..
Yes, having a gf It's my first one in years I'm so happy ;_;
not him but i had no fucking idea what you were trying to say either. i've never played warframe. i just think destiny is the worst game i've played in the last decade.
So this is what playing Destiny does to your brain
>he's only played 300 games
youre on the wrong website kiddo
>b-but fps on console is bad do i fit in yet look at me pcmr amiright redd- i mean Sup Forumsros?
Destiny is a console game. Playing it on PC will feel like shit just like Halo doesn't work on PC.
literally never played Destiny, I don't own a PS4 or Xbone.
>game + expansion pass 98,99€
Ye, think I'll pass
So this is what playing Destiny does to your brain
Talking about a better game
What's the best platform to play Ace Combat 7 and Monster Hunter World?
>playing destiny at all
it's seriously for ten year olds
So this is what playing Warframe does to your brain
I'm not going to get tricked again. Destiny can go fuck itself
literally never played Warframe, I don't own a PS4 or Xbone.
No 10 year old would be able to figure out the mechanics required for the raids.
What's a game for grown ups like you?
So this is what playing Warframe does to your brain
So this is what playing Destiny does to your brain
>fps games on console
literally never played Destiny, I don't own a PS4 or Xbone.
I've seen nothing that makes it look any better than Destiny 1
So, neither
So this is what playing Destiny does to your brain
Keep moving those goal posts.
It isn't on steam and I won't get console just for one game so, neither.
Is density 1 comming to pc? I dont want to pay too much for it and its pretty much density 2.
phoneposting BRs get the fuck out
> Bugframe
Call me back once they unfix their shitty game.
I can't help it my friends are getting it
>Destiny is a console game.
Then why is it on PC?
If playing an FPS game on PC feels like shit, it's inherently a shit FPS game. And Halo 1 CE plays perfectly fine on PC, dunno what your damage is.
the armor design and overall aesthetics of that game is atrocious
I'm gonna wait a little. I might not want it. I didn't like Destiny 1's Endgame I'd only buy it for the PVP which seems like nothing special. Besides I already have Lawbreakers for that.
PC :^)
I'm not the person you were originally responding to, and the goalposts were never moved. Not that it matters. Sorry we can't cure bad taste.
It's the future of gaming. Game + season pass + etc = $100 games as the new bundle standard. Injustice 2 did it now this and I bet it continues.
+ additional microtransactions in game
Look at all this shitty rip-offs
Youve succesfully guessed my phoneposting. Now what?
Thats a nice poc you have there, be a shame if it wasnt already confirmed to not be comming to steam.
PC. I'm getting it free when I buy my 1080. Otherwise I probably wouldn't even have bought it.