How can a much more powerful console also be so much smaller? It makes no sense.
How can a much more powerful console also be so much smaller? It makes no sense
American engineering and not the tiny dick jap cuck shitstation
lankies btfo again
Microsoft is actually great at hardware and software engineering.
Exclusives is literally their only weakness.
Is the Xboner really better than the Pisstation4? Wanna get back into consoles again.
Is it actually "much more powerful"?
I don't know anything about eithers specs, but it always seemed like they were both basically the same shit; minor upgrades that do """4K""" (*not actually 4K)
The Xbox One X is, not the original xbone.
>Xbox One X
jesus fuck what a bad name
No, the XBONEX is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, but the PS4 is more powerful than the XBONE
But it's kind of stupid to care about power when it comes to consoles, the only reason to own one is for exclusives (which the PS4 has and the XBONE doesn't).
Bone X is better than pro in terms of 3rd party stuff, graphically. If you already have a PC or something then get a PS4 for the exclusives .
Yeah, it's awful, reminds me of the OC do not steal shit from the nineties.
>my dad works for nintendo and says the new Nintendo will be the Nintendo xXXXxX 64 Pro Edition
The gap is bigger than we've seen in a while. For example Ark is 720p on PS4 Pro and 1080p on Xbox One X. That's a pretty major difference. Gran Turismo Sport is 1600x1800 on the PS4 Pro. Forza 7 on the Xbox One X is 3840x2160.
The X is so edgy
Smaller one has no game, that's why it's dead xD
Already got a PC so I was leaning towards the PS4. Just tired of Microshit; the only consoles I've had for the past 3 generations were the original Xbox and a 360.
I'm pretty sure the recommend settings for Forza on a PC is like a GTX 770, so the bone being able to pull that off isn't too remarkable
Because PS4Pro chip isn't Vega like Xbox one X is.
This means that it requires more cooling than xbox one x's chip and therefore it has a bigger formfactor.
>GTX 770
That's the rcommended for 4k/60fps?
>Ark is 720p on PS4 Pro
Presumably it doesn't have a patch?
>Forza 7 is 3840x2160
Is that actually it's resolution or is it checkerboard?
WipeOut runs actual 3840×2160 on the Pro, btw
Lord no, I just meant that it makes sense for a console like the X to pull it off so well. If the recommended specs were a 1060 for 1080p 60fps then it wouldn't be possible for the X to hit that target of 4k
>Presumably it doesn't have a patch?
It does. It's 720p if you wanna play it in 60fps. The Xbox One X version is 1080p 60fps.
>Is that actually it's resolution or is it checkerboard?
It's native. Another game was just announced is Rise of the Tomb Raider. Runs native 4k on Xbox One X but the PS4 Pro runs it checkerboarded.
External power thingy like the other Xboxes?
It's internal.