Ace Combat 7 New Gameplay

Typhoon confirmed and we get to see the convict squad in action.

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post cute eurofighters

Belka is behind everything.



Was the white plane shown for a split second in the most recent trailer the Delphinus?

I'm gonna be honest Sup Forums
I'm an Xbot that only played 6
But god fucking damn am I hyped for this game

I don't think so. The wings are swept the wrong way.

Probably a type of a UAV

>When he dives down into the clouds to follow the drone and dodge the rock towers


Belka did literally nothing wrong.

Larry pls go

Fuck you AWACS, I'm doing my job.

Fuck it looks so good. I'm hype as fuck.

>convict squad
I hope their Belkans

Maybe you should stop being a pussy and get out of the clouds then.

Not my fault if the enemy dives into the clouds and I have to go force them out.

Yes, I've already read it like 3 times already, time for another one

>That fucking weather
>all that fucking T E C H N O L O G Y

I think Commissioners in Soviet Penal battalions were less insulting and condescending than the current Awacs is.

It doesnt have anything near to compare sizes but, it just kinda feels bigger than a UAV.

No Spanish guitars, no buy

>Spare 15 has broken through the clouds. Nice work for a dumbass.

Why is Bandog such a dick?

Probably pissy that his Career has gone so bad he's babysitting a convict squadron, I mean, can you imagine how humiliating a posting like that must be on your job sheet?

Serious question, does the gameplay get any deeper than "aim at enemy until the square turns red then shoot missiles"? I get that its an arcade flight shooter and not a sim, but is there any real depth to the actual combat?

>that landscape
>AC4-tier chatter

What the fuck is her problem?

>no vr on pc
ban sony

Got ass-blasted that Osea actually built a space elevator in her country.

This is the closest we'll be to a Zone of the Enders 3

>your wingmen never shut up

>AC7 leads into the plot of AC3
I will nut into my pants if they do that

>wanting meme gimmicks on this pristine gamu.

>He still hasn't hit it?
Dammit Kono

Not really, no

>just let trigger take care of everything


>all this bullying


Holy shit I didn't even realize this was getting a PC release.

Using guns on the enemy aircraft is what makes Ace Combat fun. Unfortunately, no one has showed it off. Outside of that, it doesn't get that deep.

Welcome to December 2016

>disliking chatter

AC3's pilot never actually happened though
>implying Cohen was actually successful in his attempts to start the war in his simulations


Who's the Belka of the real world? Germany? or maybe Russia?


Isn't it great?

I don't think there really is one.

I don't see it

That seems a lot like Germany, I wouldn't doubt that they would "strategically" nuke themselves if they were the bad guys long enough to make nukes

Eastern Germany

Please, I need my Wyvern planefu

Oseans have been obvious assholes in most of the gameplay.

>Cowards hide in the clouds
>Get them out even if you die in the process

It's pretty much confirmed by now that we'll get to fight for our waifu princess against the imperialist pigs.

Germany is different though as their collapse was a result of the first world war which they willingly entered.
Belka on the other hand just had some economic troubles and then Osea decided to bully them hard and annex a shitload of Blekan clay for laughs, which lead to their spiral of death.

Can you actually pick a side in this game?


>cockpit only footage

Fuck sake

I'm surprised that Strangereal hasn't been plunged into nuclear war considering how often the super powers are at war with eachother

They would rather build massive war "winning" superweapons that just shoot nukes at each other.

So really it's just a massive and tragic dick size contest

It seems like nobody except for Belka figured out how to actually use a damn nuke or maybe it's just more exciting to have real wars instead of "If you push me the whole world will die so you better not"

The also seem to have a lot more money to throw around than we do. That's why they can have 10000 aircraft air forces per country where we have to get by on the cheap so we build ICBMs and Boomer Subs.

Finally after 10 years, a real Ace Combat game.

maybe it's like AC3 with different paths and endings

>Ace Combat 6 is 10 years old

(((Grey Men)))

I can imagine if someone launch an ICBM, a single nation in Strangereal can just send dozens of squadrons to shoot it down.

All the money that could go to nukes go to impractical super weapons instead

Will you kill and rape oseans for her vee?

Now show the part where a single fighter flies inside of it and blows it up

Don't forget, Belka dropped the nuke on their own territory. I wouldn't call that proper usage of a nuke.

Knowing the Paragon that is the ace pilot, he's going to destroy two countries to make it right.

Yes, there is literally no downside to doing so

They probably tried to do what Douglas McArthur wanted to do during the Korean war, except McArthur wasn't dumb enough to suggest they use it on their side


Penal batallions are fucked.

I bet we're Belkans. Long live Belka.

Without hesitation.

is this f25 of whatever it called

Everything's a MiG

Is being a fighter pilot unironically the coolest job in the world?

Literally did nothing wrong

It's pretty cool. A friend of mine flies the F-22. I was in Texas once visiting family and he wanted to hang out but didn't know I had gone. He said it was no problem and grabbed a trainer craft and flew down from Oregon to log flight hours. We hung out and he went back up later.

>tfw the plane otakus in Japan got so buttmad so the series stayed realistic for the next 20 years

AC7 seems to be getting a very little futurism hopefully

What are the chances of us getting most of those planes in new game?

Depends on if you buy all of the first batch of DLC or not, goy.

Depends on how much fuel you buy, gwailo

Well some of those planes would probably break my no DLC rule to be completly honest.

holy shit bears are huge aircraft



Strangereal is the fucking best. How come more games don't use Strangereal type settings?

Her face looks made of porcelain.

>game series only enjoyed by heterosexual males with a healthy sexlife

>3 gets translated

>now the fanbase is full of weeaboos who unironically call girls waifus


This seems a little unfair.

>tfw want to get it physically on PS4
>don't want to miss out on 60FPS
The fucking game/movie mode selection from Nioh should've set a standard

Man, Fenrir is huge.

I thought 60 fps on PS4 was confirmed?

I don't think that, but I won't argue that people who have interest in something mainly because they saw a girl they find attractive, are the most shallow and worthless of people. 9/10 times they do more harm than good.

It was made that way to fit the massive balls of Nemesis. Yeah I know the enemy nation developed it, but they just knew he was coming to conquer them and make their plane his bitch.