Where did modern gaming (and the society that leads to it) go so wrong?
Where did modern gaming (and the society that leads to it) go so wrong?
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make when you post an indie game made with Kickstarter who is actually really fucking good.
looking forward to the switch port for my second playthrough
What are you trying to imply?
user there hasn't been a good game released in over a decade. Fact.
Being a speaker of a language based on latin,the gibberish speak of Hollow Knight is awful to hear
>forgetting all the good games on purpose
MH world is looking to be more complex than any of its predecessors. The only solid argument I could see being made is that paintball tracking is gone. Literally everything else is an overhaul or a quality of life change.
>Fear Effect
>social justice
I... what?
What about Persona 5?
Horse armour DLC.
That was the point where Publishers realised just how retarded their customers were.
>series known for fanservice/T&A
>implying the remake won't heavily censor it
You're a pretty good fisherman if you made that yourself.
>paintball tracking
Let me hear your argument, user
And Yakuza 0/Kiwami. And The Silver Case remake. And Nier:Automata, Pyre, Tales of Berseria, Divinity OS 2, Tekken 7, Resident Evil 7 and Prey. Maybe even Black Mesa will be released by the end of the year.
This year has been fucking great.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
The fact that a monster's exact location is always highlighted after you first find it. I'm not really arguing that paintballs are good necessarily but satellite-like vision seems weird. Tracking should be a part of a monster hunting game. Not asking for Evolve level necessarily but it just seems weird with how simple it looks.
Too many things to list.
its mediocre as fuck mate
I thought nobody bought it?
I don't really care either way. Whether it's Paintballs, psycho serum, or green bug trails, you're still sprinting straight to the boss
>Big world that reward exploration
>Good graphics and great music and sound design
>Simple but responsive controls
>Challenging difficulty without being bullshittingly hard for the sake of being "Souls-like" or whatever
What part of it is mediocre.
There was never any tracking in monster hunter, you just rush to the area you know the monster spawns in and then you follow it when it runs to a different area.
>Big world that reward exploration
That doesnt mean the world is good
>Good graphics and great music and sound design
graphics are good, but everything looks the same. also way too less complements, everything is kinda gray
sound? cant remember a single track
>Simple but responsive controls
so what? thats fucking standart
>Challenging difficulty without being bullshittingly hard
never died more than twice against bosses or in the arena but I didnt even bother finishing it
>for the sake of being "Souls-like" or whatever
dude this is all the game is, a metroidvania with darksouls elements
its nothing special at all
>Challenging difficulty without being bullshittingly hard
just realized that i took that out of context, my bad
appealing to casuals
It would be too difficult to properly explain it all, so I'll give a rough and inaccurate timeline:
>EA exists
>Sony starts appealing to casuals through their dvd player console.
>Microsoft gets away with their paid online scam, inspiring Sony and Nintendo to do the same many years later.
>7th generation of consoles begins. The immense demands of big graphics cripples many developers and makes it risky to be creative.
>Nintendo brings in the casuals in full force.
>DLC as we all know and should hate becomes a thing thanks to Bethesda. It is increasingly apparent that customers are easily manipulated morons.
>Activision releases Modern Warfare 2. It is confirmed that customers are cattle to be milked.
>Rise of social media and internet accessing phones, giving a voice to the unworthy masses and inflaming some of our species' worst instincts.
>Rise of "cinematic experience" and "too video gamey" thoughts thanks to the video games going fully mainstream and movie director rejects latching on.
>Rise and radicalization of agenda pushing leftists
Throughout all of this, as video games got bigger they also attracted more corporate parasites. People who entered the industry with a purely profit oriented mindset rather than also as game developers. No passion. No human decency either.
This. Everything made after 2007 has been 100% shit, too bad that even Sup Forums is full of willing shit-eaters now.
Agreed. Don't listen to the shit-eating herd, trying to enjoy shit from post-2007 is actively attempting to sign away your individuality for fame.
1. Normies and casuals spending cash like crazy while experienced gamers are more careful with their money.
2. All criticism being filtered through corrupt sites that are in league with publishers, so there's no true artistry, only commercialism.
3. Increased value on console exclusivity in an age when all consoles are able to run the same games.
The basic problem is information. Game publishers control all information through their puppets IGN, Polygon, Kotaku, etc. As long as they have a near monopoly on information and can silence any independent critics by branding them bigots, then there's no hope for gaming. Criticism needs to be independent from commercialism. Indie games were supposed to fix the big publisher problem but because knowledge of indie games is dependent on these sites, it's controlled opposition, the illusion of free will.
>Guys look at all these games I don't like. Look especially close for the ones I haven't even played but am passing judgment on otherwise. Video games are dead because I can't find a game I like and can't have fun because I feel like the gaming industry left me behind. Empathize with my sorry dumb ass pls.
And people say there are good games being released today. Fucking sheeple...
Quit being a part of the herd and wake up. There has been tons of evidence why all of these games are shit.
Gameplay-wise it isn't that new but a good MV is always welcome, plus had a great artstyle.
>And people say there are good games being released today
There are. I've put well over 200 hours into one lately.
I won't tell you its name though. The entry barrier is extremely high.
Monster Girl Quest Paradox.
Lmao at all these 2007 posters. There were no good games released after 1998 you underage babies.
can agree on that, its just that it doesnt feel like it has a reason to exist since it doesnt do anything that hasnt been done before, even for a mv
Good games are being released. That's not the problem.
The problem is that good games will never make enough money to convince publishers to keep making good games all the time.
And because there's no independent and respected outlet for criticism, the masses won't learn about good games, or even understand what makes a game good.
>There has been tons of evidence why all of these games are shit.
Then post all of it instead of posting one sentence per game and acting like that's a damning critique
My favorite out of all of them is you pointing at Wolfenstein and going "IT'S JUST A MIDDLE FINGER TO WHITE PEOPLE" when the plot of Wolfenstein is that you are literally killing actual nazis who literally worship dead robot Hitler
Like if you don't see the disconnect then there's not much I can do for you except recommend a therapist in your area.
at risk of sounding pretentious, I think multiplayer gaming kicked the bucket when it got so popular. it used to be a casual hobby of a variety of like-minded yet personally different young men who at the time cared more about it than the average person does now.
currently most game's experience is just the directed gameplay itself, while the enjoyment previously stemmed not only from gameplay but from other interactions: finding exploits, banter with other players, weird custom skins from gamebanana, griefing videos, custom maps, etc. it was fun because the older games maintained a casual, malleable feeling. now it seems the average public game consists of just playing the game as directed and little more, giving a temporary feeling of enjoyment but no lasting memories such as bants from CS 1.6 or physics glitching for fun in Sven Co-op
or maybe we've all just been at it so long that we can no longer feel the sense of wonder we used to
Well I mean compared to something like Axiom Verge, the aesthetic and music in HK is more than enough justification IMHO.
th generation of consoles begins. The immense demands of big graphics cripples many developers and makes it risky to be creative.
Developers were already saying the same thing when they started developing for the PS2.
Although the process had already begun in 6th gen, 7th gen was when the effects really became noticeable.
post more bugs
Add in "Valve, Blizzard and mobilegames discover how to compensate effort with gambling and skinner box elements" and you're actually pretty spot-on.
I would but none of it is sfw
>agenda pushing leftists
You forgot fundamentalist Christians and white supremacists Sup Forums policing the media.
>video game journalism is a leftist conspiracy
Just how many times were you dropped on your head as a child, user?
Post links to more bugs.
this is where it went wrong 9AKLM-XNX6H-NH0DZ
The former was defeated (and an example of vidya triumphs if anything), is a complete joke nowadays.
The latter is a result of the leftist movement and therefore pretty much part of the same problem.
While SJW's are a part of them problem, his post also applies to just marketing, fake-honesty and manipulation in general. Which have been an increasing problem for a long time now.
The biggest issue in games right now is day one DLC, early access paid beta testing, microtransactions and various other shamelessly immoral business practices that gamers just seem perfectly happy to roll over and take. (I don't even have to mention how every gaming "boycott" is a farce, since everyone just ends up buying the fucking game anyway.)
It absolutely fucking sickens me how much time is completely wasted getting assblasted over SJWs who write shitty stupid blogs that nobody fucking cares about while the actual business of games is allowed to run rampant. Look at the replies in this thread alone. Look at how many fucking faggots genuinely believe that the biggest threat to games right now is some whiney genderfluid shitbag with a tumblr account. They honestly believe this is a threat. Gone Home getting a bunch of 10/10s is not actually going to make your shitty realistic military shooters go away, so stop fucking crying about it.
If the amount of time and energy wasted on making the millionth goddamn anti-Anita thread was put into actually trying to effect change in something that mattered, the ACTUAL VIDEOGAME INDUSTRY, then maybe, just maybe we could have made waves and shown there is a huge amount of people who won't take this shit.
But we do, and we don't even bother complaining anymore, because it's more important that we all complain about one fucking tranny who says something dumb on twitter or some shit.
You can blame "stupid casuals" "SJWs" and "feminazis" all you want, but maybe you should look at yourselves you dumb niggers.
It's less a middle-finger to whites and more of a vag-massage to the tumblrtards that manufactured this whole "problem" to begin with.
And while actual Neo-Nazis are absolute trash, being able to strawman any criticism as biggotry is indeed becoming an issue.
Do you guys feel sorry for those who only remember a post-2007 chilldhood?
not particularly, no
I feel sorry for the white kids who have to grow up in this country these days but that's about it.
>way too less complements
>Didn't even bother finishing it
>No arguments, just shit opinions.
I hope you are ESL, but either way you are at least mildly retarded. This is a shit thread of contrarians and contrarycontrarians.
Jack Thompson was a joke.
What the hell does "Sup Forums policing the media" even mean?
Normies got a hold of it. Normies want repetitive, safe shit and that's all we get now.
Looking at the real issues you've identified in the industry, I don't know exactly how to proceed with fixing it.
Because the only thing you can do is shame people for spending their money to reward companies for their godawful anti-consumer behavior. Then some dipshit is going to say, "I can spend my money any way I like" out of some retarded sense of freedom - it's almost like voting against your interests; paying a company who screws you over.
I've been sitting around for maybe a solid decade now just telling people in real life that they're spending their money in the worst ways possible. They're buying shit books, going to shit movies, watching shit TV, playing shit games, so on and so forth. And not once have they improved their behavior because month after month they spend their money on more garbage product. And I do my best to recommend good stuff but nobody wants to play/do anything that isn't NEW and topical like fucking Game of Thrones.
You have to start young or something. Or you have to mentally assault people in their teenage years to teach them a sense of good taste. For every good piece of media I thrust upon people I have influence over, there are a dozen people buying them shit; ultimately anything good I give them is drowned out in the noise of the most reprehensible product and business practices in the history of the planet.
>no arguments
and were are yours?
>good controls are not supposed to be a standard
yeah, im the retard here
List the great games before 2007 then
Fucking this. I hate it how Sup Forums is stuck over fighting this pointless politics war which really doesn't mean a shit at all, while the actual harmful industry practices seem to gather less attention day by day here.
A bit, but then I remember that the previous generation thought the same about my generation. And their fathers thought the same about them. And the chain probably goes back to the day when humans first gained any words to even think about concepts like generations and childhood.
>Implying the Jews controlling the media care about Sup Forums
>guys look I can fit in too, I hate video games :3
So is this nigga trying to talk shit about Hollow Knight or what?
Why the fuck do I still come to this board?
Ahhhhh. Babayaga