Entire combat system is shallow and unfun QTE trash

>entire combat system is shallow and unfun QTE trash
>every minigame is shit with even the simplest rhythm game ruined by bad UI
>tiny playable area that still feels empty
>le cinematic cutscenes that try to be a movie delivering a generic and dull plot
>no interesting characters, just ZOMG SO RANDUMB people who rope you into ZANY HIJINKS
>voice acting is obviously bad even if you have zero knowledge of Japanese, Majima's VA in particular is cringe-worthy
>millions of useless items and even more useless weapons
>game requires you to watch booze advertisements if you want 100%
>if you want 100% you also have to eat all the food but we're too lazy to make more than low-res .jpegs of food
>game looks good in a few cutscenes but the rest of the time the character models are ugly, objects disappear in and out of the game world, there are a ton of shitty textures, and every animation looks like it's from a PS1 game
>boss fights are a joke
>lol we need to waste your time updating system data every time you save
>lol we wasted our money paying overpriced whores for the right to use their name and likeness, and you have to watch shitty porn of these worthless whores if you want 100%

Why do people enjoy this game?

Other urls found in this thread:



what game are you talking about?

The game in my picture, the game that faggot weebs on here won't stop shilling.

You have some poor taste, Original Poster.

I actually agree.
The biggest sinner for me is the boring ass long dialogue for everything, also some of it is not even voiced wtf

pic not related?


>I only care about mundane details of little to no coincidence and muh 100% for my extra big ass PS4 platinum trophy to add meaning to my hopeless life: the post

This game ain't for you bruh, no need to cry about it. Move on, plenty of other games out there.

how can a man be so wrong?

>entire combat system is shallow and unfun QTE trash
stopped reading here
shitty bait thread

>Why do people enjoy this game?
Sony exclusive. no games isn't just a meme, so sony ponies will latch onto eveen the most casual trash out there like yakuza and pretend its
>hella fr*ckin epin! xDDD

Nobody is pretending here bro
It is actually hella f*ckucking epic

seems your on chapter 4 or 5
might as well keep playing

>youtube.com/watch?v=RlEGflonuZA starts playing

I care about gameplay. This game has shit gameplay.

>literally "press triangle to watch a movie of your character winning the fight"

It's OK When Japan Does It

a decent argument actually

Music is good, but nothing special. One of the few aspects of the game that isn't trash.

Chapter 4 I think, lost count. Don't know why I should keep playing, I've seen all the game has to offer and it's underwhelming.

I played 4 and knew this series was overhyped by weebs.

>overhyped by sonygros

>chapter 4
this game has 17 chapters
almost nothing you can do in such early stage

You should move on anyway, it's not your game
I can see you keep nitpicking and refuse enjoying whole rest of the game

I'm more than willing to enjoy the game, but every aspect of it is bad.

>it's not your game
Because it's not a game. It's a bad movie.

>Because it's not a game. It's a bad movie.
yeah, I know you feel
this game starts so slow
maybe you're in 1st Majima chapter?
You can't do sidequest, minigames, club management, real estate business, yet.
If you really want to enjoy, shut up and keep playing.

Did people only start calling this game shit when it got ported over to the west?

>I'm more than willing to enjoy the game
I don't think you are. You are cleary going to keep being unfair on the game since you already have it in your mind that only shills reccomend it. It's best if you just quit now and leave it a 0 rating on metacritic "worst game evar" and move on