Why is everyone so upset about this?
Why is everyone so upset about this?
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literally no one wanted this
valve was just riding on the success and money generating power of hearthstone
>literally no one wanted this
So? People dont know what they want until they want it
A new game from Valve in several years and it's a card game that was based on another Valve game
It's a game where the entire point of the game is to have better cards than your opponent being made by the company that has conditioned their fanbase to accept microtransactions and buying/selling on their own market place
Nobody wanted TF2, there was already TFC. but when it came out people flocked to it.
Yeah dude I didn't know gambling was so great till all these games started forcing it down my throat Have a hearty go fuck yourself..
Derivative garbage with a game model designed to Nickle and Dime you out of money. The kind of things they want to do to modding.
Multiple reasons
>Valve hasnt released a good game in ages
>Everything they do is super greedy shit like boxes. Gambling for kids. That alone make a lot of people start hating on valve.
>TCG is inheritely a greedy P2W genre
But i am actually a little optimistic. I been wanting a decent card game that isnt dead for a while.
It's a fucking children's card game
Blizzcucks fearing Hearthstones death.
I wish wizards would finally get their digital head out of their fucking asses and make a decent digital playmat for magic that isnt restricted to the few recent sets before its forgotten again.
That'll never happen. Same with D&D. They're just digging their own grave as they cannot find a reasonable way to move their business to the digital age.
Everyone is upset over the death of their mediocre hallway shooter.
I really hope you're wrong.But i know you're right :(
I think most people on Sup Forums already gave up on HL.
It still doesnt make recent valve any less jew
Tf2 and CSGO are falling apart
Steam is getting worse and worse
and instead of hiring more people to the TF2 team which is only six people might I add
They make some shitty Hearthstone rip off
nobody cares about tf2 anymore grandpa
and no one cares about your shitty card game shekel bait, Gabe
*tips neon-green fedora*
I actually like tcgs and look forward to this
lore in dota 2 is a clusterfuck they don't know what to do about. Yet they are releasing a fucking card game set in an universe that doesn't make any fucking sense.
Everyone who thinks that they shouldn't release a card game is retarded btw. Woow a company is aiming to make some money. Who would have thought that.
Because most people are too retarded to understand that a company can work at multiple projects at once.
>lore in MtG is a clusterfuck they don't know what to do about. Yet they are releasing a fucking card game set in an universe that doesn't make any fucking sense
Dota 2 has the best FTP model there is though. Plus, didn't they say this would be an actual trading card game and not a CCG? So you can actually get the cards you want and trade good dupes for other stuff you need.
another stupid card game
there's already a million card games you can play online, some of which you can play on steam itself
it seems like a blatant cash grab
it doesn't help that it's DOTA exclusive and won't have any cards based on other valve games like half life, team fortress, portal or left 4 dead
DOTA lore is incredibly bland and the characters are like chinese knockoffs of blizzard characters
people who love DOTA don't care about this because they only care about DOTA and people who don't like DOTA have no reason to play this over hearthstone or shadowverse or the elder scrolls card game or a physical card game like magic or yugioh where you can actually trade and sell cards
Same. Especially if the rumors about the gameplay being really unique with creeps and gold farm are true.
Proof of how creatively bankrupt Valve is.
>b-but it will make them money so it's good because business is good uhm something like that... basically praise gaben!
Bully for them.
What else did they announce at that presentation
>You can't criticize a company because they're just after money
valve has been shit since 2013. sadly they won't go bankrupt due to the monopoly steam has. but boy do i hope amazon or google or someone fucks them in the ass
>sadly they won't go bankrupt due to the monopoly steam has
Dota prints money m8.
It was announced during a Dota tournament, so I wouldn't say it's a presentation but Gabe said they're working on three new titles in March interviews.
No, just Sup Forums.
dotafags don't know what they want.
day one there will be 100k people play that shitty game
MtG makes perfect sense though
Because Valve is dead
Like artifact does.
I'm looking forward to it only if it's not like hearthstone or shadowverse. The main reason I was upset at the reveal was because of day9 saying "it's a new IP, it's not HL3, not portal 3, or have anything to do with dota 2 or csgo"
dota has been bleeding players due to their mismanagement and it won't last in its current state for long (2-3 years). it'll eventually fade back to ti2-3 viewership and prizepool money
steam, on the other hand, will keep on growing and generating more money.
>dota has been bleeding players
[citation needed]
>eventually fade back
Like every game.
Thanks for your input, Einstein.
dota has fucking terrible lore
there's like 14 different heroes that are omnipotent fundamentals of the universe, everything is just a big mess of random ass locations that has nothing to do with each other, it's not a coherent world but just a bunch of different backdrop locations made up just for the specific hero backstory, and then they might combine the backstory of two heroes but now it's just a random ass fantasy backdrop made for TWO different characters that has no relation to the other parts of the world
sure they maybe could forge a coherent world through those cards eventually, but they sure as fuck are starting off in a terrible fucking position
MTG has fucking terrible lore.
There's like 14 different planeswalkers that are omnipotent nerds of the universe, everything is just a big mess of random ass locations and planes that has nothing to do with each other, it's not a coherent world but just a bunch of different backdrop locations made up just for the specific color themes, and then they might combine the backstory of two expansions but now it's just a random ass fantasy backdrop made for TWO different characters that has no relation to the other parts of the world.
Sure they maybe could forge a coherent world through those cards eventually, but they sure as fuck are starting off in a terrible fucking position.
steamcharts shows the playerbase went to 2014 levels. considering you know this already and are pretending there's no proof, i can already tell you're a deluded valvecuck. no point talking to you
3 new *projects
1. Artifact
2. Probably VR shit
3. Probably more VR shit
Don't spend money on things you don't want to spend money on, you don't have a fucking arguement you fucking retard, you don't hate this game for any other reason than being a bandwagoning cuck.
Is this you?
Are you legally retarded?
Are you?
Creeps, gold, 3 lanes, and 5 heroes with abilities are confirmed. The rumors floating around now are all based around the pricing model, or lack thereof.
Obviously no. I ain't the guy who thinks that MtG have good or coherent lore. BTW the question was rhetoric, you dumbfuck.
3 new *VR *projects
1. VR shit
2. VR shit that might be L4D3
3. VR shit set in the Portal/HL universe (but not directly)
>Hasn't released a game by themself since 2013
>Hasn't made something that didn't follow a trend since 2012 (First LoL, Now Hearthstone.)
>Hasn't released a single player experience since 2011 with Portal 2
>Hasn't released a new IP since 2010 with Alien Swarm
>L4D2 came out 2009
>TF2 came out 2007
>HL2:E2 came out 2007
So far, It has been VR gimmick... Ports to Japanese arcades and now a card game when people are wanting either a New IP or L4D3 OR HL3 which have been teased with files in source 2
Fuck, Is Source 2 even out?
Magic lore is perfectly coherent. They've got several different settings, yes, but those settings are internally consistent. Or are you going to challenge this claim by doing anything other than going "nuh uh nuh uh valve is perfect"?
It's hard to be upset when I lost faith in Valve years ago. This is just yet another disappointment. Valve has so much fucking money yet instead of using it to take risks they're just doubling down on F2P microtransaction bullshit. It's creative bankruptcy. Which is not that surprising since all the creative people left after they realized Valve would never make a single-player game again.
Source 2 is out; Dota 2, The Lab, SteamVR Home, and soon CS:GO use it. For the end user, though, the differences between Source 1 and Source 2 are negligible; the biggest improvements in the new engine are all developer focused.
Because people actually thought they were going to announce a game that rivaled half life.
Magic "lore" is inconsistent and retarded, just as you, and as shitty as Valve.
At least they didn't announced a HL card game yet.
>nuh uh
wow look mom a retard without an argument
>a retard without an argument that keep posting to have the last word
Literally you.
He is right tho, you can't shit at dota lore for being full of omnipowerful gods and look at magic and say, hey thats pretty cool.
Last time I checked there were only 4 fundamentals, KotL being the light, CK being the chaos, wisp being the positive/negative force and enigma being the gravity. Elder titan created them when he divided the forces of the universe.
I have some faith in valve in this. They haven't made a single bad game yet.
Then you have weaver who is part of a race of dimension makers, Ancient aparition who is the literal death of the universe or some shit like that, and Arc warden is like another ancient, or shard of the mad moon who wants to destroy both bands. Those just come to mind right now.
Things that came out with the last Half-life game and sequels since.
>WoW Burning Crusade (Wrath, Cata, Mists, Warlords, Legion)
>Phoenix Wright: Justice for All and T&T ( Apollo, Duel Destinies, Spirit of Justice)
>Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (Enough said)
>Drake and Josh: Talent Showdown
>Bioshock (2 and Infinite)
>Halo 3 (ODST, Wars, Reach, 4,5, Wars 2)
>Digimon Dawk and Dusk
>Viva Pinata
>CoD Modern Warfare (Enough said)
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Assassin's Creed (Enough SAID)
>Blizzard copies your game called TF2
>they make it a watered down shit version of it
>in return you steal their card game concept
>make it much better
Not quite, the fundamentals were around since the beginning of reality, the shapers, including Elder Titan, appeared shortly after. ET himself is only partially responsible for the shattered state of the planet, with Radinthul and Diruulth fucking things up even further after crash landing on the planet.
Dota has some high power levels
>blizzard invented card games
>all these ultra powerful beings get peeped by a midget with a rifle
Because it finally opened the eyes of many people to just how low Valve has gone.
They used to be the big flagship of the industry. Raising the bar.
It was coming for years now, there were enough signs. But a lot of people, myself included, gave them the benefit of the doubt. I gave up on HL3 a long time ago, but I figured we'd get at least L4D3.
And then this.
They make millions of dollars with their market bs, and they decide it's not good enough, let's copy that HS shit. That'll make money.
I think I'd be a lot more forgiving towards it if there had been an announcement before about L4D or something. But the fact they didn't, not even a half assed teaser like for artifact, just shows they've got nothing, absolutely nothing.
It will probably be a good game. But it was the final nail in the coffin of what respect I had for Valve.
Weavers maintain the universe keeping it safe from any anomaly and and repairing them. The weaver hero is the only one who became bored and decided to create new shit. The others then expelled him from being a weaver but he could create new shit nontheless.
Ancient apparition is the scientific 'big crunch' concept. Theoretically he's the most powerful of all heroes.
>Fundamentals are powerful primordial entities, each representing a facet of the universe. They exist beyond the limits of the physical plane, and possess abilities that defy the laws of nature. Elder Titan created the Fundamentals during the Schism, when he divided the forces of the universe.
My hot-take opinion: I am much more likely to play a new card game than I am to touch a new FPS or MOBA. FPS is dead to me, and I never liked MOBAs to begin with.
Second Hot-take opinion: I am more excited for MTG: Arena than Artifact.
This is their first game in like 5 years other than that VR tech demo and it's a card game
Fuck off
Skitskurr is an exiled member of the Weavers, who were responsible for mending tears in reality. He's cut off from the loom, and only capable of reshaping the reality of this world. His goal is to end the world through Dire's victory in the war of the ancients, so that reality will be torn into pieces he can use to weave his own reality.
Never underestimate the power of gun.
To fight in the war, the fundamentals/gods/all that bullshit had to take physical form; when someone like Enigma dies, their physical bodies have become too damaged to service them, and they have to reform.
What the fuck does lore have to do with card game? Its like _the_ genre where lore is just nonexistant. Like MTG has zero lore and the card design is just random edgelords and the game is still great.
wasting resources they could be putting into dota2 or the 3rd entry into one of their main IPs
>Like MTG has zero lore
Do you even know a single thing about magic?
I unironically want Steam to go under at this point. I don't even care that I lose my 500+ licenses to games in the process. The few worthwhile ones I've played ad nauseum already anyways. Fucking Valve jews this is unbelievable
>a fan-written wiki is right
Alright, technically the fractures of the fundamentals that exist on this world were separated by Elder Titan, but the fundamentals also existed before the shapers within the fundamental plane.
You have to be fucking autistic to give a shit about lore in a _card_ game.
Because none of the current valve player base wanted a card game, especially based on a game the majority of them either plays it already or has no interest.
I really don't mind the game and a lot of people will probably give it a go but i ain't holding my breath, i also wanted the fucking pyro and heavy update but those will never come out apparently.
Zeus has the best lore
>keeps fucking woman even though hes married
>woman says to him to go and become mortal if he loves them so much
>he does it just because he can and will still fuck his wife after the battle
Because people has been acumulating resentment at Valve over the last decade and this announcement was the catalyst
>be wrong
>call others autistic
where does all this new games and information come from anyway? I feel like I might be missing out on some niche's game reveal. Where to get the FULL coverage of Gamescom?
Actually, they released some books that were so bad they competed with expanded universe star wars and the Dragonlace sequels. The make Dota lore look good.
The other guy is retarded, or worse, just pretending.
They didn't exist as individuals, they were just one huge force called great symmetry. It was elder titan who divided them.
this one was announced during the international (big money dota tournament) a week ago,
>"MTG has no lore"
>but you are wrong
>"Well there *IS* lore, but it's stupid and I don't like it
Very compelling argument
Artifact was announced during the International, the premiere Dota 2 tournament that takes place in early August.
You're probably missing out on some niche game that was revealed months ago, there's no fucking way to know every single game that's announced.
>getting your information from nomiecom
You'll better stick to reddit.
The shapers were also a part of the great symmetry at one point, so Elder Titan and the fundamentals both existed at the same time. I suppose that Elder Titan developed individuality before the fundamentals, though, but the fundamentals were holding existence together before the shapers were shaping worlds.